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a wild one

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  1. Embach liked a post in a topic by a wild one in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    her upcoming album feels like a redemption era, every track is so fucking good (excluding butterfly) it finally feels like a GOOD marina album

    cupids girl is a very great track, my only critique would be the chorus should have had some electric guitars of some sort
  2. Tasty liked a post in a topic by a wild one in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    her upcoming album feels like a redemption era, every track is so fucking good (excluding butterfly) it finally feels like a GOOD marina album

    cupids girl is a very great track, my only critique would be the chorus should have had some electric guitars of some sort
  3. Sinner Get Ready liked a post in a topic by a wild one in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    her upcoming album feels like a redemption era, every track is so fucking good (excluding butterfly) it finally feels like a GOOD marina album

    cupids girl is a very great track, my only critique would be the chorus should have had some electric guitars of some sort
  4. shay liked a post in a topic by a wild one in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    her upcoming album feels like a redemption era, every track is so fucking good (excluding butterfly) it finally feels like a GOOD marina album

    cupids girl is a very great track, my only critique would be the chorus should have had some electric guitars of some sort
  5. The Stargirl Pinky liked a post in a topic by a wild one in Lady Gaga   
    lady fucking gaga.
  6. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by a wild one in Lady Gaga   
    lady fucking gaga.
  7. Sinner Get Ready liked a post in a topic by a wild one in Lady Gaga   
    lady fucking gaga.
  8. DeadSeaOfMercury liked a post in a topic by a wild one in Lady Gaga   
    lady fucking gaga.
  9. a wild one liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Charli XCX   
  10. a wild one liked a post in a topic by charlisminion in Mercedes / Iris Gold   
    i just want to say i am ANGRY that her debut album under the name mercedes with the song “unsexified” never got released because it is quite litterally some of the best 2010’s synth pop i’ve heard in a LONGGG time. link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2Gfdj_D1JhE
  11. juiced froot liked a post in a topic by a wild one in Charli XCX   
    I have the vid, i can upload it asap!
  12. heatwaves liked a post in a topic by a wild one in Sky Ferreira   
    to the older sky fans in this thread: do any of you guys have the og myspace upload files of femme fatale, happy dre and great mistake?
  13. rockwellfckingnorman liked a post in a topic by a wild one in Ayesha Erotica   
    Not sure if anyone has corrected the general title of this song but its actually called "Shakeys" based on the pizza chain in america
  14. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by a wild one in Charli XCX   
    UNBAN SIS 2025!!!!
  15. AtomicMess liked a post in a topic by a wild one in Charli XCX   
    UNBAN SIS 2025!!!!
  16. Voignamir liked a post in a topic by a wild one in Charli XCX   
    UNBAN SIS 2025!!!!
  17. a wild one liked a post in a topic by Anonymcomenter in Melanie Martinez   
    I think she should just leave visuals to experts at this point… her music videos are getting worse and worse… amazing how well crafter the CB MV were in opposed to the Portals ones (with more budget) 
    When it comes to the music, I will say the unreleased stuff was much more interesting to me than the released. The rock vibe just isn’t for her in my opinion… it was cute on Function and Evil but I think she excels more with ambient / trap production! Some of the best songs in this era being Tunnel Vision, Garden, Dragons Blood, Void (demo), Contortionist and Needle & Thread 
    on the other hand, I don’t agree the CB persona is what went wrong with her… if done right, the concept could have been much more interesting and could go on for a couple more albums. The problem is her writting, her concepts get more and more uninspired and the lyrics are straight up cringe. An example of that is After School, she didn’t follow a character there yet it stays her worst effort to date for me 
  18. a wild one liked a post in a topic by Glitter Boy in Ava Max   
    No babes I love both of them  I hope we eventually get more outtakes from both albums, she has great hidden gems  
  19. a wild one liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in Sky Ferreira   
    When we joked 10 years ago about it coming out in 2025 
  20. heatwaves liked a post in a topic by a wild one in Charli XCX   
    speak on it its getting weird 
  21. heatwaves liked a post in a topic by a wild one in Charli XCX   
  22. heatwaves liked a post in a topic by a wild one in Charli XCX   
    Take this instead
    Black Roses (Demo w diff verses)
    Fixed link
  23. a wild one liked a post in a topic by vaux in Charli XCX   
    it’s not, it’s from an email AG sent to charli (about his idea for a potential tracklist)
    ‘Also for the track listing.. I thought this feels like a really exciting album - though some of the new tracks I didn't know about would have to be worked in.’
  24. a wild one liked a post in a topic by DaddyATRL in Charli XCX   
    Sorry for the confusion, I'm calling the spike reference mixes the final mixes because those are the best we will get (other than possible 320 or lossless files out there but I'm not sure they exist since the mixer usually used 192kbps to send the mixes)
  25. a wild one liked a post in a topic by DaddyATRL in Charli XCX   
    Oh wow, what a treat these 2 days have been. Thanks for everyone that leaked the final mixes and the photoshoot. All there is left is the droplet photoshoot, right?  
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