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Everything posted by ShadesOfFool

  1. 90% of her features she just hums in the background…i think she does it as a nice gesture for artists she likes but i rarely feel like she actually cares to be on the song lol
  2. they would have let her stay up there if she was performing salvatore
  3. Is that the guy from euphoria that can’t act? (I know that doesn’t really narrow it down)
  4. To be fair her lyrics imply Barrie had other women, too, so it sounds like they had kind of an open relationship
  5. Mhm yup cause Francesco was already around at that point, lana you dirty girl
  6. When did lana officially break up with Barrie? cause I remember reading somewhere she was already hooking up with the Italian dude at the end of things with Barrie
  7. Honestly I haven’t *loved* a lana album since lust for life, but I love this one again lol. I stopped playing anything off Norman, Chemtrails, and BB about a week after they came out, but I still listen to Ocean Blvd tracks every day lol It’s really only the interludes and Fingertips I skip
  8. Aw and the humming at the end of the hook on Video Games
  9. Some of her unreleased sucks and some of the songs off COCC/BB stink too. it’s ok she’s still a musical genius, but sometimes she misses
  10. why isn't she doing Dealer is the real question? thats the fan favorite right there
  11. I was out all night, was this better than last week?
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