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Everything posted by bluechemtrails

  1. people who didn't understand Ladies of the Canyon, won't understand the title song either
  2. here's surprisingly a new reception of this song in a major German newspaper: https://www-faz-net.translate.goog/aktuell/feuilleton/lana-del-reys-tunnel-under-ocean-boulevard-raetselhaft-verstoerend-18833138.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp
  3. may be related to the fact that Spotify was down for some time yesterday, hopefully the lyrics come back
  4. because butterflies are thin and fine, she can't use a heavy voice here ... I think her choices are all well thought out and serve a purpose
  5. to me her voice sometimes seems a bit squeaky (like in Margaret). i don't know if this is intended because she hits the notes of other songs quite well again
  6. maybe we are supposed to believe that, but the videos have been shot long ago
  7. what a festival, half of my spotify playlists are there! maybe a reason for me to finally visit the other side of the great pond
  8. a movie that's still on my wishlist
  9. best album songs of the year so far, I made this list based on aoty.org https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDgKzGEvkAI7BCLtvolONaQjfjnrkLZsU https://spotify.link/IZWZfBl64yb (in reversed order) (a&w would also be in, but I excluded explicit songs)
  10. unbelievable that the longest is still the most streamed song on the album, lana breaks all laws
  11. no no, they're all promoting it I feel something bigger than a music video, maybe that's why it takes so long I'm sure it will be worth the wait.
  12. only in the beginning when she sings Thinking, "I wish I could extrapolate some small intention Or maybe get your attention..."
  13. she also tagged Marilyn Monroe (#MM) when the video is a remake of
  14. when we imagine a candy necklace, we probably think first of but candy also exists in this form which resembles diamonds I think "candy necklace" is simply a metaphor for "diamond necklace" as we can see in the video preview it also makes sense with the song lyrics rockefeller = rich person and she often sang about how much she likes diamonds
  15. but why she uses the 💎 symbol? one of 5 diamonds in her necklace?
  16. lol, I followed Caroline Polachek yesterday and this is the first story I saw https://instagram.com/stories/carolineplz/3081798350722876313?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=
  17. anti-semitism should be deleted as soon as possible and not be tolerated in this forum
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