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  1. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by lola in Member of the Month (February): Poll!   
    wtf u can't pit colacunt & rebel against each other what did u ppl do. voted for colacunt this time, still <3 rebel
  2. Rebel liked a post in a topic by lola in Member of the Month (February): Poll!   
    wtf u can't pit colacunt & rebel against each other what did u ppl do. voted for colacunt this time, still <3 rebel
  3. lola liked a post in a topic by Aaron in The Pretty Reckless   
    I pre-ordered the cd and the vinyl!!
  4. ConeyIslandQueen262 liked a post in a topic by lola in The Pretty Reckless   
    uncensored #nsfw version of the cover:
  5. rways liked a post in a topic by lola in Create Lana's Coachella Setlist   
    If she does go on talk shows I want her to go on Craig Ferguson. He's like ultra-flirty and he's funny + he's Scottish so maybe she could talk about Barrie and her visiting Scotland. I really don't like Ellen and Conan but Alan Carr can be cool. And David Letterman would probably lust over her which would make her feel good.
  6. lola liked a post in a topic by slang in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I disliked it more in her earlier interviews, where she claims that criticism is driving her to drink or some kind of self destruction. That was the low point for me. This article actually lifts my spirits relative to those points, because I think she is recovering from that. 
    The rest is just a demonstration that people can read the same things with different perspectives. There is also some selective thoughts on EvilEntity's perspectives (given in French-like quotes).
    <<Bringing up the subject of being criticized as anti-feminist, bitching about it, then expressing complacent views on feminism and denying obvious inspiration by female icons>>
    The feminism issue was covered clearly, I think. She's in support of feminism, but not there, in her art, to support it. Her love-lorn songs are really typical of pop and to say that LDR means anything specifically anti-feminist by them is just "anti-her", because most everybody else is guilty of it. And "Ride" is just "her story", whether it be fiction or autobiographical. And songs like "push me down" or "making out" are not lifestyle recommendations but character studies. Liz Phair got it right in her "back-handed" support piece for LDR, which basically said LDR's expressing things of-interest-to-LDR and portraying herself in a persona of her choosing is defensible as "feminism". Maybe that's not exactly what Liz meant, but that's what I take her to mean (she didn't talk much about LDR's music, unfortunately). Here's the link:
    As for Female icons, I think she dyes her hair brown to be more like Norma Jean. I don't think she wants to promote her being the next Marilyn, although it's clear that she likes Marilyn, or Britney, or Nina Simone. I don't think she "emulates" any of them, but she likes them. Inspiration was not directly asked about, it was influence on LDR's (non-musical) style. 
    <<Denying she cares about her appearance when she certainly does>>
    What was implied to me was "that was then, this is now", or that her appearance is now uncomfortably an important feature of her professional life, but before her "breakout" she didn't take as much effort as she does now. What makes my assertion confusing (even to me) is that Lizzy Grant is (was?) still beautiful. She just wasn't a model or a superstar yet.
    <<Stating she has a degree in metaphysics even though Fordham does not offer a degree in metaphysics (and as Maru pointed out there is some doubt whether she even graduated at all)>>
    I believe she did graduate. I thought I remember seeing a sentence about "dropping out" removed from her wikipedia entry, because somebody actually went to the Fordham records and verified it, but when I looked at Wikipedia for discussion of it I couldn't find it.  BTW the degree would be in philosophy not metaphysics, but it's costumary for people to refer more specifically when describing what their degree is about. There is also a wikipedia page for notable Fordham Alumni, and she is listed in the entertainment section. 
    Did she just attend or fully graduate? Well what's the evidence that she didn't graduate? I too was perplexed by the recent article quote about dropping out, but figured it as a fact check error.
    <<Hurling accusations of media slander against her and her family about things she continues to lie about in the same breath>>
    I think it was more the personal and musical character assasination of media reviews that hurt her and the slander came from the blogosphere. Go back and read the NY times, LA times, and Rollingstone reviews of BTD and come to your own conclusion.  LDR underestimates her influence in changing people's opinion of "5-star-critic" music reviews. 
    <<Falsely claiming that she doesn't have money and that her family never had any money>>
    Yes, rehab and college take money, but I think her focus of denial was narrower.  It's always been about her daddy buying her career that she denies. He probably helped her buy back the rights to AKA and supported her as a father would. Also she may not have had money at all times,  because she dropped off the parental radar by her choice.
