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  1. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in 2024 US Presidential Election - Kamala Harris/Tim Walz vs. Donald Trump/J.D. Vance   
    You guys HAVE to understand that there is NO way that there will be a politician that can cater to every single expectation and need you may have. If you think like that then just sit this one out.
  2. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in 2024 US Presidential Election - Kamala Harris/Tim Walz vs. Donald Trump/J.D. Vance   
    We do, it’s called voting. Something communists don’t want to do.
  3. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in 2024 US Presidential Election - Kamala Harris/Tim Walz vs. Donald Trump/J.D. Vance   
    we do have the power to make either kamala or trump win or lose, it's called voting  
    nobody's saying that democrats haven't done horrible things, we all know that obama's pretty much a war criminal, all we're trying to say is that voting democrat is the most logical choice if you want to keep trump out of office and project 2024 out of our lives, even if you don't particularly like the democratic candidate, or even the mainstream democratic party in general, voting for a third-party candidate is pointless and isn't going to do anything to solve any problems, and when so much is at stake, it's just ignorant to consciously make that choice, we shouldn't have to choose between two candidates we may not like, but that's just how it is, and we should strive to do the best with what we have for the sake of our country
  4. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in 2024 US Presidential Election - Kamala Harris/Tim Walz vs. Donald Trump/J.D. Vance   
    If there’s one thing about the “woke” liberals it’s the fact they LOVE to set themselves up through acts like voting independent because the democratic nominee has a shady history when it comes to stuff like trans rights, immigration, random inconsequential social issues. lmfao. It’s the truth.
  5. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in 2024 US Presidential Election - Kamala Harris/Tim Walz vs. Donald Trump/J.D. Vance   
    Some of you really lack critical thinking. Like Hillary Clinton is not your friend. Anyways I’m with Kamala.
  6. fishtails liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in 2024 US Presidential Election - Kamala Harris/Tim Walz vs. Donald Trump/J.D. Vance   
    Some of you really lack critical thinking. Like Hillary Clinton is not your friend. Anyways I’m with Kamala.
  7. That Venice Bitch liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in 2024 US Presidential Election - Kamala Harris/Tim Walz vs. Donald Trump/J.D. Vance   
    Some of you really lack critical thinking. Like Hillary Clinton is not your friend. Anyways I’m with Kamala.
  8. fishtails liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in 2024 US Presidential Election - Kamala Harris/Tim Walz vs. Donald Trump/J.D. Vance   
    If there’s one thing about the “woke” liberals it’s the fact they LOVE to set themselves up through acts like voting independent because the democratic nominee has a shady history when it comes to stuff like trans rights, immigration, random inconsequential social issues. lmfao. It’s the truth.
  9. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in 2024 US Presidential Election - Kamala Harris/Tim Walz vs. Donald Trump/J.D. Vance   
    all i'll say is... no matter what kamala harris has done in the past... NONE OF IT could ever compare to what donald trump/the heritage foundation wants for our country, and i promise you than when she's in office, she isn't going to do anything to harm transgender individuals, you cannot say the same about donald trump! we have to look at the bigger picture and not worry so much about every single miniscule thing about someone, nobody's perfect, people sometimes do the wrong things and make mistakes, but democrats are not going to take away the rights of trans people, that's literally the thing about the democratic party is that they are more forward compared to republicans, even if they aren't technically that progressive
    kamala harris has my full support, i would feel so much safer with her than donald trump, the diet mountain dew-drinking couch-fucker j.d vance who straight-up lied about coming from poverty in appalachia while at the same time putting down actual appalachians, or majority of the supreme court
  10. Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in 2024 US Presidential Election - Kamala Harris/Tim Walz vs. Donald Trump/J.D. Vance   
    If there’s one thing about the “woke” liberals it’s the fact they LOVE to set themselves up through acts like voting independent because the democratic nominee has a shady history when it comes to stuff like trans rights, immigration, random inconsequential social issues. lmfao. It’s the truth.
