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  1. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Wtf that is awful. Are they also going to disown Jenna Ortega from the franchise for supporting Palestine?
  2. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Embach in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    An actress from Scream film franchise was dropped from the new movie because she supports Palestine and the movie makers explained that anti-semitism has no place in this world. 
    Like two different things duh 
  3. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Mer in Lana to be featured on TV series "The New Look" soundtrack with a cover of "Blue Skies" - OUT NOW!   
    Are they gonna acknowledge the fact that Coco Chanel was a literal Nazi in this series, or are we once again going to get the portrait of a glamorous young entrepreneur who everyone should look up to?
  4. Nahime liked a post in a topic by DemocracyManifest in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Lana supports the genocide on Palestinians .. 
  5. Nahime liked a post in a topic by barttttender in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Thank you. Exactly what I would have said.
    No geofuckingpolitical goals justify the slaughter of 5,000 children. Israel needs to be trailed for crimes against humanity. And that's the bottom line and everything that matters.
    And to limelight, "creating a human corridor" to banish an entire population into another country, as if that country (Egypt) belongs to them? Only sadistic lunatics would think this is acceptable.
    Fyi the reason why Egypt doesn't want them is because they're poor af and can barely survive themselves.
    Note: I was in Cairo only a month ago, and couldn't believe that some 17 M people live in those conditions. The influx of Palestinian would be an economic nail in the coffin to them.
    So, no, this corridor isn't an option. And no, neither the appallingly sad history of Gaza, nor anyone's interest justify in any way what is happening over there right now.
  6. Nahime liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    sure, more people would have died, less people would have died however- if they were not doing that in the first instance. so for that reason, i don't find it relevant. they have murdered over 10000 people, people who are more than just a statistic. 
    politics is corrupt, but should we expect people to simply comply, because it makes sense that in the pursuit of greed, somebody might eventually seek to eliminate an entire population in palestine? 
    so despite any geopolitical reasoning, the war crimes committed are unjustifiable. they should be held accountable, and "free palestine" is to put pressure on unelected and elected politicians to be forced to hold israel accountable for their actions. it is not that shallow or simple, nobody ever said it would be.
  7. Nahime liked a post in a topic by barttttender in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    My point of view makes sense everywhere. I'm European but I live here yeah.
    Also, are you really one of those who thinks that 10,000 civilians died because of a hunt for Hamas?
    Newflash: Israel couldn't care less about Hamas or the hostages. They're ethnically cleansing Gaza. Get with the program! 
    So, yes, they CAN stop. But they want the land, and the natural gas, so they won't. 
    Have you been living under a rock?
  8. Nahime liked a post in a topic by barttttender in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    1 Bn in direct "aid" to Israel during a genocide isn't about "diplomacy". It's about supplying weapons.
    "A ceasefire now would be the same as losing." - Say what now? You mean killing 10 K more civilians would be considered as a win? Are you in any way implying that what they're doing is a good, reasonable thing? Please consider your phrasing.
    But, yes, I do agree that the international pressure won't do much. America killed, what, 1 million Iraqis under the pretense of weapons of mass destruction, which they never found. If they decide to commit genocide, there's no stopping them. The world can shout and scream, but it isn't going to do much.
  9. Nahime liked a post in a topic by barttttender in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Yes, it is if those brown people are backed and funded by the predominantly white Americans and Europeans. The Israelis are being used by Americans and others to fulfil their colonialist, economic interests. Otherwise, they would've called for a ceasefire. 
    Surely, you can put 2 + 2 together?
  10. Nahime liked a post in a topic by 5adboy in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Crazy how many Palestine supporters are there, even though the Jewish population in the US is way higher than he Muslim one. That tells you everything smh. Israel is a made-up country and everyone who has passed their world history class knows it. Also, a religion who doesn't believe in Jesus Christ claiming the land where he was born as theirs is unbelievable to me.