    <<Bitching about a lack of control of her image and how the media portrays her>> 
    I like the paragraph about her public vs. private disconnect, because it possibly says something about where she wanted to go in popular music or what she wanted herself to mean vis a vis popular music. This is still an unresolved question for me.
    "There is a disconnect, yeah. I spent the last ten years in community service and writing folk songs. I don’t give a fuck about what I look like. Saying I came from billions of dollars is crazy. We never had any money. I feel, as a person who grew up reading about and being inspired by other figures with integrity, to kind of be turned into the antithesis of that is not what I planned. It’s the way it’s going right now, but I deal with it as it comes."
    I like the allusion to Sirens (and Sirens-like songs). However, it's the last two sentences that interest me the most. It's hard not to see the "Lana Del Rey" persona as a foot-in-the-door technique to get popular, in a sense similar to Gaga, Adele, Perry, Kesha, and then to do something with her status. I don't consider this an authenticity rehash, as my thinking is that the persona was a tool to get noticed, but it's the quality of her work that got her famous. I'm hoping what she wanted to do with her status was bitch-slap the music business in the constructive sense of making it easier for diverse and retro kinds of music to become popular. Still words are vague. Is she talking about her public image at the crest of the negative hype wave, or her public image "right now" (as she appears to say). If it's her public image "right now", then there may have been something revealed, if that is the thing turning into the "antithesis" of what she planned. Crappy interviewer for not getting clarification or digging further.
    <<Judgmental and pretentious statements that other people don't care about music/poetry/art as much as her and Barrie in the same interview she says music isn't her primary focus a pervasive attitude of defensiveness and victim-playing throughout>>
    I'll recap part of that:
    "Interviewer: You don’t feel you have a group of people in music who you necessarily connect to—a scene, let’s say, or a group of peers? What you talk about publicly and in interviews—say, listening to the The Doors or Dylan—it all seems “normal”. But I think what you do is not normal, actually.
    Well, I thought so, too. I thought my tastes and likes were pretty normal, but then I met everyone and I was like, “These people don’t actually care about music and art. They want to be cool.” I never met anyone who cared about music as deeply as me and my boyfriend, or who really cared about poetry—who really lived it and breathed it. I haven’t met anyone so far. I just can’t affiliate with those people."
    In an earlier post, I speculated she was forgetful, but maybe she's focusing too much on specific baddies and a specific kind of badness in baddies (such as hearing "the Doors and Bob Dylan, who are they?" or "no longer relevant" an awful lot). Also should we interpret the answer as including Rick Nowels and Justin Parker (that would be really interesting, if so). But at the end of the day, I really don't know how she's interpreting the words "scene", "peers", and "met", "those people". I don't even know if she heard all the words in the question (e.g., peer?), or had a chance to review the interview before it went to press. The interviewer is again crappy for not clarifying what is going to seem inflammatory later.
    I understand why people are put off by this response, but at the same time I'm encouraged by it, because it should mean the next album will be "unpopular" in the sense of not trying to be popular but by following an artistic goal. I hope she continues to captivate people with her music, although apparently she's a "American Poet" now, so I'm guessing she means the lyrics are what's going to get better. But even if she doesn't captivate, at least the "integrity" she talks about, with regards to being an artist, is risking being unpopular. 
  7. lola liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    you shouldn't get so sad and/or upset -- the reason we are all here is because we feel connected to her in some way, and to some varying degree. there's a strong emotional investment in her. while i wouldn't say that she's a friend (because there is a difference between being a stalker and a psycho), i will say that i when i -do- have a (real, physical) friend, i put an emotional investment in that person. so if we hear (or read) something from that person that we disagree with, well, its ok to disagree. i fight with my friends every now and then. the worst or most dangerous kinds of relationships are the ones where you can't tell the other person to go fuck their own ass and die. constant harmony is not possible or recommended. but again, i'm a bit of a cynic
    just because you disagree with someone or your perspective on that person gets shifted in a different direction doesn't mean your feelings for them necessarily have to change. since she's still a celebrity, and really, more of a distant entity in our lives, we're probably even less likely to allow negative opinions to influence our overall feelings. because no matter what she says none of it really changes the music. and i'm pretty sure she's got some fans for life. but music isn't the only aspect i adore. i think i love her. like, really. capital letters, hand-signing, hue-changing L-O-V-E. so as a result, i'm gonna call her a bitch when she's being a bitch. but whatever, she can say or do what she wants to fucking say or do. i don't really care, but it doesn't mean i won't have an opinion about it. interviews will always offer another glance into her as a person (whether intentional or not). and i'm not gonna lie, i'm very interested in her as a person. everyone here is, no? 
