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About Cuntrol

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  • Gender
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  • Pronouns
    Slut, whore, cunt, anything degregating.
  • Fan Since
    The night I watched through the blinds when your parents conceived you. It was beautiful.

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  1. Cuntrol


    I mean if anyone would know her true intentions, it would be her brother/sound engineer...
  2. Cuntrol

    Charli XCX

    MA'AM. That is a CHILD. 😭🤢 Looooool, nice joke. Pop 2 supremacy heaux (I'm aware this is literally the singular place on the internet that disagrees 🤣🫦)
  3. Cuntrol

    Charli XCX

    So, just to be clear, that "Italy" song those Twitter twinks were talking about is Everything is romantic, right? Probably a stupid question, but I'm stupid
  4. Cuntrol


    I wish she did fewer singles/EPs and more albums 😭. So talented but girl, your release system is insane
  5. Cuntrol

    Charli XCX

    As a mentally ill person who often has become hateful to old friends over the most basic misinterpretations... The Girl remix with Lorde literally makes me tear up. Every time. While dancing. I swear to fucking god if this doesn't get the Best Remix Grammy... I can't even see how it couldn't though tbh. (Unless it's some BBL Drizzy BS that wins, I could see that, ugh.) But there is no fucking way this is going to be topped, even if there's a remix album (well, I mean, this would be on it ofc) Btw I kind of appreciate ITAIATT I tiny bit more now the more I listen to the album. No longer a skip. So yeah, no-skip album. She for sure deserves to be top 16 reviewed albums of all time in any genre. That said, justice for HIFN lol. Still, I wonder what brat would rank at if instead of the two downer tracks, if she instead used Guess or Make U Mine instead... Be honest, it would for sure be even higher...
  6. Cuntrol

    Ayesha Erotica

    Thank gawd. Idk why I can't heart posts but yeah, same to the ones between this and now too
  7. Cuntrol

    Charli XCX

    True Romance, then Vroom Vroom onward. Then go back for Doing It and Need Ur Luv on Sucker lol
  8. Cuntrol

    Ayesha Erotica

    I hope she didn't relapse or whatever because where is the album/she was on a roll with releases 🥹 Also thank god @ above post. Also nvm that explains why... Wish her well and to not be broken up about that enabler, get a hot sugar daddy sis
  9. Cuntrol

    Charli XCX

    Releasing the deluxe days after the actual album... Her mind 😭🥰 Edit: omg and the title 🫠
  10. Cuntrol

    Charli XCX

    Weird, I quoted the above comment... 🫦 I can't, brat is dropping. (Also whooooops, is my BPD showing again? 💃 also I liked your comment because I can tell you have a kind soul) love y'all, leak something dead 💕
  11. Cuntrol

    Ethel Cain

    Y'all need to follow her TT, so funny. She's so goddamn mother
  12. Cuntrol

    Charli XCX

    Exactly... But like, song about your biological clock in a self-described club album? Girl. (girl GIRL, girl) That was the other song that seemed so out of place on the album, lol. Both of them sound just as ratchet and demo-y as they did when they leaked as like 3.00MB demos. 💀 They both also are garbage, frankly, compared to every other track on brat. Again, idk why y'all acted/act like they weren't ever not awful (especially ITAIATT, her voice is not it too on that...) JUSTICE FOR MAKE U MINE also spring breakers exists. And she's teased lately. Ughhh honestly I'm obsessed with the rest of the album, just, I fucking hate those two songs (much less so for Girl, tho). They're so lazy, boring, and ugly. Just like me 🥵 WAIT, also this album played after the recent Thy Slaughter album is soooo incredible 😭😭😭. Trust Also, whoever said E.i.r is like twigs' Pamplemousse, OMFG. YES. Everything is for SURE one of my fave tracks. Maybe So I, it's up there. (Also CRIMINALLY underrated, how the fuck aren't y'all having that masterpiece in your lists, yuck)
  13. Cuntrol

    Charli XCX

    She was literally on crack to include such a shitty track on this, not sorry. it literally sounds like a decade+ old soundcloud demo and frankly in aad that got released, age Taxi, Spring Breakers, Communication , CTMP.. But it's still a great record *Masterpiece, yeah.
  14. Cuntrol

    Charli XCX

    So this is basically the only forum anywhere that I'd say is 'panning' this album, gee golly gosh, what a non-shocker lol. I played the 192 or w/e on some sick ass surround and even on it was absolutely amazing, I cannot wait for the 320/flac 😱. best album, no. Incredible, absolutely (I won't say which two are the most weird, out of place, trash tracks because it's the two y'all act like they aren't lmao)... You can't reason with Sucker white washers. but this album is being applauded everywhere that isn't LB, so get your shit together. and no, you aren't underground or brave for being haters vs literally every other music forum and shit 💀 (Jk I will, Girl and ITAIATT are fucking weird for this album, both. less so girl, barely) Literally what the actual fuck was she thinking having ITAIATT on this vs Make U Mine. Ewwww. it sounds just as fucking shitty/like a literal demo as it always did. Also why did y'all ever think such a sad and desperate track should get released, LET ALONE be on this "club album" So I is actually beautiful, this is awful and always was, not sorry. Call me a popper sniffing twink for disagreeing, y'all literally have no original retorts except calling detractors twinks (aka f*gs), (even though this sub is the only real detractors rn in general, lmfao) Edit: Also all you bitches who said I need to get institutionalized last comment, biiiitch, I can be insane one day and also correct another 💅 (no but you were also right tbh. Legally? Bitch not unless Olivia Benson arresting my ass, try it. Please do) Also also I can't remember who likened Emotion to Pamplemousse, fucking GENIUS music ref-ing. God damn, yes, so much. But way cuntiest tbh, and my only share for it is that hard ass lyrics intro doesn't repeat again. Ughhhh why 😭
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