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About AsDangerousAsHope

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  1. I’ve been listening to raye pretty much everyday since I saw her live, she’s amazing. They look perfect 😍😍😍😍
  2. Just bought a ticket for july 03 too YAYYYY see you guys there
  3. If anyone decides to sell a front standing ticket for this date PLEASE let me know, I’m interested and I will match whatever amount you paid for so you don’t loose any money.
  4. I’m so proud of her for selling out these concerts. She deserves it also my UK ETA jut got approved yesterday!!! LET’S GO LET’S GO LET’S FUCKING GOOOOOOO
  5. I’m not judging, when she went to brazil I saw her in Rio and Sao Paulo, but please leave some tickets for the rest of us 🤣
  6. Got my front standing ticket for July 4. LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  7. Thank God there’s a new london date cause I need a front standing ticket and there wasn’t any available
  8. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get tickets in the pre-sale, but tomorrow I absolutely will get them, my main target is the London concert (truly I can’t wait to travel to london again, I just LOVED IT), but if these sell out I will absolutely buy any of them that still has tickets for the part closest to the stage
  9. DO NADA essa thread aqui kkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  10. God please help this woman to get off of social media and go enjoy her honeymoon and maybe give us a single in one month
  11. No, I think she was probably very aware that this could be the initial average reaction
  12. I have an vedic astrology tiktok, and today I posted my 1st video, an analysis of lana del rey's vedic astrology chart and her marriage, its in portuguese but it has english subtitles, in case anyone here is interested in astrology: https://www.tiktok.com/@avsimplificada/video/7419812960522030369
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