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Blue Ink

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Everything posted by Blue Ink

  1. Putin seems to say many things when he's scared because nothing's going down as planned and his economy is fucked. I already said it and still believe it - he is not going to attack a NATO country. He can try once and will be crushed in a matter of hours. He may be a megalomaniac or suicidal or whatever the hell he is. But all of his little minions are not, I'm sure. And he can't make this decision on his own. Others will have to support it and follow the orders. Btw the daughters of Russian oligarchs are speaking up against him. Guess he won't arrest his friends' kids for voicing their opinion.
  2. Their fucking church is so corrupt (what else is new). Something to be proud of I guess.
  3. I think social media in this case aren't that unimportant. They tried to block telegram in 2018 and failed so it's becoming a very important platform now. Out of all the social media it has to be telegram... Yes the only reason why basically everybody knows what's going on is the internet! Propaganda doesn't work as well as 80 years ago because of it. He's gonna go down the drain. This will not work out. History has taught us that warmongers can't win.
  4. New law against freedom of speech basically threatens journalist but also citizens of Russia with up to 15 years of prison for "discrediting" the Russian military. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/04/world/europe/russia-censorship-media-crackdown.html "The crackdown comes as the Kremlin scrambles to contain discontent over the war and to control the narrative as Russia faces its most severe economic crisis in decades"
  5. yet another stupidity on their behalf. What's the thought process here? "Let's create a nuclear catastrophe while we ourselves are here and physically affected by it too" or "Let's create a nuclear catastrophe in the country next to ours so our entire country is gonna be radioactive as well"...? Do they think things through or is this sheer despair because they wouldn't dare using nuclear weapons? And if Putin wins but Ukraine is completely radioactive, how is it still of any use? I have questions.
  6. I wouldn't go that far but I mean... they're not really as successful as they thought. "On February 26, 2022, Ukraine filed an application at the UN International Court of Justice to initiate proceedings against the Russian Federation under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide." Even better, the International Criminal Court in The Hague is filing suit against Putin himself accusing him of war crimes How successful does that sound? Eventually they can only lose. I mean, the entire world is against that man - except countries like NORTH KOREA, SYRIA and ERITREA. What a fucking joke. And very telling.
  7. Okay so it seems I fell for Putin's propaganda in the way that I thought the Russian troops were this professional, well-organized, intimidating beast of an army who know exactly what they're doing and all. Well - they're not. It's becoming clearer everyday how unorganized this entire thing is. The troops are running out of fuel and food, have no idea what direction they're going etc. They have no tactical skill. Zelensky called them "confused, scared children". I think he's right actually. That's not because Putin is stupid but because he didn't expect Ukraine to fight back like that and over 140 countries getting involved in it. Now I don't mean to make fun of the situation. But I find it comforting to know that absolutely nothing happens as planned for Putin. I've seen people comparing Putin to Trump and write "The problem is that Putin is very smart and not as stupid as Trump." and I agreed until I just realized, Trump is a complete narcissist. He thinks he is the shit. He would've started a war with the NATO if he was the Russian president. It's actually good Putin is not that stupid - he knows fighting the NATO would be suicide: Attack one NATO member and see Russia turn to dust. He knows it, so he won't do it, I'm sure of that. Especially since he knows about his lack of organizational skills now... Here's an interesting thread about that:
  8. lmfao only in America the words Nazi, Hitler and Holocaust are used way too light-heartedly. I read about a city in the USA having no electricity for a few days and the mayor said it felt like a holocaust. Wtf. I'm 100% sure it did not. Or Ohio Rep. Warren Davidson calling vaccination proof a holocaust. I mean
  9. Navalny is really one of the biggest heros of the 21st century. He's already in prison, was almost killed by Putin's government and still fights. Please read this thread, it's kind of inspiring in a way.
  10. Yes! Paradise should have been an EP (or LP) with Hollywood, Hollywood's Dead, JFK, AFFA, Wild One, French Restaurant, American etc. and then the Tropico EP following it could have Gods And Monsters, Body Electric, Bel Air, Yayo etc. on it. Paradise with that shimmering guitar and Tropico as the "evil twin" with a much darker "Paradise lost" vibe. Literally like a double album. What a concept Why oh why didn't this happen?
