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Rust Dress

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Everything posted by Rust Dress

  1. jack is backstage you guys are for sure getting mariners tonight
  2. i know we like to say that certain songs and aesthetics of lana’s are witchy, but that’s the most witchiest she’s ever looked and im here for it
  3. oof i feel you.. the ranking system is so bad nowadays i just barely play anymore
  4. OB is her best and BB is unfortunately her weakest. END OF DISCUSSION
  5. just realized that there’s a chance we could get a florida kilos performance tonight
  6. all because @JonBatisteInterlude said it. if she didnt say anything abt the covers album, im gonna be mad
  7. he was obsessed with me for like 3 months straight when i soft blocked him and i was lowkey scared as to what he was gonna do if i blocked him so.. 😭 and i dont really have anyone blocked on ig
  8. what omg? i hope he comes back because this is literally the best livestream we’ve gotten this tour
  9. sometimes i wonder if there was one day where she searched lb and at the same time, a scat attack or like a huge fight was happening
  10. all my lovers die is really good but i was expecting more from the studio version..
  11. there was this one person complaining that nobody was singing and that they’re all locals but can’t recognize hope’s chords which were played for like 30 seconds
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