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Everything posted by bluechemtrails

  1. I think this is the first review I found https://www.newuniversity.org/2022/05/09/lana-del-reys-cover-of-buddys-rendezvous-is-a-jazzy-blend-of-nostalgia-and-sweetness/
  2. tomorrow is the first semi-final
  3. Will Ben and Ed travel to Italy with Sam Ryder this Saturday, and more importantly, will Lana accompany them?
  4. ok, I eat my words https://www.instagram.com/p/CdT7aPvLdyk/
  5. this cover is really good
  6. Living Legend and Cherry Blossom are perfect as they are, no rework needed.
  7. @lanadiscord posted a "behind the scenes" picture of this black dressed selfie from April 19th https://www.instagram.com/p/CdQuYVnu51p/ I found the posting on the discord server with background info and there's another picture
  8. Breast sizes are overrated, we men don't pay as much attention to them as women might think.
  9. her body is a map of lanaboards threads
  10. she's still five foot eight, western bound
  11. Sellout at ldrvillage, do they need space for the new era?
  12. Group 1: Pink, these four hit the mark with me Group 2: Magenta
  13. We need more songs like Florida Kilos with more fun and faster lines. This kind of music was never really expanded, but here Lana seems to be in her element like nowhere else.
  14. Lana: I would like to buy a million dollar apartment in Manhattan, but let's do a caricature first.
  15. She's obviously sitting in a jewelry store. So either she's trying on the jewelry or she has just bought it.
  16. Wasn't one of the friends also from a magazine?
  17. foggy beachy vibes of ldr9 in a cover photo, manifesting
  18. She sang Serial Killer on her tour, so how are fans supposed to sing along if they don't listen to the leaked stuff? It's everyone's damn duty to listen to her leaked songs.
  19. At the time, she tweeted that she wrote the song for "someone else", so she may not be the rights holder.
  20. underrated or unknown: why is this not on Spotify?
  21. or because Jack is on tour from May to August . This summer could get very dry without Rob's studio selfies.
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