  11. Nahime liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    actually 65% of Israelis are not religious or atheists: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Israel
  12. Nahime liked a post in a topic by colaandvideogames in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Very true. I was only hoping to let him know that just because i think the innocent people of Palestine needs to be supported doesn’t mean I’m against the Jewish community. People have died on both sides and it’s awful.
    I just love this community surrounded around Lana and so yeah, any fan of Lana’s is someone I already think is awesome, so when stuff like this happens… I guess I just get sad thinking that someone in the community could even potentially think I don’t support who they are…. Not the case at all. I would like to apologize for the misunderstanding, but life will move on. Thank you again Rorman for catching the typo, you’ve always been a real one and I enjoy your posts on here 
    back on topic: I think maybe the way we could help is supporting those in power that are against the war happening… hopefully the UN could stop this sooner rather than later…  
  13. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    All good
    No one cares who Zach Hiller is or what he thinks though, and you shouldn't either 
    Arguing with him, or anyone else, isn't going to change anything for the people affected
  14. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Still WAY too many people I know being like "it's a difficult situation". "Hamas is using human shields so what else is Israel meant to do?"
    Idk, NOT get a free pass to commit war crimes??? Would YOU think it's fair enough to be bombed in your own city and then again at places you are told to go for shelter by the attacker just because some evil people might be roaming beneath you? Would you be okay with you and your family dying as human shields? And even if you were a hostage, would you be okay with 80 innocent people dying to supposedly kill one person involved with the crew keeping you hostage?
    People love to think with what they think is "logic" and "strategy" before they even consider the value of human lives. We don't need more politicians like that. We don't need more people in the world like that.
  15. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Australia has exported weapons to Israel. I saw a photo circulating of the ship with protesters in the water and honestly thought it was fake. But came across this, and now it's making sense, why Australia won't have this on our news.
    "“The Australian government approves hundreds of military sales to Israel and we have no idea what the weapons are or how they are used. Even the US has more transparency on weapons sales than Australia. Time to tell the truth.
    Our government doesn’t tell us who we’re exporting weapons to; doesn’t tell us what the weapons are; doesn’t tell us who profits here in Australia from the sale of weapons,” Shoebridge said in the Senate this week.""
    Also something interesting. Someone I know came back from a holiday in Canada and said that the news in Canada is very controlled compared to Australia, that everything there is very much pro-Israel. Meanwhile here in Australia, despite the government avoiding making a statement while financially supporting Israel, the news actually seems very neutral. I always try to pick up on anything that could be biased but I can't recall anything that has been. Correct me if im wrong (I've been reading ABC as Australian news, but also reading/watching news from other countries)
  16. Nahime liked a post in a topic by barttttender in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Yep. It's all about the territory, natural gas, and future trade corridors. There's a lot of money in Palestine for Israel and their allies to share. Billions.
    It has nothing to do with religion, the "promised land" or Israel claiming what's theirs, nor their "right to self defence". It's just white colonialism all over. Oil is lower in supplies, and natural gas is the new oil. What they can unearth in Gaza could last humanity for another 125 years. Natural gas is also more environmentally friendly so this ticks a lot of the greenwashing and other ESG goals that everyone has to abide by.
    These countries are performing an act of ethnic cleansing so that Israel can take over the land, reap its economic benefits, and then share it with the US, Uk, France, and so forth. Israel is already giving out licenses to companies to look for the natural gas off their Mediterranean coast. More about all of this here: https://www.planetcritical.com/p/everybody-wants-gazas-gas
    Natural gas a well as the potential trade corridors that Isreal can create through Gaza is why the US, Uk and so on are sitting idly and watching the genocide play out. This genocide is in everybody's interest. This is very sad and shocking, but it's a truth now obvious to everyone. 
