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About stargirlb

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  1. It happens but in the case of BB, I doubt any of the variants will sell out completely by the time you get your order. umusic.ca has free shipping to Canada over $50CAD and to US over $100CAD - order from them, they have all vinyl in stock and they’re great!
  2. It will probably be the same as standard! If you saw the booklet I posted on IG, there were quite a few Chemtrails photos in it… I think there was a lack of photos this era again and also the Chemtrails alt cover CD/vinyl had the standard back cover as well…
  3. I am seriously counting down the seconds for when I can hear it!
  4. Congrats! Such a beautiful photo of both of you. What a dream!
  5. Kinda late but… The universal store is UK only! ?? Shoplanadelrey is the US store. Umusic.ca is Canadian so they offer free shipping (within Canada) over $50 but they also deliver to US for free over $100 so they are a great alternative if you wanna buy a bunch of stuff!
  6. Might get some hate but I would probably scrap the whole second half of LFL except Heroin ??‍♀️
  7. I think my rarest items would be the serpent flask which I got during the Paradise tour and the Marfa Journal she was on the cover of/featured in - I just bought it off Depop and it was literally the only one on the internet. Honourable mention to the the Rosary Coke necklace and green lyric book (Bible). I’ve started posting all of my memorabilia on Instagram if anyone wants to see! @stargirlbiba
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