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Blue Ink

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Everything posted by Blue Ink

  1. Also Text Book & Hope I'd love to see the faces in the crowd But seriously, this thread makes me laugh. Just the thought
  2. Is it wrong, wrong that I think it's kind of fun when they hit him in the back of the head with a gun?
  3. I read about this too. And while Putin is sulking about not being God yet, innocent people are dying every day. Just heard the news about a pregnant woman and her unborn child dying after the bombing of their tenement. At this point I expect his daughters to get rid of him if his minions can't do it. Seriously.
  4. Blue Ink


    Wordle 267 5/6 ⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩⬛⬛🟩 ⬛🟩⬛🟩🟩 ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  5. As awful as it sounds, people get used to bad news, no matter how bad. Even the word news, I mean is this war still news? Putin is an ass and the Ukrainians suffer because of it, that's not new anymore. We've been discussing every aspect of this war and possible outcomes here. The only thing we haven't discussed is how this is going to end and what are they gonna do with Putin afterwards. He obviously has to go...
  6. Agree although I do love MMITPM
  7. I listen to their music but am not a fan I‘d say. I mean, I have two out of three records, From The Fires and The Battle At Garden‘s Gate, but I am not as interested in them as persons as I am interested in Lana for example. But yeah, I have been listening to Heat Above again recently. One of their best, if not their best, song so far imo and very fitting at the moment, sadly…
  8. Putin said the Ukranian people wouldn't be the target but he says a lot....
  9. I genuinely don’t think this was an accident. They bombed clinics in Syria too, exactly the same tactics they‘re using now. Putin really does not care. I just don‘t understand the soldier(s) dropping that bomb off. They know exactly they‘re committing war crimes.
  10. No I didn’t talk about refugees. I just mean, looking at Erdogan and Putin and all of these people, it seems like we have to get rid of these crazy politicians to solve our problems. Too many of them don‘t seem to care about the people in their countries anymore…
  11. Blue Ink


    For all Taylor Swift fans, I just saw there‘s a Taylordle with words related to her. https://www.taylordle.com ….who‘s gonna make a Lanadle (or Lanordle?) ?
  12. Blue Ink


    Wordle 264 5/6 ⬛⬛🟨⬛🟨 🟨🟨🟨⬛⬛ ⬛🟨🟨⬛⬛ 🟨⬛🟨🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Okay I saw this and thought how boring and then I got addicted pretty fast. It‘s a little harder to do if you‘re not a native speaker but luckily I knew the word.
  13. Guess you‘ll have to get rid of Erdogan instead. We really need a big purge of politicians in 2022 it seems…
  14. Wtfffffff. The Russian troops have bombed a children's hospital / maternity clinic y'all!! 17 people wounded, several are women in labour. I am so disgusted. You cannot tell me this was an accident. A clinic is a big building. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-mariupol-hospital-attack-explosion-russia-b2032079.html%3famp That goes against medical neutrality (hospitals are not to be attacked in a war and doctors should not be hindered to do their job). "All parties must refrain from attacking and misusing medical facilities, transport, and personnel." (from Wikipedia). This is a war crime.
  15. I already thought it's probably those "humanitarian" corridors leading right to Belarus or Russia. But aren't they opening new ones today? About McDonald's closing: Everybody says "Oh that'll show Russia" and makes fun of it. Of course it's not vital to have a McDonald's but it does suck when all those big companies leave and it is definitely very symbolic. The Russian economy is expected to collaps pretty soon (poor normal Russians!) so let's see what happens then...
  16. In our defense, I see LB like a community based on similar interests. A bit like a soccer fanclub, it's based on one interest but when the group meets you talk about anything really. And for the most part, I also don't think the threads are creepy or inappropriate, like a pre-release thread is nothing weird.
  17. That is what I'd love! Like unlocking things that are fun but not "vital".
  18. Thanks! I don't know which threads should be open from the start and which ones would only unlock a little later though.
  19. If anybody insists on locked threads why not lock a few for newcomers and if they've stayed for a while and have a good reputation more and more threads unlock? That way trolls have it harder. They usually create accounts to be annoying now, not in a month when the first spicy thread gets unlocked u know... That'd make sense somehow. Other than that I'm fully against charging the LB members for anything too.
  20. Horrifying. Didn't Erdogan also withdraw from that treaty against domestic violence? Why even?? He needs to go tbh. I didn't even know inflation was so bad in Turkey. What's the cause of that exactly?
  21. I hope they'll be able to get out this time. Are they fleeing to Poland?
  22. Anyway, when Putin has finally lost this war and his job, watch Ukraine join the EU and maybe even the NATO they're more than welcome after defending the freedom of all of us so bravely! The people of Sweden and Finland were against joining the NATO for years but since Putin's completely unwarranted and unprovoked war more than half of them changed their minds. So Sweden and Finland might join as well. We'll see about that though... The (far) right was flourishing in many countries before this and they're always the ones cutting ties to other countries. I think this has changed now and the world has actually moved closer. The bonds are getting stronger again.
  23. I don't think people who say this understand the simple fact that Ukraine can do whatever👏🏻the👏🏻hell👏🏻they👏🏻want. Who is Putin to tell other countries what they can and can't do?! Nobody, absolutely nobody is to blame here except Putin. If he's so pressed about the NATO, maybe he should just join it too. What's the alternative? Every head of state doing as one man in a completely different country pleases and if they don't, they're at fault for him starting a war?? Nobody provoked him. The Ukraine wants to be more Western and guess what - they can. It really is that simple. Because again: Putin is not the boss of Ukraine. They can join the Nato whenever they want. Nobody here is at fault except him.
  24. Tbh Honeymoon is not LSD to me at all. It's really grown up. I mean she's married now pfff. Also, that was the time when she was with Francesco Carozzini and they were always in Italy on yachts and shit looking very posh with silk scarves and all. It's more like drinking wine, Martini, Campari, Bellinis(!)..
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