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Everything posted by DinahLee

  1. God we were close screams
  2. omg just realized from "Is This Happiness" to "Happiness is a Butterfly" @@lanadelrey 2018 Is the year of realizing things
  3. Happiness is a Pre-Pre-Release thread
  4. Come tru Lust For Life Expanded
  5. This is Bartender with the "shake it up" and "Champagne" lyrics, bookmark me n
  6. I'm almost sure she sang something like this before White Mustang at Lolla Br, maybe someone can re-watch and get the right lyrics? I was shook because I remember trying to know what song it really was but realized it was for White Mustang but at same time I thought it could have been like that since the start of the tour?
  7. DinahLee


    eXes: "I WANT ALLIE TO GO BACK TO CLX I ERA MORE EXPERIMENTAL DARK STUFF BRING THE X BACK #FEELINGX" Allie: https://twitter.com/alliex/status/979460834773651456 Ha Baby One More Time is coming, Collxtions who?
  8. DinahLee


    and Vintage Stems and tsu just hurry sis Ugh IKR it gives me some tease that it's way better than both relesed versions
  9. DinahLee


    I still want this can we get this before CLXIII leak season starts?
  10. I think it might be better quality tho? Didn't really care about it anyway so I can't remember the original lol
  11. Scab & Plaster vs Power & Control which song gets more demo leaks also her voice sound so much like "The Other Girls" vocals omg wonder if they were all like "home recorded" over some pre made beat
  12. I think it depends on what she's on about the album. Froot really happened...quick? Like I don't think we really expected it when it happened?? Electra Heart on the other hand was quite a long time even after the promo began with Fear & Loathing in AUGUST 2011... I always forget about this being the first part of the whole thing screams
  13. I like the "YOOOOOOU" drowned in reverb and it really gave me IDGAF tease for these small seconds cut all together but I don't really like this type of tease. I mean snippets ok but cut snippets reminds me of Brooklyn nights leak which I waited without sleep and the song was trash
  14. So I was there last night and I'm still kinda not over it and quite not sure If I'm alive, dead, went to heaven hell or whatever. The full experience: I arrived pretty "late" at the festival but pretty early for Lana (she wouldn't go on stage before 7:25, I arrived around 4:00 but the gates were open since 11:00 am). I was kinda expecting to arrive at her stage and catch it packed and fullfiled and propably watch it from far but when I walked into it I was shook that it wasn't that packed yet lol. Saw part of another concert at another stage and decided to move before Khalid (he was the on before Lana). Easily walked into the crowd but if u guys want an idea, it was possible to get barricade by the side of the stage. Not exactly infront of the stage, but from the big-side-screens and it was a really nice view for the full stage, but my Brother decided it would be better to go "center" and then we walked into the storm. At first it was Ok, when Khalid began his set it was all really peaceful and people were enjoying. He's actually good, really enjoyed the set. The nightmare was right after his show ended and people started to come out of nowhere trying to get into front and they just started to try to fit in. I think I was already standing for like 2 hours once it was over and there was still 1 hour and 30 minutes til lana hit the stage + her full set. Sun was coming down but it was pretty hot (+ people squeezing etc) so it just felt like hell at first. I was trying to keep calm otherwise imagined myself just fainting at the moment she hit the stage. When it was 7:25 everyone started to chant "LANA LANA" and they were playing some 50's inspired songs so every new song played I scream because I couldn't remember the actual song from "Experiment in terror intro" LMAO. When the screen actually lit and the video started to play I was shaking so hard and hyperventilating and trying to keep it cool and then... she walked in. I swear it was just... I really didn't cry at all during the show but I won't lie that some tears came tru and that was one of the moments where it happened. She was there, gorgeous, waving and I just looked around for a moment where I didn't really feel that it just a lot of people but it felt more like a really big mass hysteria because of that woman right infront of us. I saw people breaking down in tears and some other people jumping like they were playing heavy dance pop songs and all that energy it just felt really strong and I think part of my tears were of this feeling cuz I knew that many other people there were, just like me, waiting for years to finally do this and it was happening at that right moment. At first I thought she was a bit off, I don't know exactly why but she felt just a bit...odd. 13 Beaches was amazing, Cherry was amazing (I love the dancers so much for real I think they're the greatest thing she could ever think about on the set), I remember feeling also happy she decided to do Pretty When You Cry since that was not part of the other Lolla sets and that was just the first surprise that happened through the setlist. White Mustang intro I THOUGHT IT WAS A NEW SONG WENT NUTZ FOR A MINUTE TIL IT I FINALLY REALIZED LOL. I think the crowd really did THAT cuz they sang along all the songs and I really thought it would be mainly people doing BTD and Paradise (well, if u guys think it wasn't good that people chose "Serial Killer" lemme tell you that people on the back were chating for COLA and DARK PARADISE lmfao. She probably couldn't hear a thing and just went by that because it was too many screams at same time). Born To Die was beautiful, how she went downstairs and met many fans and kissed and etc (One of my friends touched her, I felt a bit upset thinking I should have gone barricade infront of the screen since she walked really next to it, but maybe next time). Blue Jeans live is AMAZING, I'm really bored of the studio version but it sounded so fresh live. National Anthem was suuuper cool and I just missed some choreo during the song hhahahahahaha. I think her voice got some filter on and it sounded odd but in a good way, and everyone sang along and it really felt like a highlight. I've heard people dissing the song etc but maybe it's brazilian energy for the "uptempo" songs. On the other hand I would say that I expected just a bit more for Lust For Life, not sure, it was good but just felt like missing something. For one second I thought she should maybe perform the solo demo before The Weeknd jumped into it, would make the fans crazy lol. ANOTHER ONE THAT JUST SH*T WENT DOWN: HIGH BY THE BEACH. I swear people really sang the full thing and everyone was just vibing and I was like flexing my head maybe it was because of all the weed that started to lit around ugh but really. 