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Everything posted by Mer

  1. women have outvoted men in every election since 1980. It’s hard to say if the gender disparity will be larger this time around (compared to 2020 and 2016) during early voting. We won’t know until after the 5th. There’s a solid argument to why any bellwether can and will be wrong this time (from polling, to stock market, to turnout).
  2. the fact that it genuinely is a 50% chance either will be correct.
  3. it’s impossible to know. I think polling is completely unreliable ATP, bc we know that historically, Trump’s support has been underestimated every time he’s been on the ballot AND we know pollsters are adjusting their polls to try and not have that happen a 3rd time. We have no clue which way their error will be or how large. I’m looking at the S&P. In 96 years, if the S&P has gained in the 3 months leading to the election, the incumbent party wins; if it has lost, the opposing party wins. The only time this has been untrue was 1956, 1968, 1980, 2020.
  4. honestly glad they’re being so open with it. May they siphon off Trump voters this time
  5. Why is the date stamp in the corner of the video “2022/01/02”? What shows are these about?
  6. Mer

    Katy Perry

    Xtina’s Lotus was worse, no?
  7. Mer

    Lady Gaga

    Um? Ok. I expected something much more cinematic I guess. I don’t get the storyline (was there one? I feel like there was and I’m not getting it)
  8. Update based on what I’m seeing from return rates of early voting. If Trump wins, the strong R returns in states like Nevada are going to be our first sign. I don’t see Harris being able to close the gap in NV rn, unless those Republicans are breaking for her in double digits (which is unlikely):
  9. wait you’re right. This is her official UK store: https://uk.shoplanadelrey.com, NOT “https://lanadelreyukstore.com” @ultrabanisters what was the email domain the promo was sent from? edit: never mind apparently Fenway Merch was also shipped and sold from this site.
  10. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    red herring.
  11. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    She’s purposefully making it look like she’s gonna be preforming (if you don’t notice the screenshot) to drum up Nikki’s numbers. Oh to have a friend like Lana.
  12. So Ivanka Trump has all but abandoned her dad’s campaign and is at a Taylor Swift concert lol. She was such an important part of his 2016 and 2020 campaigns, it’s weird she’s disappeared…
  13. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    I agree also Lana WAS lying so like 🙃🙃🙃 It’s literally on tape, there was lots of applause.
  14. Mer

    Lady Gaga

    I’m getting bored already can she drop the music video? Idk why she’s waiting until Feb. to drop the album.
  15. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    I was jet lagged fresh off a plane from Europe and I remember I hated the vault tracks at first but then suddenly Is It Over Now clicked and it’s remained one of my favorite Taylor songs.
  16. My final, very very skeptical, prediction: I think Texas will vote to the left of Florida, but the sun belt as a whole will vote to the right of the the rust belt. I also think Mark Robinson will weigh Trump down in NC, leading to a Harris win that falls within the “recount” margin (thankfully she’d have 276 votes without NC, anyways). Finally, even though Kari Lake is deeply unpopular, I think we’ll see surprising split ticket voting in AZ which results in a Lake loss and a Trump win. This entire election will be decided by less than 40,000 votes in NC and PA—but I think popular vote wise, Harris will outperform her polling.
  17. People just want an excuse to not vote or to not be happy tbh. Biden has been one of the best Presidents, domestically, in a while (even Bernie Sanders admitted that much). A lot of what I see about Kamala and Palestine is performative, nonsensical, and belabored (again not trying to downplay what’s going on there, but I agree that single issue Israel-Palestine voting is dangerous).
  18. you know why Palestine has refused to have an election in decades? Because Hamas would win—and this same argument you’re using against Israel would work against Palestine as well. This is a deeply, deeply complex issue—and not one that is as simple as “Israel bad, Palestine angel”. There is definitely a power imbalance favoring Israel currently, and a ceasefire is the best outcome for everyone—but this is not a black and white issue.
  19. This narrative that if “America never got involved” in other places the world be utopic is so beyond silly. If the US didn’t get involved, Russia or China would—and I’m not gonna sit here and debate all day whether that would’ve been good or bad. Take a poli sci class.
  20. I saw your post, I’m sorry but I don’t feel comfortable telling you explicitly how to vote. You need to vote within your own conscience.
  21. ok now you’ve lost me bc WHY would I want to see someone who has a 50% chance of being the most powerful person in the world claim there’s life on mars and be unable to succinctly answer a question for 3 hours — while bragging about how he told Kim Jong Un “Little Rocket Man, you’re gonna burn in hell” and offering to build him condos in N. Korea?
  22. ah ok, I think there’s a mistranslation/misunderstanding. I think @NikoGo and I would understand “mentally sharp” as a measure of intelligence, not a measure of energy to spew nonsense for 3 hours lol 😅
  23. Sorry I’ve watched the whole thing and if you think he comes off as “mentally sharp” when he says things like “There’s no reason not to think that Mars and all these planets don’t have life”
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