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Everything posted by daphnedinkley

  1. I am on my knees please tell me she's not trying to connect her current situation to the Capitol riots I may be wrong and just be hung up on the use of the word "incite" but PLEASE
  2. im invoicing you for all this T you spilled all over my macbook screen!!! you're so right!!!!
  3. no self awareness just vibes
  4. very very this!! i think its been clear for a while that she surrounds herself with 'yes men', likely because she's hardheaded and can't handle criticism (again not to be an astrology hoe but im shocked her only personal Taurus placement is her Venus sign lol) its sad, because i really want her to do better but she just won't accept that she can be wrong
  5. ughhhh this. the irony of her talking about trump's delusions of grandeur but........
  6. I dont think she's evil, I dont think she's a bad person, I dont think she's necessarily any of that. must be tough being a celeb and seeing headlines about yourself that you feel are painting a false picture BUT why does she not see why the words that she herself said can paint a particular picture of her? why, instead of lashing out in anger and these delusional statements ("you're jealous"), can't she say "sorry for my bad wording yesterday guys, let me clarify - what i meant was [insert explanation here]"? why can't she acknowledge that her comments have insulted a number of marginalised people? you guys know what i mean? like i said yesterday - a little sensitivity and tact can really go a long way
  8. its deeply unfortunate but.... i really think you might be onto something here i love lana but her obsession with being an underdog and dare i say victim is just really showing and not to be an astrology hoe but this is quite a cancer trait - combined with her leo moon (giving her a flair for the dramatic and a genuine need for attention) i suppose its not all that surprising she jumps to her own defence so quickly
  9. "im actually not tone deaf" lana.... honey..... tone deaf people....... dont know that they're tone deaf......... hence the operative word "deaf"................
  10. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    Cherry vs Fucked My Way Up To The Top
  11. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    West Coast vs Cruel World
  12. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    West Coast vs The Greatest
  13. he had Kanye on tho right? I think he's attracted to controversial figures overall tbh (never listened to his podcast tho so idk!)
  14. daphnedinkley

    Azealia Banks

    Azealia's family when she re-buries then digs up her dead cat again:
  15. daphnedinkley

    Azealia Banks

    im a literal witch with rituals that some people might deem unusual but that's a little much even for me - you cannot put things like that on social media.
  16. she's..... getting her chimney fixed..... which is..... nice????
  17. daphnedinkley