    i don't think anyone here is making her out to be a horrible person. a child, maybe. but part of me thinks that no one ever really grows up, as a result of everyone still being controlled by their emotions (whether they realize it or not) ... anyway, she's just a fucking spaz NBD KK
  8. lola liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    Simply loving music and appreciating someone's "carefully crafted full albums" are different things. I was merely referring to intensely loving what(ever) you're listening to, regardless of the choice process or how much you know about it. What she said about "never having met bla bla bla" is misguided and frankly a bit dumb, but I don't find it any more pretentious than measuring one's love for music in terms of number of full albums they've listened to or the obscurity of the artists they like. For instance, I love wine; do I love it any less than a wine taster, even if I know much less about it?
  9. lola liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I'm not really angry about her stance on America because none of us can dictate how she should react to criticism. However, the attitude in this interview is very nearly reprehensible and I'm upset that it happened because lots of people now have one lengthy excuse and a platform to call her on her shit. This feels like an inner-fanbase SNL because there is a lot to criticize and not much in the way of redemption. I think her career is young and fame probably isn't a spectacular sensation for her because she never considered that anyone would dislike her. In fact, I'm almost positive that prior to her major success, she thought her bubble of a world was just fantastic and the way she lived was the only way for her. I think she'll definitely need some maturity, and I have the patience for that. I'm miffed at her but I'm not her to go all CAPITAL LETTERS DENOUNCE THE BITCH like a few people around here. Maybe someday she will see the error of her narrow perspective. Maybe someday she'll listen to full albums. And maybe she won't. I'm not from the school of "Lana Del Rey's decay, stawp reading interviews and just listen to music, if that". I thought this was one bad egg in a series of good (or at least average) interviews that's seeming to reflect on other things she's said in a particularly negative way. I'm interested in what some of you would consider this decline in quality.
    Fansites like this offer a dangerous magnifying glass on her actions. Perhaps for a while I did expect her to just have a basically likeable, if melancholy, attitude. But I think I can get over that and love her just the same. Could I say with confidence that an interviewer wouldn't catch me on a bad day, leaving a legion of people to project this all over other things I'd done or said in the past, and thereby harming my image? Probably not. This isn't a good attitude for Lana to have, but it's not something I'll be dedicating too much energy into being concerned or irritated over.
    Also, I don't think her next record will sound like Paradise. If she's rejecting her current lyrical themes, I think we could see a resurgence of old-fashioned Lizzy Grant, the amazing and clever lyricist we all cherish.
  10. lola liked a post in a topic by elllipsis in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I actually liked this interview.
    I think people are seriously overreacting when it comes to the feminism quote. She's basically saying it's not her goal to provide social commentary or promote this or that female role via her songs - and quite rightly so. Nowadays, people seem to want to turn everything into a deliberate message or "guide to live your life by"; in my opinion, that's idiotic and not necessarily an artist's intention. She says she sings about her experience - real or imagined, that's irrelevant - and what appeals to her. If people want to interpret that and turn it into a generalizing think piece, that's their problem. People seem eager to turn her into a role model when she clearly has no interest in doing so - she refuses to discuss all the "hot topics" at length and shows prudence and restraint in her responses, yet people are still getting mad at her for what she didn't say and overanalyzing the little she did say.
    Re: America. Well, I'm European, so my views on America and Obama are a bit different from those of most Americans, I'd imagine. I won't get into that since talking politics in discussion boards = fucking disaster. Suffice it to say that I'm actually quite happy she's not one of those "fuck yeah USA!!!" types. I love many things about America and I dislike others (which I think is pretty normal - the same thing applies to my own country!), but one thing that does not go over well with me is extreme patriotism / nationalism; I find it disturbing and dangerous. She actually seems quite moderate in her views and opinions, which is something I can respect.
    Other than that, she plays her usual game and says whatever fits her current persona / mood the best. Sometimes she's more Lana Del Rey, sometimes she's more Elizabeth Grant. I kinda like that.
