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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Audible is an amazon company and available on all platforms! You can either get a monthly subscription, or buy the audiobook individually!
  2. Releasing the audiobook before the printed one was genius too. I wouldn’t have been half as I moved (I think) if I had read these poems before hearing them
  3. Also I thought she lived in Malibu? Obviously I respect Lana’s privacy and it’s none of my business where she lives, but as a malibu native I’m surprised she drives all that way on the PCH to the palisades
  4. This tbh! If lana sold a record player for charity I’d buy that and the Violets vinyl from her too
  5. It kinda reminded me of the way Grace Kelly spoke! Velvety, and articulate at the same time is not easy to do
  6. $9 for an artist you chose to join a forum for is “overpriced”? It’s cheaper than a burrito! And will provide u with so much more pleasure
  7. actually wait i jut realized since you are actually the owner of the audio files from iBooks, and theyre not locked like streaming files, you should be able to drop it into iTunes
  8. if you buy it on iBooks, it will show up on ur iPhone on the built in books app, but not iTunes/apple music
  9. yes i paid 33 dollars for the hardcover book, i wished she had at least sent a download code to those like me who had. but oh well, 9 bucks for this masterpiece of an audiobook is never a purchase i could regret
  10. Ahhhh i've wanted to go take sailing lessons since I read Rebecca when I was 16....how is she literally in my head!
  11. Violet (the poem) reminded me how absolutely important it is to unplug from the 24/7 news cycle, because sometimes it can be so frustrating listening to all this bad news ("everything) and being able to do "nothing" about it....until you realize that a lot of what's in the news is none of our business, and it certainly isn't our problem--and doing "nothing" is the best thing we can do
  12. As someone who grew up in a tudor house near LA (Malibu), added to the fact that I can't go back right now because of covid, "Can I come home now" hits differently
  13. hmmmm on iBooks the names of the poems don't show up...just "track 1, track 2, track 3..." hopefully that changes
  14. it won't show up if you search for "Violets Bent Backwards Over the Grass" (only the digital ebook for pre-order does), but when i clicked on her name, it showed up on her "author page"
  15. its still not available on Audible in my country...I thought it would be out globally at 12am EST
  16. sorry i'm a bit slow: so only LA... is gonna be uploaded to Apple Music/Spotfy as a single? Not the whole album, yes?
  17. it's a poetic way of saying "Do you think I have time for imbeciles like you all? All you do is pay me dust"
  18. The Witch on the Corner was actually a children's book from 1966, in which the neighborhood children call the lady who lives on their street a "witch" so often, she actually decides to go out and learn the magic of the dark arts. The kids discover her trying to fly on a broom, and decide to help her master the dark arts, which she eventually does. I'm not exactly sure what the moral of the story is? "Embrace what they label you?" or "Become who you want others to perceive you as?"
  19. i said this before but it got lost in the violet's thread... the line "I took a free ride off a billionaires jet" sent a shiver down my spine, since I had just been reading about the latest news in the Epstein/Maxwell case...I hope right-wing, crazy "Q" Trump supporters don't come for her--she's already been getting enough internet hate these past few months
  20. hearing the words "I took a free ride on a billionaires jet" right after reading about Epstein/Maxwell made the hair on the back of my neck stand up...I hope conspiracy theorists/trump supporters don't take this and run with it
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