    Song vs. Song

    West Coast vs National Anthem (Nexus demo)
  18. where is the signed stuff ms Del Rey i dont wanna buy anything else until she releases it! im poor!
  19. Came here to pretty much post what the previous poster said! I think Lana really needs a long break. There's a few reasons for this, but one of them is that I think it could really help Lana regain her sense of mystery and enigma. I'm not one of those people who longs for the days when Lana was a total mystery, but to be frank I do think she's showed her ass with her recent comments and some time away could help the dust settle and make the public - and us - finally wonder about her once again. I think both diehard fans and casual observers feel like they've got her all figured out. Particularly the general public - they now just think she's a republican Trump-loving Karen (we know that's not true, but yeah). Her public image is in tatters and her image to fans is confusing too, but not in a good ~I can't figure her out!!~ kinda way - more in a "I knew this was coming but whyyyyyy lana why" kinda way every time she opens her mouth and says something embarrassing. It's getting tiring for everybody, I think, to only ever see Lana in the headlines for bad stuff. I think it'd be good for us as an audience, too, to not know exactly what she's writing about in her music all the time, kinda like how we speculate (check out the LANALYSIS thread!) about a lot of older songs and try to connect them to people we dont really know and life events we're not even fully sure happened. Her relationships recently have been fairly public (especially the cop) and we seem to know a whole lot about what's happening in her life so its quite obvious what she's writing about usually. Time away from the spotlight and having a longer period of time to write music will add some mystique to her work again and we can have fun analysing it like the we do with her pre-UV work!
  20. very this!! especially the part about the friends. my best friend and i used to have drunken lana nights where we'd get wasted and listen to all her music. im white and my bestie is black, and during QFTC she was already kinda side-eyeing lana really hard.... now, i know she's gonna be SUPER turned off from her just like im becoming its even worse. so it seems drunken lana nights will be no more which im sad about! but there's no way im gonna sit there and encourage my bestie to listen to a woman who's THIS wrapped up in her white privilege that she continually makes ignorant comments.
  21. I do get what you're saying, for sure! But Jay-Z worded this point way better. Unfortunately Lana dug one hell of a hole with her wording This raises a point - I think Lana would be so much better suited to a podcast format than an interview format if she wants to discuss these kinda big topics. The time constraints of a short radio interview just gives no breathing room honestly, and while I'm unhappy with what she said I like to believe she - somewhere in that mad unusual colourful brain of hers - had something she was trying to say, but maybe couldn't get out. idkkkkkk either way I think a podcast format would suit her better these days! I agree with what you're saying, but at the same time - the vast majority of the time she is the one that brings up these things. I mean every time she brought up the racism thing Annie Mac tried swiftly steering away from it but Lana just kept bringing it up. And these hot takes she kept trying to put out there.... maaaaaaan. She keeps shooting herself in the foot honestly. Nobody is looking to her to be some amazingly well informed political speaker so that's why personally I would way way way rather she just kinda left it alone. As Tiffany would say, "you shoulda just sat there and ate your food" </3
  22. veryyyyy this!! she is a grown 35 y/o woman - she shouldn't require an army of fans to decode and un-twist her words on her behalf. she needs to think more! more thinking, MUCH more listening, and occasionally... less talking PLEASE LANA
  23. normalise saying "im not really sure how to word my point right now given the time constraints or the restrictions of my on-the-spot articulation abilities" so that people like lana don't show their asses like this constantly ? what i think lana might have been trying to say: "Climate change is a really big issue, just like capitalism - but having Trump in office really brought to the forefront of the public consciousness the ways that narcissism and sociopathy allow these issues to continue and develop. We should pay attention to the ills of climate change and the effects of a capitalistic society, but when we are giving massive amounts of power to individuals we should also inspect those individuals for displays of narcissism and sociopathy - how can we expect someone to heal communities or an entire country if they are narcissists that only think of themselves, or sociopaths that have no remorse for their actions?" what lana came across as saying to someone who is not a fan: "As a privileged rich white woman who has shown time and time again that she is ignorant and certainly that she cannot take constructive criticism - hence the fact that I spent half of this interview trying to prove how totally not racist I am - I am dismissing the issue of climate change and pinning the terrifyingly catastrophic state of the world on some abstract strain of ~narcissism~ because I care more about making a fake deep point and providing an enticing pseudo-philiosphical headline and soundbite than being responsible with my platform. This will likely cause uproar and I know it. I do not care to find out why this will upset people." what i think lana might have been trying to say, part two: "The madness of Trump really emboldened a lot of very bad people. As bad as his presidency was, the one thing we can take away from it is that it exposed a lot of people for who they really are - some famous people, some acquaintances, some people we may even have been close to. Having Trump in office made these people feel free to be as racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic and xenophobic as they wanted to be, because he did the same. This isn't good, but it proves that we still have a very long way to go and a very hard battle to fight. I'm glad we had more of a spotlight on social justice, but it's a shame it came around because of someone as evil as Trump taking office." what lana came across as saying to someone who is not a fan, part two: "Trump's presidency was terrible. He is responsible for thousands of deaths - some due to his poor handling of COVID, some due to hate crimes that he emboldened his followers and supporters to carry out, some due to police brutality that he did absolutely nothing to tackle and in many cases encouraged, some due to the absolute poverty many Americans are living in, some due to stress-related organ failures as many American citizens work themselves quite literally to death. He is a fascist. He is an alleged rapist. He is awful. He has inspired hatred in thousands, if not millions, of Americans. However, literally none of this will ever affect me as I live in my bubble of LA millionaire privilege. Because of this, I will say that his presidency 'had to happen'. How else would my rich valley girl eyes have been opened if not for a literal fascist becoming President leading to the deaths of thousands of people? It means nothing to me that marginalised people have been living this reality since before he even ran for President. Thank goodness he came into power so that I and my matcha tea IG baddie friends could learn just a little bit about the real world. Yep, it totally had to happen!!! " Now, let me be very very clear - I'm not saying this is entirely how her words came across to me. I'm just trying to put across extreme examples of how her words might seem to people that don't know her better - especially given the current social climate, where things are so hard for everybody and Trump has a hell of a lot to answer for. It is extremely fair for people to be mad over what she said, whether they are fans, non-fans, members of the general public, or even haters tbh. Lana is an extremely privileged woman who has had the luxury of ignorance (something she's displayed a lot of recently) while people are really really suffering. People are angry and are turning on the idea of celebrities in general tbh - so naturally many people are going to react to the absolutely ignorant words of a millionaire white lady with some level of hostility because people are going through hell, and hearing the words "it had to happen" regarding Trump's presidency - something that has destroyed the lives of a ridiculous number of people, as well as enabled hate crime and violence in the streets and in the Capitol - is going to trigger something in a lot of people. Nobody has to be perfect. Hell, I don't think anyone can be! But there is a lot to be said for sensitivity and solidarity. No matter how deep and profound your potentially-controversial thought might be in your brain, if you're someone in Lana's position and you're on a huge platform on live radio with thousands listening and you can't word it without it coming across as insulting to the average working class person while on the spot..... maybe save it for when you can really articulate it and give it the nuance it deserves. That way, you're less likely to hurt people and more likely to be understood and potentially put a really necessary perspective out there! Who knows. Also, about that "out of context" headline - the context really doesn't make it much better. Please don't harass the writer of the article. She said those words, they didn't lie about her. Clickbait is a given in journalism now sadly. Context or no context, people are gonna be furious with what Lana said. The headline isn't a good look but again, it's a direct quote from her so... yknow.
  24. the most comfortable lana has ever been in an interview and the most uncomfortable i have ever been as a listener .......
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