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Everything posted by prettywhenimhigh

  1. they chose the weakest photo from that shoot that's for sure
  2. when we find out there's a picture of a dark sky hidden in LDR Village's code
  3. neil should be the standard guy to shoot her covers imo but I'd love if she worked with a new photographer like nadia lee or someone like nadia
  4. yes LDR 9 will sound like this I have FAITH
  5. horse topiary is a queen and that's why I pay homage to it in my sig until the end of time now lana needs to post pics of her chickens so we can have chickens appreciation thread they're already iconic since they're in a song
  6. topanga is a shy queen I guess but I think we'll eventually see her more often
  7. prettywhenimhigh


    if she can't finish darq souls she can finish death angels I'm waiting miss c
  8. prettywhenimhigh


    there's also these tracks from 2011 Stoned Henge (whoknoidontno) Emancipated Reality Vixen м е с с е н г е р (Messenger) edit: and this one from 2010 Fifteen Minutes To
  9. yes justice for niko & topanga!!! made this gif of her lil xmas performance from last year bby niko ♥
  10. girl blackout literally changed the pop scene wdym
  11. prettywhenimhigh


    we always knew it was gonna be good af but it's way more than that
  12. prettywhenimhigh


    nas ne degonyat is one of my favorite songs ever i'M SHAKING IT'S SO GOOD
  13. it's not gatekeeping lana I'm just trying to find a reason why sweet carolina from all of the other tracks because like I said not even funny as a challenge dealer going viral as a trend made perfect sense
  14. this is so damn random and not even funny as a challenge omg slay sweet carolina I guess
  15. yes I miss collectively losing my mind over the most vague information possible
  16. rewatched the virgin suicides still so good
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