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  1. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    AP called it and they've never been wrong.
  2. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in 2020 USA Democratic Presidential General Election   
    What on god's green, flat earth is goin on  what a time to be alive.
  3. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Vanilla Icy in Ariana Grande   
    sweetener is her experimental magnum opus and i think due to the way it was received she decided to go down the more watered down basic pop route which is upsetting
    shes such a talented vocalist and her status could get her any producer in the industry she wants to work with her so it’s sad she wastes all that on such lazy production 
  4. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Ariana Grande   
    No ones stopping you gurl
  5. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in Ariana Grande   
    Halfway through it and I'm bored, and I'm actually shocked I feel this way bc her music usually lights me up 
  6. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in Ariana Grande   
    I like Safety Net and Motive. Overall, I'm pretty underwhelmed by the album. She's one of my fave artists for sure though and I hope the album does well anyway. I wonder if I feel this way about this one bc I thought her last couple albums were some of the best I've ever heard and so in my mind it's maybe too hard to beat or match with? Probably
  7. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Ariana Grande   
    She got new lips.
  8. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Venice in Let Me Love You Like a Woman (Single) - OUT NOW: October 16th, 2020   
    Omg I didn't know what it was, but it felt super short even though it was an average length song. Makes sense 
  9. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Halsey   
    Thank you! You're so kind 
    I hope any difficulties get easier for you too! 
  10. partymonster liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Halsey   
    perfect thank u so much for explaining more! all that u wrote is exactly my opinion too and overall a very similar experience to mine. i had misunderstood ur first reply. glad i'm not alone in feeling like this/having gone through that, hope it gets easier in the future  x
    reading so many mixed things on here! i personally haven't found much she's done/said to be super angry over but again i'm unfamiliar with halsey. i probably still know every lyric to every song on badlands but other than that it's been many years. i do agree that it seems she is just someone that is easily unlikeable due to random factors like how she can come off sometimes (+ random weird lies? idk much about this tho!)
  11. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by genghis khan in Halsey   
    she's honestly a good person and is actually unproblematic, i think she just has a personality that people find easy to hate. a lot of her interviews come off as very pretentious when she talks about the importance and significance of her work when in reality its just radio music 
  12. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Nightmare in Halsey   
    you know i could just wake up one morning and be like "you know what? let me write a long ass fan fiction to ruin someone's reputation just for fun" and people would eat it up, right?
    there's no evidence in all that and constantly telling people to go check themselves asking someone's relatives doesn't make it more real. as if anybody could dm somebody's mother and be like "hey wassup is it true that halsey abused your son? let me know :-) <3" cmon now.
  13. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by knives in Halsey   
    i dont know about the rest of what you wrote, but why did u feel the need to include this fact?? genuinely curious. if this was to address the lying about having endometriosis, that doesnt mean everyone with it can't get pregnant. but what we're not gonna do is shame people for getting abortions  criticize the rest of her immoral behavior (if true) but i dont believe this is something that needed to be mentioned.
  14. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Halsey   
    I also get what you're saying. And I'm also coming from the viewpoint of someone who is mixed race (european/chinese).
    It's difficult for mixed race people, especially when we look different enough that we don't look like we are from either culture. I only call myself chinese now because I want to take back that power, as I denied it until I was around 15 due to racist bullying. I obviously never fit in as a white person, so by saying "I'm chinese" at least I can 'belong' somewhere, ygm? 
    But yes I understand that for me, that would not give me the experience of a Chinese woman in a white supremist country, because I had all the same privileges of 'growing up white'. I think this is kinda what you are saying right? But in halseys case she was 100% white passing so that's the difference. Sorry I haven't meant to make this bout me, I'm just trying to use my own experience to relate and see the differences
    It's complicated but I think listening to what mixed race and black people say gives the right perspective, rather than white people just dismissing her because "I've always thought of her as white". So thanks for defining what you meant! 
  15. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Halsey   
    i completely get ur view point! but it's just that even though someone may go through a lifetime's worth of isolating experiences of not fitting in due to being mixed or raised by a different ethnicity or culture, it still doesn't make them apart of that race or give them that race's exp. i am a mixed person like halsey is, and regardless of having been raised with just one half of my ethnic background and totally relating to it, my skin color is not from this half, and so even if i feel i totally belong with this group (which i do!), it doesn't mean i know what it's like to go through life as someone with this group's skin color bc that is not my skin color. halsey may have experienced all kinds of hardships with not fitting in etc., but in no way is she a black woman bc she will never exp what a black woman goes through, as she's 100% white passing. imo she has the exp of a mixed person, but anyway her experiences, feelings n struggles are of course forever valid, but her statement that she is a black woman, is not.