  11. lola liked a post in a topic by technicolor in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    People have asked me if I have it as well, I took some internet tests that would confirm it, though the internet is not a doctor. I saw that video and there was a big resemblance in her mannerisms and mine. I wouldn't want to diagnose her with anything as I'm no doctor either, just an idea. Every now and then she says things that really resonate with me, or are quite different from other people's opinions.
    I agree with the poster who said she really wants to be loved and adored, that she's very used to being both so when people attacked her like they did it was too much for her to take. It's a little naive to assume everyone in the world would automatically love everything you do, I'm starting to think she was very sheltered as a child. She even talked about not having TV, perhaps her parents tried to keep her from the "big bad world" and protect her, though that backfired, as it usually tends to do. I do understand that she'd still be upset about the things people wrote about her because of how incredibly vicious it was, though I don't believe she's not touring the US because she's holding some sort of grudge. I don't remember any recent singer getting that kind of treatment, the "controversy" regerding her was so blown out of proportion and often completely untrue.
  12. lola liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    i agree; she shouldn't have to answer personal or grating questions. some of these questions in particular aren't even just grating -- they seem really transparent. like, "do you have opinions on healthcare reform, or . . .?" to me, that question in itself is out of scope, irrelevant, and judgmental / condescending in undertone (especially when paired with those fucking ellipses). this is an artist interview in 'electronic beats' magazine, not some 20-something cocktail party or a med school interview in the caribbean. like, to me, it seems as if she's trying to gauge her intelligence and/or expose her ignorance. can you imagine the interviewer asking florence welch that same exact question? kanye? beyonce? pretty much anyone else? i don't think so. but i also think i might be a tad bit cynical ... 
    lana probably doesn't know shit about politics. but she doesn't want or deserve to have that fact exposed to the world. it kind of seems like that question was a calculated one. there was no smooth or necessary segue between american imagery ---> obama ---> healthcare
    i think this is basically how the interview went now that i've had time to overlanalyze the absolute shit out of it --
  13. lola liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    this is why i think she's an INFP -- she gets really, really, really sensitive to everything in her environment because she's able to intuit / draw connections from really abstract or subtle details that eventually influence her mental and/or emotional state. i mean -- hanging up on a (phone) interview for no specific reason other than a 'feeling' is kind of ... dramatic. but maybe she just feels strongly? 
    "I think we should just end this because, I don't know. I feel like you don't really like it."
    so it could be something as simple as like, a micro-expression or an inflection in tone of voice, a shift in body language, etc. or its just another person's energy, or the energy in the room, in the atmosphere -- which can't really be defined in any logical way. ever walk into a room thats neither dark nor bright, but the way the light hits your surroundings, it just makes you feel weird? or like, when you hear a song, and see a color... you don't know why, it just happens. you can try to explain it away all fucking day but you'll never know the true reason why you see or feel what you see or feel. i think the same can be applied to any situation. the energy from this room makes me feel grey. the energy from this person makes me feel pink. of course that's really simplistic, but just as examples... because maybe that's what happens to her, on some level? like, this interviewer is giving me shit vibes, so i'm gonna react in this way because shit brown brings out my shit green. i'm high as fuck. i think she's really attuned to her surroundings, and this level of perception just causes her to spaz out every now and then. everyone knows that feeling of being overwhelmed. its like pulsating / buzzing / dizzying and then at a certain point, in certain situations, or with certain people, you just shut down and you're no longer yourself. or functional at all. i imagine that being in the neverending spotlight would cause your personality to seem fragmented for sure 
    if britney shaved her head and wielded an umbrella ... what is lana going to do? pls don't cobain urself bby
    *brb, symbolically killing myself*
  14. lola liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    maybe she was already a bit on the defense before the interview even started, given that (like she says), this is the first american publication that she's done in a while. and it was done with a woman (w/ no profile picture). i'm pretty sure her whole ~anti me theory is like 70% female related. and to be fair, the interviewer did come off a bit condescending / short with her at the beginning (IMO). not sure how this was conducted, but i'm assuming it was over the phone where intonation can still play an anxiety provoking role. if i asked someone a question and they responded with a 'no . . .' i'd feel like i was being stabbed with a condescending needle 
    'you think you're a gypsy' 
    'your music and your image often seem inseparable'
    'because there does seem to be a disconnect between your public image and . . .' 
