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Everything posted by vrtvie

  1. vrtvie

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    She looks really cute there but for f**k's sake, the editing seriously made it feel like a video to a silly song for children about school problems or something. I am honestly afraid that she and her team are stuck in the way of thinking that the majority of her audience consists of young teenagers.
  2. vrtvie

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Just listened and Pink Convertible is amazing. Definitely should've made to the original tracklist. Would've completed the theme so, so well. Free Woman does feel like a bonus track but it is good. So happy for this rerelease.
  3. vrtvie


    Hate to think that this pop girl everyone laughed at released an excellent album that destroyed many of my favourites'.
  4. vrtvie


    It's safer to say she contributed a lot to art pop and music experimentalism.
  5. vrtvie

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    In Marina's case it's simply willingness. She promised TFJ 2.0, she gave up on it to work on EH. She promised EH complete edition, she gave up on it 'cus she was fed up w/ Electra. She promised FROOT deluxe, but later she had personal problems and abandoned the idea. No one asked her about L+F Acoustic but she made it just because she knew so much of her fanbase didn't enjoy the record. Now with ADIAML she carried out her promise of the deluxe for the very first time.
  6. vrtvie

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Venus Fly Trap is as good as Oh No! or Primadonna. Man's World is as good as I'm a Ruin or Teen Idle. We now just have to wait for something on the Froot level. Can Marina do an art pop album already?
  7. vrtvie

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    It must be fake. Also it's terrible.
  8. vrtvie

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    In my imagination the breakup ballads constitute an individual EP called Pandora's Box and the album has more songs with collabs as she promised initially, lol. By the way, it's kinda strange how Marina mixes up her album themes, same way she did on L+F by adding flamenco/tropical "enjoy ur life luv" vibe to a cold electronic sound, slightly reminiscent of Ray of Light, about being unsure of love. The latter should've been an album, and the rest a "Lefkada" EP or something too.
  9. vrtvie

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Well yes, it has the least amount of plays on Spotify too. It took a while until it grew on me. As for her songwriting, well, it's changed A LOT since TFJ/EH, but the thing is, she's always been like that, singing about how miserable she was/is etc., YET the thing that saved such clumsy at times lyricisim was the interesting production. Imagine The Outsider as a piano ballad lol. And this is more or less what Happy Loner is.
  10. vrtvie

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Electra Heart actually had so much single material... If I had to choose just a few songs for singles I swear I would never know which ones to pick. Apart from Hypocrates. Everyone agrees it's the weakest one on the record lol.
  11. vrtvie

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    One of her best songs. Ever. Literally. Love it so much. I'm sad that depressed Gen Z TikTokers didn't make it go viral LOL.
  12. vrtvie

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Agree, her quality is really inconsistent these days. That verse from Flowers was really perfect. The rest is so basic it hurts. She used to be such a good lyricist and she STILL can write good lyrics, she just lowered her sights. Imagine the power New America would have if she didn't say "ok whatever, i'm done" suddenly.
  13. vrtvie

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I think ADIAML would've been much better without all those breakup songs like Pandora's Box or I Love You But I Love Me More. They're quite forgettable and do not fit the album theme at all. I understand that she wanted to express her feelings about her ex boyfriend but she could've released an EP with them instead. Also who feels like listening to an album that's about fighting patriarchy and then suddenly crying over an ex? There were so many important feminist / ecology / anti-patriarchy / anticapitalist / gender roles themes to explore and we only got a few songs about it. And really, if she thinks that singing "I'mma free, I'mma free womaaaaaan" in a deluxe will do this record any justice, she's wrong. I hope, however, that this song is not as hollow as it seems. Anyway, I still come back to Ancient Dreams, Venus Fly Trap, Man's World and Highly Emotional People. What great tunes. EH ≥ TFJ > FROOT >> ADIAML >> L+F
  14. vrtvie

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    They seriously wasted all the money on graphics for single covers up to ILYBILMM and now we're left with this. I can't.
  15. vrtvie

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I really like her pose and outfit but it completely doesn't suit the background and it all seems chaotic as hell. The left part looks surprisingly empty? It appears like an unfinished project. They even changed the font for the album title, what.
  16. vrtvie


    She didn't, she literally intended to release it digitally in the very beginning. Anyway, a decent track.
  17. vrtvie


    This new song is amazing! Lyrics are simple but the production is spectacular LOL
  18. vrtvie

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Marina promised to give us ADIAML deluxe so she gave us TFJ deluxe instead. Now on Spotify lol.
  19. Yes besties! Guns and Roses is amazing. Y'all who hate it live in delusion.
  20. On a side note to all sadness, blue represents the sea and she as a Cancer is gaining power from both the colour and water that are both, naturally, so reccuring throughout her whole discography.
  21. vrtvie

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Are they going to remix every damn song on this album or what
  22. This record still feels better than most things she's pulling out these days...
  23. If Lana were to rerecord AKA the way she did Yayo, she better not touch it ever again.
  24. It's a nice record but saying it's better than Ultraviolence or Honeymoon is barbarism. Another thing is that, for me, this album lacks a banger. I expected at least one, perhaps in the style of Interlude which alone feels so out of place. Dealer ain't that, it is too slow, unfortunately. Something dreamy would work too.
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