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Blue Ink

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Everything posted by Blue Ink

  1. Well I wasn't age shaming either. But grown women aren't girls anymore to me, girls are children. I don't really see that as a weird comment on Lana's age tbh.
  2. Exactly! I also hate it when adult women call themselves "girls" in their songs like.. no. But anyway, maybe that's just a language thing. In my native language no grown woman would call herself a girl, it would just sound wrong.
  3. Love it, but I want an album cover with the full title on it. No NFR! situation.
  4. Oh I completely agree with that! The demo is top tier and was ruined for NFR
  5. Agree with everything (especially my beloved Guns and Roses), except Coachella. The dramatic lyrics and that instrumental are just not that good to me. Do people dislike TNBAR though?? I thought that was a favorite in the fandom?
  6. I HATED it at first. I wanted that old Hollywood glam and BTD sound. But eventually I started to get into the UV sound and until today it's still the kind of music I listen to the most. Now UV is my favorite album and era.
  7. I get you. To me, these performances are basically music videos. I'd love a true live performance but I understand why she doesn't want to do it. Though BB live would probably kill me and I know she'd sing that one flawlessy
  8. She taught me to sense the world around me a lot more intensely. Like how she just describes being at home with your love, doing nothing special, just playing video games as something really romantic and meaningful. Or as somebody already said, little things like Diet Mountain Dew etc. So just appreciating the little everyday things. This summer I was at home working and it was late afternoon, the sun rays came through my window and felt really warm and one of my neighbors was working on his car and listening to a mix of classical music and jazz. That was such a Lana-moment to me. So yeah, sensing the everyday world around me and how atmospheric it can be is definitely something her lyrics taught me.
  9. Completely agree! UV is one of her absolute masterpieces, high up there but it's an angry record and only really listenable when you need to let off steam. In that case it's perfect though!
  10. The strings add absolutely nothing to Thunder (they even get pretty annoying half way through) and the album version has no vibe compared to the leaked one.
  11. Omg I read a review a few days ago and that journalist wrote something like "...in one song Lana sings 'I can turn blue into something' " and then proceeded to make up theories about what that 'something' could be and I thought- are u kidding, that's not even the full lyric?! Like, the word beautiful is PART of that sentence?! What the hell, they don't even listen properly. It wasn't a negative review but still so stupid.
  12. 1. UV / HM 2. AKA 3. Paradise (unpopular, I know) 4. BB / Sirens 5. BTD / NFR / COCC 6. LFL This was a lot harder than I thought... I just wanna say I still like the albums on the lower ranks. Can't believe so many here put the iconic AKA so far down
  13. Omg I came here fearing that this would end up a Guns and Roses hate thread and it is it's so atmospheric. I love it. Apart from that Coachella. The half of LFL. How to disappear because of that instrumental (the live version was great). Happiness is a butterfly because of those cringy lyrics... UV and HM are perfect to me, just like Paradise.
  14. Exactly! She'd have to pave the way for herself first. And that was only possible in 2011/12 because it was the right time for the specific BTD style.
  15. Interesting question, I've wondered about this too and I'm not sure tbh. I think Lana did the right thing at the right time. Wasn't 2012 also the year of Electra Heart? That sort of aesthetic and lyrical style was just fashionable back then, though Lana was the one who made it fashionable in the first place in my opinion. Also, I think stylewise she had a huge impact. "Bee-stung" lips and long almond nude acrylic nails? Everybody kind of credits the Kardashians for that, especially Kylie but to me, Lana set these trends. Flower crowns, all of that. 2012 was just the time when people were interested in these things. I don't think you could pull that off in 2021.
  16. Ah you gave me hope I'm gonna actually like the new version. Are there lyrical changes?
  17. I'm really scared of reworked stuff. I'm thinking of TNBAR... she destroyed that fully for NFR in my opinion.
  18. What's funny is that all of these are logical but not one fits better than the actual title I think. Lana's song titles like Yosemite or Cruel World add to the entire feeling of her songs
  19. Good point! You‘re probably right.
  20. There‘s so many people going “Omg Video Games Part II, completely gives me VG vibes“ — honestly... AS IF anyone really would have made a connection between these two songs if Lana wouldn‘t have posted about it...
  21. I think there's a few songs on COCC that nobody really needed or listens to, which maybe could have been released as singles or a short EP instead (Breaking Up Slowly for example). On the other hand, there are really beautiful songs like White Dress, Chemtrails, TJF, Yosemite(!!!) which would be perfect as additional songs for a deluxe version of BB. Idk, I feel like especially these 4 songs really deserved better than this rushed "era"...
  22. I actually thought she sounded calm, not sad. A little exhausted but satisfied now that the release date stands and that she has basically said what she always wanted to say about her life in these songs (because that is what the record feels like). You know, like when you cried and you're tired but feel much better afterwards. That kind of mood. I mean I hate social media and all the hate Lana had to endure in the past 2 years was probably really affecting her.
  23. My favorite of the covers! It reminds me of her glamorous 2012/13 photo shoots
  24. They're speaking facts before 24:00 too
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