    'do you have opinions on healthcare reform, or . . . yeah? lets hear them' 
    and so on. i mean, i can't decide if i think the interviewer is being callous or if i appreciate (both) the line of questioning and the way in which she asked. even if i don't particularly love this side of lana, it was still a strong and (somewhat) interesting reaction. it shows (yet) another side of her personality. i think when lana feels backed into a corner with a heavy-handed line of questioning, she feels the need to wave her dick around cause she knows its the biggest one in the room. oh i had ~millions of shows to book. most people aren't as interesting or ~deep as barrie and i
    as for having some kind of personality disorder (re: MBTI)? absolutely. and shades of many -- i'd say histrionic, narcissistic, and borderline for sure. so it must be hard for her; having people constantly trying to define her. trying to reconcile every facet of her being into one clearly defined... thing. these kinds of interviews are interesting for the reader since they're obviously (still) questioning her intellect, character, authenticity, etc... but for her, these kinds of questions must be extremely stressful. i empathize with her situation but i hope she reads this back and realizes that she comes off like an unlikeable bitch 
    still lmao that she mentions wanting to kill people. love her so much 
  15. Philomene liked a post in a topic by lola in Create Lana's Coachella Setlist   
    If she does go on talk shows I want her to go on Craig Ferguson. He's like ultra-flirty and he's funny + he's Scottish so maybe she could talk about Barrie and her visiting Scotland. I really don't like Ellen and Conan but Alan Carr can be cool. And David Letterman would probably lust over her which would make her feel good.
  16. Elle liked a post in a topic by lola in Create Lana's Coachella Setlist   
  17. fessle liked a post in a topic by lola in Create Lana's Coachella Setlist   
    I actually think it's a great closer and I love how the band plays it without her at the end and she takes photos and signs stuff for fans at the end.
  18. lmdr liked a post in a topic by lola in Create Lana's Coachella Setlist   
    She's just going to sing the same songs as on the Paradise tour so
    Cola Body Electric Blue Jeans Born to Die Carmen Blue Velvet Young & Beautiful American Without You Knockin' on Heaven's Door Ride Summertime Sadness Burning Desire Video Games National Anthem This is what she sang at the concert I went to. Idk how long Coachella sets are so maybe she'll do fewer songs.
  19. lola liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Trash Magic * SUPERULTRAVIOLENCE 10 YEAR EDITION   
    All this Young Like Me / Quiet Now hype led to me making this for Sirens, I like it   To match the cover I made

  20. phahad liked a post in a topic by lola in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    It's not cuts, she wrote "Life is Beautiful" on her wrist.

  21. lola liked a post in a topic by Rafael in Kylie Minogue   
    I like Kylie! Can we just take brief moment to appreciate "Slow" and "In Your Eyes"? "In Your Eyes" has this euphoric tune and I just love the uuuuOOOOOOuuuuOOOOH part of that song. "Slow" is like porn tbh, I wanna make love to it.
    And yes; the video for "Can't Get You Out Of My Head" is still iconic 
    Oh, and I also like her recent work! Well it may not be too recent now, but a while back ago iTunes had this 12 days of christmas giveaway where they basically gave away one song/movie/app for free for 24 hours a day. Anyway, one day they gave away the album EP that was titled "A Christmas Gift" and it contained the songs "Aphrodite", "Santa Baby" and "Can't Beat This Feeling". I enjoyed them all! 
  22. lola liked a post in a topic by StealingTheMoonlight in Ultraviolence - Pre-Release Thread   
    I always think it's crazy when people hope for songs that have been leaked and listened to thousands of times by hard-core fans to be re-released on Ultraviolence. Of course there is that maybe there and I would love to be proven wrong and have a song re-released but I think it's kinda unrealistic to be hoping for one. I think Yayo was a song that was very important to Lana for some reason and is why she had it uploaded on her Youtube channel and re-released on Paradise. Unless she has another song that she holds so near and dear to her heart, I don't think we'll be getting a re-released song on this album.
  23. lola liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Sky Ferreira   
    Producer of Everything is Embarrassing is pissed that Sky said the song wouldn't have had the same success without her or something. Although the way she talks about it, it just seems like he's touchy and not that she's discrediting him. And she was upset that he was pissed at her so this seems like damage control
  24. FirstSpider liked a post in a topic by lola in Sky Ferreira   
    Does anyone here know what the meaning behind 108 is? Like, I read it was about her being exploited and it was also inspired by a Swedish film and Laurie Anderson but what's 108?
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