  11. Mer liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in 2024 US Presidential Election - Kamala Harris/Tim Walz vs. Donald Trump/J.D. Vance   
    If there’s one thing about the “woke” liberals it’s the fact they LOVE to set themselves up through acts like voting independent because the democratic nominee has a shady history when it comes to stuff like trans rights, immigration, random inconsequential social issues. lmfao. It’s the truth.
  12. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in 2024 US Presidential Election - Kamala Harris/Tim Walz vs. Donald Trump/J.D. Vance   
    If there’s one thing about the “woke” liberals it’s the fact they LOVE to set themselves up through acts like voting independent because the democratic nominee has a shady history when it comes to stuff like trans rights, immigration, random inconsequential social issues. lmfao. It’s the truth.
  13. Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in 2024 US Presidential Election - Kamala Harris/Tim Walz vs. Donald Trump/J.D. Vance   
    Some of you really lack critical thinking. Like Hillary Clinton is not your friend. Anyways I’m with Kamala.
  14. Quincy liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in 2024 US Presidential Election - Kamala Harris/Tim Walz vs. Donald Trump/J.D. Vance   
    If there’s one thing about the “woke” liberals it’s the fact they LOVE to set themselves up through acts like voting independent because the democratic nominee has a shady history when it comes to stuff like trans rights, immigration, random inconsequential social issues. lmfao. It’s the truth.
  15. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in 2024 US Presidential Election - Kamala Harris/Tim Walz vs. Donald Trump/J.D. Vance   
    Lots of opinions here about Kamala Harris as a person- and not as a Presidential candidate, for sure. 
    Like gimme 3 policy u don’t like QUICK
  16. Quincy liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in 2024 US Presidential Election - Kamala Harris/Tim Walz vs. Donald Trump/J.D. Vance   
    Some of you really lack critical thinking. Like Hillary Clinton is not your friend. Anyways I’m with Kamala.
  17. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by X8vinylScratchX in 2024 US Presidential Election - Kamala Harris/Tim Walz vs. Donald Trump/J.D. Vance   
    Leftists: I’m not voting for COPmala 😤😤
    Also Leftists: How dafuq Trump win 4 more years?
  18. sympathyisaknife liked a post in a topic by Mer in 2024 US Presidential Election - Kamala Harris/Tim Walz vs. Donald Trump/J.D. Vance   
    Non-exhaustive list of Harris Policies: 
    Pro Abortion  Pro Affirmative Action  Against capital punishment, and as Attorney General's she reduced jail time handed out for marijuana related crimes (possession) People love to tout that overall convictions for marijuana went up under her tenure, which is true, but she actively worked to keep people out of jail As Senator, co-sponsored a bill that would legalize weed at the federal level  Supports student-loan forgiveness, and argued that all student loans going forward should only have interest = inflation  as of 2024, 950,000 people have had their student loans forgiven by the Biden-Harris administration  Was given an "F" by the NRA   Supports DACA Against border wall  Refused to defend Prop-8 in court during her time as a prosecutor  Has been pro Gay-marriage since 2007, which is long before Biden and almost any other Democrat was In 2015 tried to block gender-affirming care of a transgender inmate serving in a California Prison  In 2016, was against the decriminalization of sex work, but in 2019, softened her stance and clarified that she's more interested in going after Pimp's and John's (similar to the Nordic Approach)  Supported Medicare for all  Has been Pro-Union since at least 2010 Supports tax cuts for middle-class, while upping taxes on upper classes/corporations   
    Too tired to dig into her Foreign Policy rn 
  19. Escapism liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Roblox   
    I played from 2011 to about 2020. Off and on since then. It was a big part of my life growing up and I only stopped playing so much because I’ve gotten older and have had more responsibilities that don’t allow me to have the time to play while coupled with the fact that it doesn’t feel the same as it did when I was younger.
  20. Wait For Life liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Halsey   
    is that person who was on your phone in the room with us?
  21. DemonMic2003 liked a post in a topic by sympathyisaknife in Halsey   
    is that person who was on your phone in the room with us?
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