  11. Exactly!! His tweet sounds like Lana did Paradise because she had to so she could move on to Tropico - but she put the Tropico songs on Paradise?! That doesn't make sense.
  12. Oh yeah that one. AFFA, Wild One and Hollywood deserve a proper release und UFB too
  13. True true but what about that unreleased album after LFL?
  14. I expected that to happen - Russian refugees I mean. There's just no way all Russians are going to 1. want to live in a country with a leader like that and 2. want to suffer under all of the sanctions. The Russian economy is gonna be fucked if they stay for longer. The civilians are the ones having to pay (literally) for Putin's insanity. Who wants that? It's probably very frightening for them, too. Just the word "traitors" says it all, really. Russia is finally and openly a dictatorship.
  15. Y'ALL THE SANCTIONS ARE WORKING Russian oligarchs criticise Putin in open letter and demand and end of the invasion https://globeecho.com/news/europe/germany/russian-oligarchs-criticize-the-kremlin/ "Billionaire Oleg Deripaska has called for an 'end to state capitalism' in Russia"... a bit ironic but whatever. Main thing is, the rich are mad
  16. I meant that's what the Russian government would like us to believe, not that you're spreading false info. I agree, he has nothing to lose if he's very ill. That's why I wish hin good health lol or a death so sudden he can't finalize his plans.
  17. https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/ukraine-invasion-russia-apology-oleg-anisimov-b2024571.html https://newsrnd.com/news/2022-02-27-oleg-anisimov--russian-climate-diplomat-apologizes-for-invasion-of-ukraine.SydAXFtx5.html Oleg Anisimow, a Russian diplomat, apologized in front of the UN for the invasion and said there‘s no excuses for it. Very brave. I think he‘s the first diplomat who speaks out against Putin. Maybe more will follow!
  18. Oh absolutely true! He‘s sending the Russian delegation, so definitely not gonna turn up personally. I meant, they probably have their orders and I suspect they are going to demand Zelensky to resign so they can install one of Putin’s marionettes as the head of state, and I don‘t think they‘re gonna compromise on anything.
  19. Okay this is the first post in here that made me laugh. The talks… I‘m gonna hold my breath until we know Zelensky got out of that alive, or at least un-arrested. I don‘t think they‘re gonna agree on anything. Putin is probably gonna start a fight and then try to make it look as if Zelensky was too stubborn to agree to anything or something like that.
  20. I agree actually. No way people take part in this. Even if military and ministers still listen to him - they can‘t be that insane as well. Anyway, he for sure is not gonna nuke Ukraine because it‘s next to his country. I love Japan joining the sanctions btw
  21. It might be an unusual reaction but the more the Russian government threatens us all, the less I respect them. They‘re scum, Putin is scum. At this point I’m looking down on them as if they were gross beetles. I‘m not scared at all I have to say I am making the rest of this comment a spoiler because I don‘t want to trigger anybody. If you don‘t want to read anything negative, don‘t read this!! I‘m not sure he would ever do that though or have the support of his military still. I hope not. This seems like he is really just desperate as hell. He knows he lost.
  22. …and if he loses? Usually dictators who lose a war will end their own lives. Why would he care if others survive? If he loses he might as well take everybody else down with him. The only two possibilities: 1. The military refuses to launch these bombs, 2. Somebody gets rid of Putin for us all. I‘m all for no. 2 tbh.
  23. That's Russian war propaganda. Putin and Russia have everything to lose. Is it forbidden on this forum to advertise murder? If yes, let's just say somebody needs to disable Putin of doing and saying things if y'all know what I mean. It's really the only solution at this point. Getting rid of him, in the most effective way possible.
  24. Uhm I tried to google it but couldn‘t find any info on the subject but does anybody here know how long it can take minimum for weapons to be delivered to Ukraine? Is anybody familiar with that lmao
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