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Everything posted by lover

  1. lover

    Song vs. Song

    Brooklyn Baby vs Venice Bitch
  2. she doesn't have to give any easter eggs and we will still think every week that something exciting will happen power of delulu
  3. thanks so much for sharing but yeah that's fucked up, I understand completely that they wanted to take that down. of course I wouldn't want to invade her personal space like that - I just got confused and curious because I had never heard of this!
  4. agreed. somehow this album feels like it was rushed to be ready, but on the other hand, it took forever to come out. there is either too much or not enough. I love most of the songs, (IMO the title track and White Dress are both top 10 of her discography), but COCC really falls flat as an album. it either needs 2-3 tracks more or 2-3 tracks deleted.
  5. lover

    Dua Lipa

    always loved the original one too! when the album was released, listening to levitating literally felt the same as... well, being under the influence of some uplifting substances but well - what have we all learned from this drama? never promote your otherwise great songs with lame remixes with less-than-mediocre rappers on them. miss dua would've stayed clear from this mess if she never released that lousy remix
  6. kanye released mike from ATL? finally we might have a chance to benefit from his vision
  7. girl do I hate to break it to you but this ain't where to find it
  8. yeah I most definitely will! my friends have really complimented s4 overall saying that it's the best since s1 i'm excited to see where it goes next sorry you had to go through that :/ this show does a great job in delivering the characters' emotions for sure. I'm not sure whether I love or hate how the real villain is the patriarchy and the men of Gilead, but they still made the most notable villains women - Aunt Lydia and Serena, like you mentioned. yet, we are supposed to like Nick or feel sorry for him since hE LOveS jUne I really hoped that a show like this would stay clean of all the love triangle/ship serving shit, like women have stripped out from their human rights and are sex slaves by law, there is so much more that they could work with
  9. i'm in the middle of season 4 and i just hope that n*ck dies soon like i haven't hated a fictional character with such passion in years and does anyone else feel like they are dragging this show? ngl i'm happy that there isn't too much shit going on every episode, but the entire "okay they almost escaped but did not escape let's shoot some of elizabeth moss breathing but now they did escape but oh no they are captured again let's put the camera on elizabeth's face for 5 minutes" -thing is really getting old i hope that the rest of this season leaves me satisfied, it still is one of the best tv shows i've ever watched
  10. Norman Fucking Rockwell: 11 Mariners Apartment Complex: 22 Venice Bitch: 26 Fuck it I love you: 13 Cinnamon Girl: 6 California: 21 The Greatest: 27 Bartender: 8 Hope: 11
  11. i have no idea how the hell and why but i understand this and i'm manifesting
  12. lover

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    imo this album was not much better than L+F the concept, cute. visuals, cute. the singles were bops, Man's World especially was great but released too early. not that the music was necessarily bad, but i think that if you want to release a solid album with only 35 mins and 10 tracks, you need to have 10 really great tracks.
  14. lover

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    900 pages of discussion and maybe 800 pages about how messy L+F is (or isn't)
  15. i'm starving for some controversy or at least for the scrapped album to leak i'm almost looking forward to it more than the actual release
  16. naaah just you but it's so sad that she was sitting on yosemite for so long because she "wasn't there yet" and she finally found a guy who she was supposed to be "there" with and now the guy is gone. i truly hope that she finds her happiness and gets to build her own family but for now... this album better be heart-wrenching. angry. lyrics that scream lost opportunities and bitterness. no more candles and sisters and jennys and chickens
  17. i liked them too! the tracks complimented her voice so much. personally, i think that they would probably suit Chemtrails better but i'd love to hear them in the context of Norman as well
  18. to me it's kinda hard to say which ones sound better, but to be honest, I can't really notice any big differences in the sound. with tiny modifications, the three songs would merge perfectly within the tracklist of COCC imo but it is kinda funny how people trash jack's work but seem to think that the three new singles are something remarkably better or exciting in terms of production I'd still love to hear what COCC and NFR would sound like or what direction Lana would've taken if Jack wasn't involved
  19. lover


    badlands is still incredible the way it delivered not only her feelings via great lyrics (which are sometimes cliché, yes but i personally love it) but also captured the entire pale goth sad emo alternative -era
  20. lover


    the collapse what the fuck this is the way to build a hype and create a concept for your album. the music better come through and live up to the concept... i'm not worried tho
  21. lover

    Song vs. Song

    Is This Happiness vs Bel Air
  22. violet, nfr and cocc create an incredible playlist!!! i especially love playing "past the bushes cypress thriving" before "yosemite" or "violet bent backwards over the grass" before "venice bitch"
  23. at this point, i will believe the album name, tracklist, cover and release date when i'm holding the cd case in my hands with the record spinning
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