    Now, here is the interesting part:
    I've heard from folks familiar with the history and the region that Israel knew that the concert massacre of their people by Hamas was coming that day. Just think, all those Israeli soldiers out there, during war times, with huge walls, apartheid and a shit ton of weapons, but the Israeli army was NOWHERE in sight to protect their own civilians from Hamas? Yeah right. The concert-goers were used as scapegoats, so that Israel would get the "full right" to "defend itself", meaning: kill the civilians, continue their ethnic cleansing, and further displace the Palestinians. Bit by bit, the Gaza borders will move, and Israel will take over completely.
    Now, what Elon Musk pointed out the other day is that Israel didn't realize that Hamas knew that their concert massacre is going to kick off the bloodshed. They also knew that Muslims around the world, as well as Christians, would see it on freewheeling socials, recognize it for what it is, and retaliate against Israel en masse. And now, the whole world is siding with Hamas, seeing their narrative, and recognizing the Israeli atrocities for the very first time. Despite them going on for decades.
    So, while Israel is getting its land and moving ahead with its territorial and financial goals, they're losing international support and more and more "Hamas"-style enemies are being born day by day. What's more, people all around the world have started learning about Israel, seeing what its doing, and noticing what its goals are. So, while Palestine may have lost 11,000 people, it won a lot in terms of international recognition.
    Now everyone with a brain, understands that not only Palestine is a victim of Western colonialism - the entire world is.
    The problem is, what do we all do with this information? What does one do when they learn their own government is funding a genocide in the Middle East for the sake of natural gas and money, in tandem with other governments? Natural gas which isn't even that much better than oil, only moderately so. Ony about 30% less carbon dioxide emission than oil. 
    Basically, they will kill and displace Palestinians, take their land and get the gas - just so they can keep filling their pockets while killing the planet more and more.
    What I've personally learned from all this is:
    1. There is no such thing as human rights. There are only powerful countries and poor countries. The rules don't apply if you have the powerful countries in your corner
    2. America is once again at the heart of crimes against humanity and their biggest supporter and funder. This keeps on happening, and your own citizens are funding it. It's fucked up
    3. America would rather fund a war and then sort out its messed up healthcare system
    4. Europe too is all about financial interests
    5. The UN as an institution is pretty useless 
    6. Ireland has more balls than anyone in Europe in terms of speaking the truth
    7. England's new Prime Minister is already corrupt, a goner
    8. Israel is literally a made up, small country, but they have so much power and so many lobbyists that they can perform ethnic cleansing while the whole world is watching. Oh, and they have nuclear powers as well
    9. Social media can be used for more than narcissism. It can be a powerful tool for unearthing the truth and exposing our governments
    10. Most of the stuff we get from the media is a complete lie. Even articles in reputable magazines like New York Times or the Wall Street Journal. In fact, especially in those publications
    This list goes on and on. There's so much to unpack, and discern, and I can totally understand why everyone is so shocked and distressed. If you're feeling anxious right now (I know I am!), well, you're not alone
    The time for political and social activism is now, guys. We not only need to learn what we can do to to help the Palestinian cause, but we also need to stop our governments from making decisions on our behalf. Our planet is at stake. 
    I'm on Elon Musk's team. Electric cars should be the way forward, and Big Oil or Big Gas, need to be stopped at every cost.
  17. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Good for her but the Grammys are still bullshit
    DYKTUOB is not even close to being her best album and they paid her actual best albums dust
    So they can get fucked now and forever
    I will NEVER forget her sitting there looking heartbroken at the last one
  18. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Jewishvoiceforpeace on instagram is a good account to follow
    I keep seeing so many people talking about anti-semitism while ignoring the efforts that Jewish people are actually making to free Palestine. "Not in our name", i.e. don't kill innocent Palestinians in their name.
  19. Nahime liked a post in a topic by colaandvideogames in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Welp... I got blocked by Evan Winiker...and Lana fan Zachary Hiller (one of the fans from the Blue Banisters release day on her insta live that she talked to) Evan posted about Jewish people and how they have love for people, even people that hate them... But absolutely no empathy was written about the Palestinian children that continue to die... I commented that we can have our faith but still condemn what is happening...
