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Everything posted by SoftwareUpgrade

  1. SoftwareUpgrade


    But but- Grimes has to be Grimes B-bewwk juan </3
  2. SoftwareUpgrade


    Forgot to post this here, but an Instagram post from yesterday, February 3rd, 2022 IG Instagram Archive: Unsure if this will be used for anything music related, or just for promotional purposes.
  3. SoftwareUpgrade


    Art Angels was my summer 22' ALBUMMM, need more music from her! I liked player of games, one of my friends preferred Shinigami Eyes
  4. I hope she signs some CD booklets again, for this album! Vinyl signatures would be cool too, she'd probablynhave to sleeve the webstore records with her team at home though ....
  5. I should've bought a damn 7', one of my favorites from her. Did any other Lipster care for this cover?!? It's so to meeee. Also, I always play it in my mind when somebody gets banned. "Walk OnNnNnn wAallk oOONnNNnnnn"
  6. My eyes would look "sus" too if I had to go to Terry Richardson's studio
  7. Me at myself after I make a lore post on how many "x" 's Elle has used on this site
  8. There has been somebody posting as "Lustforlife" on that file hosting site for a while now, often in tandem with other banned users. I think alleged information about LDR9, and her covers album was posted as a .txt or .pdf file. It's unclear whether some cases truly are his ramblings, or if it is all trolling for Lipster attention (not posted or written by LFL). Edit: Take any "insider information" with his name with a grain of salt, I remember that he would actually message certain "real" insiders for information, then relay in here in broken English. Somebody posted imgur links of him lying about "huh, I never dm-d"/not coming off as desperate, but of course, he did . I cannot remember if his "track pre-release descriptions" were ever accurate. He was eventually banned for posting a (snippet?) link to "Buddy's Rendezvous" before its official release. Rip. It can be fun to play along with alleged information though, just don't feel too let down if it isn't accurate
  9. AOA - Like A Cat (Gif has those vibes of kpop + spies) 24 - Lana Del Rey My Gif: Edit: WAIT - I was holding down the above .gif so I could find out where it truly was from, and I see the title "aoa like a cat gif" EMBARRASSING (at least I was spot on).
  10. *British accent* Masochism, innit
  11. I did not hear about this , I loved Wonder Woman, though!
  12. Should I re-install it? I made a family years ago after I found many of the packs on clearance at a Target of all places 😗. I never really played it 🤔, the buttons/different camera style will take some getting used to
  13. WE WONNNNNN (thank u for updating me!), also I know there is CC for med items but I can see why some people would want the items for their sims via the game itself
  14. The pissing implications due to the camera angle- NooooOooOOooOOOO
  15. All systems are go Countdown, five, four, three, two, one Choke.
  16. I think there is a stream tomorrow revealing whatever the items on the road map will be, I know they already released the kits (Sim lingerie & the bathroom clutter). Hoping it's generations-esque as well, I want imaginary friends from TS3 back!! Sometimes their kit releases line up for the packs they make, the lingerie in theory could be """for family""" due to any young adult (and teen, I can't remember?!) Sims being able to wear it/ it's to get Sims in the mood FOR making a family , the bathroom clutter also gives "family" to my mind. Hoping they don't fumble the bag with a broken pack, the wedding pack was ridiculous
  17. Agreed, I mean- would the brands decided to sue her? She can't use their names on a bag, so what would the knockoff be? The design of the purse itself, with an AB drawing on it?! Unsure if they could get away with that, I agree, her money goes back into her soap business so I don't think she would wanna deal with a lawsuit. She also mentioned how she tried to give the label 100% of the rights to the song, thinking "YES it is a certified AB classique, but I didn't make up those words (the brand name dropping). They originally had 75%, according to Banks. Now she owns 100%?!? Maybe not in some technical sense but I doubt they'd fight her on it, she's walked.
  18. Thank you! I listened to her rant but forgot to update my post. Apparently the marketing pitch was to make knockoff bags, Azealia didn't want a lawsuit, and didn't trust that team to stick with her IF she got sued. I also remember her mentioning projections onto certain fashion has buildings, she thought it was corny. (Reminds me of Yzy x GAP blue jacket projections). Unsure if they wanted to project the QR code, her face, or the knockoff design oops, re-read your message and I guess it was meant to be the lyrics
  19. My sims gave birth and of course they aged up to toddlers, but the AI isn't the greatest, so I spent a good two minutes trying to put one in a high chair and feed them, before they nagged at the other parent to do it and restart the AI cycle this gamEEEeEe (Sims 4) Also there is speculation to be an infant update for all players, they teased the road map with a baby or diaper silhouette (I think). We NEEEED a generations expansion , I know we got the toddler update, a parenthood, high scool, and university pack, but I still want more. Can't forget about the toddler and children stuff packs
  20. Does anybody have a "must listen" recommendation listen for them? I think I saw one posted in a different thread when rumors of them being together popped up
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