2nd teary-eyed moment I guess it was the "Change-Young&Beautiful-ride" medley in Lana's words hahahahaha. I really crackled the way she said Ride and not Black Beauty like..... idk if she was trying to ignore it?? lmao. Anyway, yes. I think Young & Beautiful really hit me, always loved the lyrics and it's just so beautiful and hearing "Will You Still Love me When I'm no longer Young & Beautiful..." with the night just in and looking up... #emotional. After the Medley I remember that she went with Ultraviolence which felt like surprise n.2 and then Get Free and YAYO AND I WAS JUST "YAAAAAAAS GIVE US MORE YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS" and then she just went "Oh we running out of time" and was like "NOOOOOOOOOO BITCH NOOOOOOOOOOOOO KEEP SINGING". I really wanted her to do Summertime Sadness + Off To The Races but reading everyone diss OTTR I just... maybe ok it didn't happen lol. Yayo was... it really felt like her moment. Just her, the guitar... even the crowd was like in this religious experience and went quiet and singing really calm under her lead. Get Free moment was magical, the "I can sing my song everytime I want", the "OUT OF THE BLACK \ INTO THE BLUE", "For whitney and Amy"... again, tears. And then I almost forgot to mention: RIDE. The "I'm not fucking crazy anymore"... that was the moment I realized she's, really, on her "LUST FOR LIFE". Idk how to even explain but you could hear it in her voice you could feel it, it was honest and it was just like she dropped a ton out of her back while singing that on a stage with at least over 30k people watching her + national television streaming. She's Free. Ok. I cried. So this is quite long but this is it. I just really saw a dream come true saw my 3 faves Gaga Lana Marina god bless them. And I hope this will be the first of many other times.
  15. I wanna know the setlist, I kinda expected Florida Kilos for some reason but PWYC ugh this btch edit: found it
  16. That's so amazing, always thought it was random because it was polished enough to be a track while the other "demos" (from actual songs on the record) sound really raw next to the final products etc. I loooove them so much. Can't wait for the next Bible
  17. But this is also awkward because it's very likely she loves Black Beauty & Florida Kilos. Deluxe versions are not really different from then giving rights to certains stores release ur albuns in limited vinyl\coloured stuff\expensive boxsets etc which she seems to be totally ok with. I think Lana mentioned being "cool" with interscope and tbh I think they have some... really nice relationship or otherwise they would have dropped eachother already. I mean it's pointless for the label to have an artist that won't promote the songs\album in general and just release them out of nowhere, and even thought lana is "BIG" she's just not a million seller. she's really like "I don't bother just drop the songs and let them be heard when ready" and that's it, no big ambition over her music etc
  18. Remain Nameless is just groundbreaking. I love how heavy it goes in such a different way. Feels a bit more "electronic" than the rest of the songs and it's just a standout (I just love all the songs from Ceremonials. The deluxe songs alone are enough to be a full EP for me). Strangeness & Charm was a top5 for so long for me... Also messy question but, is there a reason why "Landscape" is called a demo? I mean, Which Witch was something for another project\another concept etc but I never found any explanation about Landscape.
  19. A few days late but if it makes u feel better is not like UV was the most exciting thing to stan back when we just had no idea of release date and like... At least when she said "SOON" it was really SOON with Shades Of Cool being released hours later after the tweet with "SOON" lmfao. Each era after Paradise has been pretty much the same. Lead Single coming out almost out of nowhere, 1-2 music videos by the time the album is released (WC\SOC -HBTB\MTWBT - LOVE\LFL) and then 1 another after the album (Ultraviolence - FREAK - White Mustang), mentioning music videos that probably will never happen (this one since Cola)... and Cancelled stuff like performances photoshoots concerts and whatever. I wish they would actually change things up a little by the next release and my actual POPULAR OPINION I guess would be if she dropped a Visual Record or something like that. Even if it's short album. Could be like 10 songs + Music Videos... would be pretty much amazing, coming from Lana. (BTD+Paradise got us 10 music videos if we cont every song on Tropico as a standalone. Never realized that but yeah. Video Games - Blue Jeans - Carmen - Born To Die - National Anthem - Summertime Sadness - Ride - Body Electric - Gods & Monsters - Bel Air. Lana mentioned wanting to do a video for Without You, Dark Paradise & Cola. That would have been 13...
  20. Yes but since I'm a EH-Defender let's say NO.
  21. https://twitter.com/ultrasubversive/status/968965872294375424 "girly paid $450 for the keyboard in Super Human and State Of Dreaming" If this song was made together with State Of Dreaming and the later made the cut, probably it's really weak. Probably also will never hear any of them but All Is Forgiven > Superhuman
  22. Sound like a Lullaby. Pretty I would say. Ughh miss her a lot sometimes, spent yesterday reading about old demos
  23. New Boxscore (Nashville) added! also total grossing so far: $4.666.209
  24. I scream at the slandering over her lyrics. The "Yellow sun" reminds me of the opening line from God knows I tried. However, I don't think it's a mistake she changed the lyrics to the beautiful ones we got on the song. The song might be awkward but the lyrics are still nice. "My heart is soft, my past is rough" PLUS so awkward she would change the full song meaning lyrics but lel
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