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Bridge Tiessa

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  1. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    Uh, I don't think she just suddenly got flashbacks from all the unnecessary bullshit she received in 2012. I feel like Lana is very cautious of what she says or does, because she's constantly being reminded by hollier than thou Twitter bitches that she's "problematic".
    Also, her receiving acclaim over NFR, which is her most beige and lyrically tamed/least controversial album thus far, also probably felt like bullshit after all these years of being treated like the laughing stock of the indie scene.
  2. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    Thank you for your valuable input and upon your personal request I shall disconnect from LanaBoreds. 
  3. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by SuperMegaStan in Instagram Updates   
    do people realise that this was a draft of a thinkpiece about her place in the feminism spectrum and the misogyny she has been through throughout the years...... the way some keep making this a race issue.... the namedropping wasnt necessary but it did help make a point about how meaning of feminism and female empowerment have shifted throughout the years 
  4. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by Macintosh Manhattan in Instagram Updates   
    Sadly tho until Cancel/Woke culture dies or changes for the better we all will have to talk to each other like five year olds. I hate it as much as anybody else but until common sense makes a comeback we'll just have to live with it unfortunately.
  5. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by yourboy in Instagram Updates   
    Gang sunk that dunker
    Go see the doctor
  6. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by xlanax in Instagram Updates   
    Honestly? It's true that in this time and age one should speak as clearly as possible. But I'm also tired of witch hunts, judgements on intentions and scapegoatings. These people aren't woke. These people are even more ignorants than the ignorant ones. Getting Lana down, for things she didn't say, will not advance the women or POC causes.
  7. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by Nobody in Instagram Updates   
    a convicted pdf file is currently number 3 on the bb h100. she will be fine
  8. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Instagram Updates   
    the amount of people who really think she was trying to drag these artists is both equally astounding and saddening. 
    the way she went about this was shakey, yes, but do people not know how to read and comprehend? 
    so glad i am able to think for myself, form my own opinions and not blindly follow the opinions of a bunch of random 14 year old stans
  9. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by xlanax in Instagram Updates   
    And btw she was clearly not attacking  or accusing those women, she was just providing examples. Yes, she should've been smarter, but also people need to get better in text comprehension. It's not her fault the web is full of functional illetarates. 
  10. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    stan Twitter would've somehow made the correlation and we would've had the exact same discussion
  11. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by xlanax in Instagram Updates   
    Can I say something as an european? Yeah she shouldnt have mentioned those female artists. But I don't get why in the USA you're all so obsessed with seeing racism even where it's evident there is none. She mentioned black women AND white women. It's clear it's not a racism issue. 
  12. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    Nicki will speak up for sure, that's her whole shtick. Maybe Ariana and Camila have good reading skills and will see that Lana didn't mean to shade them and maybe they'll mention something more positive. The rest of them will probably stay silent, because they probably don't care, especially Beyoncé.
  13. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by Macintosh Manhattan in Instagram Updates   
    Says something about cancel and woke culture on Twitter when they go after Lana but don't go after an convicted pedo rapper that drops the n-word even tho his whiter than milk. Then throws a hissy fit when he can't get a #1 hit then proceededs to expose his sexiest arse by only bullying Grande and not Bieber.
  14. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    If you believe in cancel culture, mayhaps. If you have fully functioning braincells, you'll be fine. 
    Besides, Twitter stans only preach for themselves, it's an echo chamber of sorts. 
  15. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    I feel like the only repercussions will be Twitter users hating on her even more than they already did, and calling her problematic and shit. For us fans and John Q Public, and I might be wrong, this doesn't seem like it's going to affect her really. Just wait until someone "fucks up" on and for these same Twitter folks and re-start the "cancel" machine again, and they'll forget Lana even existed.
  16. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Instagram Updates   
    I haven’t seen the repercussions of her post yet (not saying there aren’t, just haven’t taken the time to investigate) but I think she’s right about the fact that She should be free to be who she wants to be. Now, I’m not saying that people should accept dangerous and toxic relationship. But why should she be making headlines for being anti-feminist just because she’s not the new, modern, independent type of Disney princess ?
  17. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by 99centlips in Instagram Updates   
    neither. they will probably both be scrapped and the dates will be moved around 10 times before Sept 5th.
  18. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    Y'all would've been totally fine had she not mentioned any of these women, but somehow her giving exemples as to how she was treated like shit by the industry as a whole, you twist this into a racist issue and are like "oh poor white girl" or "this sounds about white", she expressed her feelings as a woman period, nothing to do with anyone's skin colour.
  19. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by Off To The Races 2010 demo pls in Instagram Updates   
    Imagine saying this when you were like 17 and released an album titled Pure Heroine
  20. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    I mean I did understood what Lana meant in her statement, some of it could've been worded better, but like...some people really have to reach and make this a race issue with Lana merely mentioning other successful female artist, some of them happening to be POC, and automatically assuming by them being successful she completely disregarded or overlooked their personal challenges and perhaps not so fortunate circumstances. As if she didn't have personal challenges or experienced bullshit in the music industry herself, which is exactly what her whole post was about.
  21. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by LAman in Instagram Updates   
    I hope she’ll start releasing controversial music again. I feel like she’s been limiting herself when it comes to new music. LFL/NFR feels very PC compared to her previous works. She’s not an artist for SJWs. She belongs in her own lane, she’s meant to have haters. She’s not supposed to make sense, and that’s why I love her music. She’s not afraid to call out people and make off statements cause that’s how she feels. She’s misunderstood and I love her for it. I hated Lana when she came out with BTD (the music video). It was superficial. I thought it was dumb that someone could become viral with that content. However, she upset me so much that I had to listen to her more. Then I fell in love. Lana is something else, I don’t think she gets that appreciation for her weird mind. This post is the smartest thing she’s done in awhile or ever for that matter.
  22. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    Funny how you actually encapsulated everything Lana meant with her post and you didn't even mention anyone's skin colour or even ethnicity... Oh wait, that's exactly what Lana meant too.
  23. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Instagram Updates   
    Omg the letter is so powerful... so happy to see her speaking out + standing up for herself. I am so excited
  24. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    So it was ok for critics to pan Lana as anti-feministic for describing not so glamorous/perfect relationships? I feel like you've missed the point here, like a lot of people you were so up in arms about Lana daring to mention women of colour in her post, that you've missed the point. She wants every fucking women to express what they want and stop being labeled a certain way by critics and haters. She didn't disregard the hardships that some of them have experienced, or where they are coming from, she just didn't mention it. Like I said it could've been worded better, but here we are.
  25. Bridge Tiessa liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Instagram Updates   
    The namedropping was stupid cause it's not the woman who are her enemies and all of them faced some sort of shit themselves. Yet trying to make a racism-deal out of it is just stupid
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