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Everything posted by NikoGo

  1. Well since she’s officially announced the album and the alleged first single, yeah I believe them
  2. So I haven’t seen it discussed yet but is that a new picture? It looks new to me but I know she’s been kind of reusing pics lately (RCS announcement was her ‘makeup for hiking’ photo in color) and if it is a new picture are we thinking it’s a random selfie she took or do we think it’s going to premiere with a video? (Either homemade or professional) I’ve seen comments about how she hadn’t tagged a producer or anything yet, but she usually edits her posts a little after posting to include details (producer, who shot the video, etc)
  3. it 100% could have been. It’s a shame it’s one of the shortest songs on the album because I feel like there’s so many places it could have gone then again, maybe the length really helped it shine its been over a month and TJF still rocks me like it did when we got the snippet last year
  4. If we’re going with WD being released the 26th there would have only been roughly 20 days between the first post and the single being dropped sooo it could drop the 30th, and that’d be a 20 day wait if it’s coming relatively soon I can see her posting again this coming week! I keep using Honeymoon as my basis for RCS album rollout because they seem the most similar (HM was made rather quickly after UV and released near perfectly) HBTB to HM was a month and a half so if the June date sticks I can see a single (and maybe a preorder?) either the 23rd, 30th or first week or so of May
  5. I feel like we could adjust this since (supposedly) the single was supposed to come out in February I really think the single could be out around the middle of this month
  6. I step away from my phone for one night and Lana announces a whole new..something! I’d prefer a single, and with the format being the same as WD I think it’s possible it’s a single but even if it’s a poem I’m excited for that because I’ve been waiting for BTIG news! I love how when she posts something like this (and WD) she never gives a date or anything and I’m not holding my breath waiting for it to come out, she teased white dress for almost (over?) a month before it actually came out
  7. NikoGo

    Taylor Swift

    She really kept the songs almost exactly the same! Some vocal takes sound more mature and flow a lot better, but most of the time it’s very easy to forget these are recently recorded
  8. In the end it’s pretty clear this ad thing is going to be an excuse for some members to leave. Ironically, the members who have been complaining about Lana for the past year are the ones who are talking about leaving now, and it’s really sad. The way this whole conversation is going is sad too. I’ve never felt the site is unfair and it’s sad some people think it is. I support what’s best for the site and if we need an extra ad pop up or donation/supporter/ad free payments to help the site that’s okay with me.
  9. “kill the culture of the site” The dramatics. First off, how she spends her hard earned money is none of our concern. second off, I’m sure the money she spent on whatever she wants (magazines, merch, as seen on Lana) is worth A LOT more than debt from having to run the site this conversation is disgusting and absolutely unnecessary. She isn’t asking for a cent (she’s simply suggesting options), she isnt going to stop running the site (although after some of the comments tonight I wouldn’t blame her). Literally all she’s trying to do is give herself a break and I can’t believe adding different kinds of ads is considered killing the site
  10. and your point is what, exactly? the site has never gone down due to no funding and she’s never asked for donations or anything. she wants to earn money to run the site instead of using her own. Having to click on an x of an ad truly isn’t that big a deal as you’re making it seem
  11. Elle already said if the site started to do really well and she was doing okay financially she would remove the pop up ads. I like @Clampigirl’s suggestion of maybe keeping the full page pop ups to guests? Not sure if that’s possible. I know I’ve been complaining ever since these full page pop ups started showing up but knowing why they’re being used helps put things in prospective
  12. Elle has loan payments to make for when she bought the site and when ads haven’t brought in enough money she’s put her own money into the site, as well as fees to keep the site online so while this may bring in a little extra money on the side for her, it’s unlikely. Plus the number of people who are giving money to the site is probably very low compared to other sites so that’s also a loss of money. the poll is to see what the general consensus is of the ones who use the site, she’s being fair and giving us the chance to discuss the changes instead of just permanently forcing it on us
  13. buying a website as big as this one isn’t going to come for free or cheap. Sites like this (that get high traffic and have a large user base) sells for thousands. It’s not unlikely she took out a loan, and she’s already said there’s months she’s had to pay with her own money. we’re very lucky to have a close knit site like this, and she’s still aiming to keep it free
  14. I don’t like the ads but for using a website that’s 100% free it’s not to much to ask. I’m assuming most of you haven’t ever had a website before, there’s server costs just to keep the website on a host (I know my boyfriend pays upwards of $75 to host his sites on Amazon, and that’s monthly) I do agree the full page ones could be a little less often, but again, pressing an X isn’t the end of the world or my enjoyment of the site and the subscription service isn’t going to be forced so I don’t get why you are all so against it, it’s a good option for those who can manage to spend the extra couple dollars a month..it’s not going to be a ‘subscribe or you can’t log on’ situation
  15. I think I’ve used a browser like one or two times! If I’m online, 99% of the time I’m on my phone but I have never tried to go back to my previous tab, I figured that would just re-direct me to the ad, so good to know! Thank you!!
  16. I would gladly donate money, I’ve messaged before about becoming a supporter but haven’t heard anything back the full ads are annoying but only because sometimes when I click the X the whole site freezes and I have to completely close the tab (which sometimes gets in the way if I’m trying to find something and lose my place) But at the same time I love the site and all the friends I’ve made here and something like a pop up and isn’t going to diminish that, and I respect wanting to earn money! Plus, like you said, it’s completely free for us so I support whatever you need to do to earn that money!
  17. The effort put into this!!! I love this so much! Stellar work!
  18. apparently we have a new insider here edited their ‘spill’ post tho
  19. because most of what eclipse says, actually happens. and your whole story sounds way off. Rock Sweet Candy is read to be relesead. She can add more songs, she still thinking about it, but i dont think she will. Most of the songs are nfr and some cocc scraps with Jack. So is it ready to be released or not? If she’s adding more songs then it’s not ready to be released. Also super unlikely that COTCC is only 11 tracks (with a cover and 4 year old song) but there are leftover of two albums. She also on the way to finish a duet album with Nikki. They are writing alot of things toghter. that’s not inside info they’ve literally been talking about this for months June 1st its a impossible date. Even her label have listened the album yet and a plan to release didnt not start. So i dont think will happen. It’s impossible for her label to have NOT heard the album if she gave a release date for two months. Ben already said in an interview she had two albums ready. He wouldn’t be that behind the album if he hadn’t heard it. Plus they would never commission a font to be made if they felt the album was far from being done. June 1st seems highly unlikely but that, again, isn’t inside info or completely impossible BTW the cocc era isnt dead YET. Maybe 1 or 2 things yet to come. The era has been dead since the album dropped. Try again.
  21. I agree!! I’m hoping she starts talking more soon with being in Texas surrounded by friends she clearly isn’t going to be in “album dropping “ mode soon
  22. she doesn’t care about our opinions that much
  23. I’m expecting no snippets tbh COTCC only had TJF (minus title track teaser in December and the snippet of WD two days before it came out) she doesn’t seem to tease music anymore (not that I’m complaining, going into COTCC with not even album snippets was super relieving and I’m doing it again for RCS)
  24. they do say “The wait apparently won’t be as long for Rock Candy Sweet”
  25. Doin’ Time should have stayed a promo single with a bigger push to radio. I get why it was added to NFR but it wasn’t necessary. LFL should have stayed in one of the demo stages and another song should have had the feature (IMF maybe? Or a whole new one) COTCC sank but the records it broke still stand and can’t be taken away (having the most vinyls of the top 10 combined sold) I can’t see them stepping in for RCS, especially if it’s so done it’s (allegedly? Probably?) being pressed as we speak
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