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  1. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Instagram Updates   
  2. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Instagram Updates   
    i think its best for us to take everything with a grain of salt right now..
  3. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Lady Gaga   
    Honestly.. in this day and age.. anyone could fake a document like that.. I mean.. if you give me five minutes i could do the same
  4. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Lady Gaga   
    The list of celebs on that log has to be fake. I mean.. theres Madonna, James Franco, etc.. I don't believe ANY of it
  5. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Instagram Updates   
    Her power and influence.. something others don't have.. 
  6. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Lady Gaga   
    I hope ROM doesn't sound too commercial.. The Free Woman leak makes me think it won't be that way lol..
  7. ivory almond liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in The Sims   
    ugh.. love the sims so much.. 
    Malcolm Landgraab IV is such a zaddy         
  8. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by Mer in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    You lose an argument when you say “innocent people shouldn’t be killed, but…”
  9. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    @American Whore not gonna lie it somewhat seems like you're trying to say that because people in the middle east are more likely to be homophobic/the middle east itself is homophobic, that it doesn't really matter if their countries are being bombed and destroyed and that their people are being tortured and killed, and i personally find that quite fucked up, you can't automatically assume that everyone in the middle east or palestine hate gay people, especially when we know that a lot of the victims are under 18, they are CHILDREN
    and, honestly, regardless of whatever views people in a certain region of the world may possibly hold, i don't believe anybody deserves to die or go through immense traumas because they may have different views that we may consider incorrect or backwards, i don't agree with homophobia, and i do believe it's an incorrect viewpoint and it is harmful, but people have opportunities to grow and to change, entire nations and regions of the world have opportunities to grow and to change, but regardless of whatever viewpoints one part of the world may hold, or whatever viewpoints an individual may hold, i do not believe anybody deserves to be killed or tortured, or for entire countries to be completely torn apart, i just think it's really messed up to insinuate that violence doesn't matter or that it's somehow different because it happens in a place in the world that may have backwards views, you could honestly say the same for most other parts of the word, even the USA, since the southern US is enforcing very strict laws on abortion, to the point where women who simply have miscarriages are being charged, should we say that anything tragic happening in that region of the world doesn't matter? give me a fucking break
  10. Nahime liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    people who dickride for such shithole ass backwards fucked up countries are so weird like i just KNOW some of you would've defended hitler lmfao god i hate yall
  11. rhubysyrup liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    people who dickride for such shithole ass backwards fucked up countries are so weird like i just KNOW some of you would've defended hitler lmfao god i hate yall
  12. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    people who dickride for such shithole ass backwards fucked up countries are so weird like i just KNOW some of you would've defended hitler lmfao god i hate yall
  13. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Idk how you type this out and still think you're in the right. Genuinely a rotted individual. That's all I can really say about this cause arguing with someone who does not know what they're talking about and has no interest in looking up the history yet still wants to blabber on and make deranged statements really has no point.
  14. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by Disney Slut in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Israel literally declined every hostage deal that was presented to them and have basically said "fuck the hostages i'm going to keep bombing the shit out of gaza" not to mention they LITERALLY killed the hostages themselves either by bombing them to death or the IOF directly shooting some of them.


    But since we're on the topic of hostages, what about the 1000s of palestiniens that have been illegally arrested by the IOF with no charges throughout the years? what about those hostages?

    What about the palestinian children arrested INDEFINITELY and held with no charge and no evidence? 
    https://www.dci-palestine.org/israeli_forces_detain_record_number_of_palestinian_children_without_charge#:~:text=Palestinian children held under administrative,alleged basis%2C according to documentation
  15. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by cherrytropico in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    i genuinely cannot believe people think this all started in 2023…like what? where have y’all been? 
  16. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by Americen Whore in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Are you seriously comparing kidnapping 252 hostages to 36,000 innocent people who lost their lives ( most of them are children ) ?
  17. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Idk if you're genuinely evil or just very fucking dumb but some of you really need to learn to shut up
  18. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by Embach in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    To be honest, this conflict did not start on Oct 7th, 2023. This goes all the way to 1948. Generations of Palestinians have been suffering ever since. Every decade there has been a conflict that became bigger and bigger whether it was in 1973 or now. But the thing is that Palestinians are still oppressed, for over 70 fucking years. 
  19. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    I wish people realized a ton of the demonstrations and protests are led by Jewish voice for peace. An ANTI-ZIONIST Jewish establishment.
    Half a year later and some of us still can’t understand the difference between Zionism and Judaism.
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