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Everything posted by SoftwareUpgrade

  1. I wish I had the red Honeymoon pressing, or any for that matter- but it's a bit too expensive for me to justify it (at my local record store)
  2. I searched "Ruby Tuesday" and sorted by date, and found that speculation regarding the alternate title, it belonging to HDB has happened since her earlier days . There are other examples discussing it, if anybody wishes to search for themselves.
  3. Only thing I could find in my archives was this, from July 23rd, 2022. Unsure if HM started that, or heard it from another/after others were calling it that Edit: Just saw the convo above/ this just must be an alternate.
  4. Either the quote from "People" is false, or somebody is lying here.....
  5. Azealia Banks Instagram IG Post Archive: azealiabanksforever April 10th, 2023 Cardi B, delusion, self love, throwback, slay z, poking the bear
  6. Throwback to when Billie commented under one of her reactions, for her EP, I think?
  7. SoftwareUpgrade


    I don't think we have a finite date, just "soon after" being stated in her Grazia Magazine interview! Flux has grown on me a bit, glad to see it given some love. @SalvaWHORE I haven't seen them posting/hanging out together recently? I think that was more 2021/Ghostmane era? Unless there are more recent paparazzi images
  8. Sky Ferreira Instagram IG Story Archive April 5th, 2023 USA Summer shows 2023
  9. @poetic jess I'm pretty sure I watched that Sky video years ago! Bring it back from the archives
  10. Guess thats just Lana, somebody sensitive towards their art, it can be a blessing and a curse in some instances with her, because when she's good, she's really good imo. (With certain producers to help along the way, obviously)
  11. I haven't streamed OB yet, but I'll have to keep that in mind for when I eventually do . I think she has some artistic insecurities, unsure why she felt the need to "clear the air" for questionable publications like "The Guardian", when it was clear the media had fun jumping on her, with the internet mob. Not that I dont think certain things she does are the best choices, but a lot of people (Twitter & IG Mobs) came to "school" Lana (virtually), didn't seem to be active fans. Then again, public actions and opinions are for anybody to blabber about when it's posted online . She could've taken the opportunity to make a "This is me" tracklist that was more catered to fans who happened to listen, reworking older pieces correctly. Then again, she states this was "for her", but fans usually don't like selfish artistic choices, especially if executed poorly/in a sloppy fashion. I enjoy COTCC as a "just doing me" album better.
  12. White Dress was the superior "honest vocal take" song (in comparison to Arcadia). Agreed with @Lindsay Lohan that the concept of BBS is silly to me, but I think the audience is targeted more at an American woman, well, some of them. Glad we got Wildflower Wildfire, Dealer, and Living Legend. I think Cherry Blossom deserved a spot elsewhere, or maybe some type of rework . There are some sweet spots on this record, but it seems more of a background noise accompaniment to her poetry book (playing on vinyl in the back, as you read). The album cover was nicely shot though....
  13. I've gotten so used to the YouTube avoiding-a-copyright-strike uploads that the official versions sound a bit slower/somber. The pitched version has grown on me
  14. Looked up "Lana Del Rey China" for something silly to post in reply, but instead finding vintage drama CCP
  15. SoftwareUpgrade


    Forgot to post this earlier, but to add insult to injury, the track was originally uploaded to the wrong Soundcloud account, this is Poppy, a (Malaysian?) Popstar
  16. Not most of these being repeat listens with me - coquette tiktokers would go to WAR about listening to this EP, then eat each other alive in peak zoomer fashion, then the EP would get taken off of streaming
  17. COTCC was payed dust compared to DYK, this album has more hype, there also was no 2020 trenches, IG comment fights, and no cover reveal war era with DYK, she came and conquered with the Neil Krug titties set
  18. Its giving YouTube bot, uploading topic music into the wrong artist channel
  19. I was being facetious, I usually just vibe with the song and don't pay attention to the meaning as much. I just assumed she pulled a "but what about me" moment #2941 and she is the heaven that this other, a man, should choose/chase. She does enjoy her biblical references Edit: The answer above me works better, I totally forgot about "bliss" as a concept
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