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Everything posted by DinahLee

  1. tbh ever since Paradise her soundchecks are a mess and she literally rehearses stuff that ends up nowhere in the setlist nn Also unlikely she would soundcheck the full show at all, so let's just pray she saved some songs from NFR that she's already confident enough and no need to "soundcheck" then.
  2. I'd love if Lana took the "Pop approach" a little further and made the show with "sections". She could keep the dancers for some parts and focus on her for some others. At least for LA To The Moon it was almost like this but it was more like one song in one song out one song in... Praying for new Setlist and Boxscores to create a new thread like the one I did for LATTM
  3. DinahLee


  4. DinahLee


    I think i passed out over this. Genuine question but does she get the streams coin$ if it's not directly from her YouTube channel? I believe yes since it's copyrighted and all and it's probably YouTube that just sums up every video containing her music (or blocking it) to give the money but... unsure.
  5. DinahLee


    I'm legit excited to STREAM this like and give her the COINS because she DESERVES IT. And she's doing everything ON HER OWN so... it's mindblowing. Yes we stan .
  6. DinahLee


    Probably NZ will get it first. I don't think Slayyyter gave enough fucks to release it first in America nnn I'm super excited. ALBUM Mixtape of the year is coming
  7. Yeah he's pretty hot. Love everything he made for other people so far. Looking forward his record!!
  8. Norman fucking Rockwell - 22 (-1) Mariners Apartment Complex - 18 Venice Bitch - 28 Cinnamon Girl - 10 California - 28 The Greatest - 18 Bartender - 18 (+1)
  9. So the Vinyl MUST be White Neon-Glow-InThe-Dark Ugh reminds me of my beautiful Erotica vinyl
  10. Thank u so much darling! I'd tell you to edit and remove the link now, seems like they're not "having it" with snippets links being throw around and people have been banned. But thank you a lot!!
  11. Ah that's not bad. Tried to find something but honestly nothing showed up so at this point I'll just wait I guess. But nice there were no huge meltdowns from what I've seem. Apart from HTD lol.
  12. Curious about How To Disapear. Haven't listened to anything, was it some sort of illegal leak or some site just fucked up and put it earlier?
  13. Reading tracklists rearrangement for an album that's not even out is really peak for a monday night
  14. This is really beautiful, just as I meantioned on Norman Fucking Rockwell thread, it would be really nice if she release as a charity single and all the funds going for institutions agaisn't guns\helping the families from these tragedies.
  15. It would be loveable if she release America as a Stand-Alone Charity Single and get the funds to some institutions or the families from the recent tragedies. Truly beautiful song.
  16. I'm fucking screaming with the thread and it reminded me that I still sing Summertime Sadness... "[...]Oh, My God, I'm feeling in the air Telephone wires above are sizzling like a Snare Honey Oh I'M FAT, I feel it everywhere[...]" and in my head she said FAT as like... Tired of everything. Full of everything. Fat.
  17. Everytime I remember stanning this bitch back when Paradise Boxset was on pre-Order and it was like R$100,00 and I SKIPPED and now this FUCKING BOXSET IS BEING SOLD FOR FUCKING R$500(REAIS) .......... I hate myself so fucking much. Same for Ultraviolence but I wasn't so into it back then. Ugh.
  18. Not sure about the first part but that the cover really fits the clunky-mess the song really is... right. Also I'm just sure it will make no sense but Hope reminds me so much of Taylor's "New Years Day". It's the piano thing idk it's like the pre-chorus of taylor's song\intro
  19. Do Y'all remember how we got Lust For Life tracklist from some random webstore and she didn't even announce it herself..... we're far from the shallow now. Little throwback but I remember Amazon was the one to leak the first Joanne snippets we've got back then. But I don't think these websites have the files for now, probably getting by the time we have a new single and they'll just keep it in database.
  20. It's just it would be nice to keep her string of #1 after Lust For Life (that was a battle rip) but Honeymoon already broke it before as well so... and for sure #2 is amazing. It's nice the way she's doing no promo at all and the album will manage to sell it's first week.
  21. Just realized this album will debut on Taylor Swift's second week of sales. Well it's over.
  22. There are some controversies over this subject. Digital files can be better if they're like "WAV" "FLAC" and formats that aren't compressed like MP3. These "WAV" "FLAC" aka lossless files make everything sound "deeper" and clearer, that's also why they're heavier. Vinyl pressing also made it's way into a more contemporany technology, and the files pressed on the discs are usually lossless direct from studio with a special mastering\mixing process to make sure everything's better and more balanced. But the truth after all is that if you don't own good equipament (Headphones for digital or a nice record-player) it's just all the same shit nnn. I love vinyls for the aesthetic and all, but my player is a really simple one so I can't really say "Ohhh so much better" but still.
  23. Honestly the way Blue was SUCH a random choice with the cover but well... "Baby Blue" "Color Blue (WILD ONE)" "Blue Jeans" "You turn my mood from black to blue" "Pawn Shop Blues" "Tired Of Singing the Blues" "Out of the black into the blue" "Blue ribbons on Ice" "To red blue yellow skies" "I like the ivy and ink blue" ..... and some others, I really wouldn't find it surprising that Blue was Lana's choice nn. I'm not a huge fan of green but I think it really matches perfectly with the album cover and her windbreaker. (+Ultraviolence Urban's exclusive was already translucid blue I believe so it's nice to have variants)
  24. Forgot how these trailers are always fucking amazing and better than the music videos at all Hopefully we'll have the double video + Happiness Is a Butterfly Also, since Rich Lee is confirmed, maybe not only the Double Video but the original BAR video can show up too? I mean yeah she used the footage but she also frankeinsteined Ultraviolence into Freak+Music To Watch Boys To with these pool scenes so....
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