    He deleted my comment, then I saw Zach commented on the post as well... I said "Zach... no..." and he replied "unfollowed you for a reason. I'm Jewish and I'm proud".
    I did not realize he had unfollowed me, I have and would NEVER post anything that is anti-Semitic or against Jewish people...But I do know that I have added some stuff to my story about a nearby protest in support of Palestine. The last thing I posted was a picture of a sign someone hand made that said "you don't need to be a Muslim to stand up for Palestine. You just need to be human".
    So I guess he saw that and disagreed. I dunno. That's besides the point. Evan blocked me so when I tried to respond to Zach "you can be proud to be Jewish and still condone what the government is doing to innocent children in Palestine. Unless it's justified to you I guess but I know you're a better person than that and I'd hate to think you are just peachy keen about what is happening to them."
    It would not send, and I could not send it to Zach either (probably blocked as well by him)
    Anyways, if anyone has @zacharyhiller on Instagram, I would appreciate if my message could be passed on, because I do not want to believe he is ok with innocent people (mostly children) getting murdered. Elle is the only one I see who could get in contact with him, but if anyone else has his @... I think it is awesome to be proud of who you are! I know I am! And at the same time, I strongly disagree with my government and what they do. And I wish we could be a generation of people who have a conversation to better understand each other instead of just blocking. There was no fighting going on. Alright, rant over. Anti War till I die. Free Palestine (and just because I say that doesn't automatically mean I hate Jewish people at all)
  20. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    "UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres says that the number of civilians killed in the Gaza Strip shows that there is something "clearly wrong" with Israel's military operations against Hamas militants.  
    "There are violations by Hamas when they have human shields. But when one looks at the number of civilians that were killed with the military operations, there is something that is clearly wrong," Mr Guterres said.  
    He said on Monday that Gaza was becoming a "graveyard for children", as more than 4,000 children have been killed, far outnumbering the maximum number of killings the UN has seen in past years.  Mr Guterres added that the death toll "doesn't help Israel in relation to the global public opinion".  
    He added that if the distinction is not clearly made between Hamas and Palestinians, "I think it's humanity itself that will lose its meeting."  The current humanitarian crisis on the ground in Gaza is "catastrophic", Mr Guterres said. "
    Honestly they couldn't see this coming when the death toll was rising by the hundreds every day for 4 weeks? Only now they can admit it because over 10,000 is finally a number large enough for more people to raise an eyebrow? And also, still nothing is being done except continuing negotiations for supplies to Gaza.
  21. Nahime liked a post in a topic by barttttender in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    it's crazy! Just look at social. People are posting their food pics and f-ing gym sessions with complete disregard. How can folks ignore this issue? At least voice your support with one or two stories
    the worst is when they say "I have Israeli friends so I can't post"
    Ummm, if your Israeli friends have an issue with you condemning an act of genocide, then they aint really your friends, hun
    We really live in an era of problem-avoidance and narcissism. Things shouldn't be "nice" and "hot" 24/7. It's social media, but I guess a violation of human rights should take a backseat in the social conversation to give way to aesthetically pleasing content that everyone is comfy with? So they don't have a second of feeling uncomfortable? 
    It's the same reason why the planet will literally burn to death in a few hundred years - complacency and status quo
  22. Nahime liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Angelina Jolie faced backlash from her own father and the Israeli president for her latest insta post, stay brave girl!
  23. Nahime liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    it’s terrible how the death toll hit 10,000
    fuck israel and fuck the IDF
  24. Nahime liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    10,022 people killed by Israeli attacks in Gaza since Oct 11, including 4,104 children and 2,641 women. 25,408 wounded.
    The number of children in Gaza killed in 3 weeks has surpassed the total number of children killed worldwide in conflict since 2019.
    Honestly what are some people thinking when they see stats like this? Too many seem to think it's fine, justified, or just ignore it. I hear everyone who stays silent loud and clear.
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