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  1. That Venice Bitch liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in The Criterion Collection   
    they have a great streaming service btw if you love classic film 
  2. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Instagram Updates   
    she honestly shouldn't even be commenting on blind items... it looks silly considering there are dozens of insane blind items that come out every day and most are largely BS - why draw attention to it?
  3. bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Instagram Updates   
    she honestly shouldn't even be commenting on blind items... it looks silly considering there are dozens of insane blind items that come out every day and most are largely BS - why draw attention to it?
  4. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Instagram Updates   
    she honestly shouldn't even be commenting on blind items... it looks silly considering there are dozens of insane blind items that come out every day and most are largely BS - why draw attention to it?
  5. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Instagram Updates   
    she honestly shouldn't even be commenting on blind items... it looks silly considering there are dozens of insane blind items that come out every day and most are largely BS - why draw attention to it?
  6. heatwaves liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Lexie Liu   
    "girls and gays like me" being a line in the chorus of her new song and the grindr notification at the start of the music video 😭😭😭 okayy lmfao
  7. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Indio, CA @ Stagecoach - April 25th, 2025   
    i'm so excited for this i hope the crowd isn't too annoying and i can get close without camping all day.. i'm also going to be feeling some type of way from all the substances i will have consumed at coachella a few days before 😭 i should be going weekend one but alas
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