  16. Rorman Nockwell liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Azealia Banks   
    one time i was taunted at high school for a whole year by a girl who for NO reason, who would lash out at me, shove me in the hallways, always kick my leg in a school crowd rush, make threatening faces especially when she saw me in my car to intimidate me, like it was absolutely a miserable and scary time for me. i became terrified of her. i already had a shit life and she made it so much harder, like i can't sum up in words how horrible this exp was. it got bad enough to where i finally took it to the principal and counsellor, and basically all that ended up happening was them telling me she has a lot of struggles and so this was her natural reaction to lash out and all that, and that they had worked with her for years and knew her "story". sigh... as if i hadn't been wanting to die too for years like including dealing with sexual abuse ffs, but you didn't see me attacking others and projecting my anger and hurting onto others. 
    it took me literally 9 entire years to stop living in a fear of running into her whenever i'd go out at night, as our city is small. and 9 years to forgive her and be in peace and accept it's really all over now. it maybe wouldn't have been so hard if i had great mental health to begin with, but i did not.
    i truly do hope azaelia receives the help and support she needs, though it doesn't excuse the torment she's caused others. like that experience i had genuinely fucked me up for a good portion of my life and that wasn't fair and that wasn't fine. that girl's name even used to me my fave and i wanted to name my future kid that if i'd have a girl, but now when i hear that name it's nothing but bad flash backs lol. yeah, hurt people sometimes hurt others, but it doesn't mean everything should be forgotten about just because they were hurt. the "i was in a dark place" reasoning should only be an explanation, and not an excuse.
    of course, i know azaelia should be supported right now and helped. i wish azaelia true peace and hope her heart becomes a lot softer and kinder in the end once she's healing. compassion is one of the best traits a person can have.
    (i'm just sharing my thoughts about this, not directing to anyone, ty!)
  17. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Awsten Knight in Lana at her book signing at Barnes & Noble at The Grove in Los Angeles, CA - October 2nd, 2020   
    im glad I got there right when they were escorting her away so I didn’t have to be in the crowd. I would have missed out if she wasn’t taken to the back to sign more 
  18. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Halsey   
    thank you so much!! it’s good to know these things imo. i appreciate u explaining
  19. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Vanilla Icy in Lana at her book signing at Barnes & Noble at The Grove in Los Angeles, CA - October 2nd, 2020   
    the fact that there are like 5 threads discussing lana’s behavior right now is so overwhelming 
  20. Nightmare liked a post in a topic by violets4roses in Halsey   
    ty for sharing! so far the only actual messed up thing i found is during her 2017 playboy interview when she said “I look like a white girl, but I don’t feel like one. I’m a black woman.” which is preeetty fucked up. she’s not a poc. she’s only 1/4 black and is the epitome of white tumblr girl. at least she deleted her tweets about this kinda stuff so hopefully it doesn’t come back! other than this, i couldn’t find anything truly bad so i’m glad! (srry if this text is huge, still new ish here n idk the mobile app too well)
  21. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Nightmare in Halsey   
    people loved her when she was starting out when she was not so famous and then started hating on her cause she got popular and her music was selling, cause you know edgy cool kids love to hate on popular things. but also when she debuted people loved calling her fake and a copycat accusing her of copying lana, sky ferreira and stealing beats (which you know, samples exist? and can be bought?) but since then she changed a lot musically and as a person so people hating on her for those reasons are literally so dumb. like it's not 2015 anymore, give it up
  22. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Halsey   
    Happy to help
  23. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by xxmissdaytonaxx in Alphabet Song Game   
    Power & Control - Marina and the Diamonds 
  24. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by prettywhenimhigh in Alphabet Song Game   
    jenny was a friend of mine by the killers
  25. violets4roses liked a post in a topic by Creyk in Halsey   
    The entire reason she was noticed was because she copied Lana's song National Anthem, with new americana and many people felt that she was just doing a cringe-worthy version of what Lana was doing. It was also weird how she began dating Lana's ex right after she broke up with him. And in general due to her outspoken personality she did a few weird things which also didn't help.
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