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Everything posted by TropicoKitten

  1. Yesss I’m pretty sure I bought mine from Walmart but I’ve also seen them at dollar general before. I love using it to display my cds
  2. The blue one just recently sold on depop for $400 I
  3. it’s finally here in all its glory😭
  4. “No not engaged thank you and fuck off”
  5. I feel free when I see no one and nobody knows my name
  6. I really hope the us store sells some but I don’t want to get my hopes up. At least there was a 1 per customer limit
  7. Are there any US fans that are interested in writing letters to each other? I’ve always wanted to do that. Kinda like a pen pal situation
  8. I may or may not have given into a scalper price on Friday for the signed cd😞 I paid $75 which I’m not too happy about, but the only ones I’ve seen since this weekend are $100 and up which is absolutely insane. Hopefully the green pen and just “lana” ones are more affordable for fans who haven’t gotten one yet
  9. I just meant I saw two photos next to each other
  10. Love the yellow and the red is okay but it’s giving McDonald’s when you put them next to each other🤢
  11. The interlude feels kinda random and out of place on bb
  12. If Patent leather do-over doesn’t make the final cut it’s gonna be a do-over for miss lizzy👊🏼🤧
  13. I just find it really hard to believe that she wouldn’t even come out with a standard pressing for an actual (non cover) album
  14. Is it possible that by her next album being digital she was referring to the American classics one? That was supposed to be digital only right as well
  15. Does the Spotify record sound okay? How is it compared to the other picture discs? That’s the next one I’m trying to add to my collection but since it’s out of stock I hate to pay a pretty penny for it if it sounds like trash
  16. Impatiently waiting for fantanos bb review so I can judge him for giving the album a bad review. It’s honestly a tradition at this point🥴
  17. The fact that scalpers are already starting to sell the signed cds for upwards of $100. I checked Mercari this morning and four copies have already sold for $75… how disappointing that we aren’t getting a restock
  18. So far I’ve only pre ordered the black vinyl but I’m very curious to see how the variants will sound this time compared to the cocc ones
  19. Oops I should have clarified. I was referring to the cds but yes I’ll definitely be going back on the 29th to see if the put any of the records out. Oh yes how could I possibly forget mr gian
  20. Oh well… I’m still gonna go later tonight🤡🤡🤡
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