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Everything posted by lernerderrey

  1. i feel like we need like 7 more episodes!!! i cant deal with just 2 left!!! SO MANY QUESTIONS.
  2. lernerderrey

    My Song 57

    and a type of pencil!!! HES THE KING OF PENCILS!!!!
  3. sky ferreira dies skydiving with the only copy of it on a floppy disk that is destroyed upon impact i wish @@Eclipse wouldn't leak #mysong57
  4. https://www.instagram.com/p/BmG42--nzLq/?taken-by=beautiful_people_problems
  5. keep it. leak the good life plz n thank u
  6. better than AHS!!! AHS always depends on blood and violence instead of horror... this is actually mysterious and spooky. i love Molly a lot, shes probably my fav character. i hadnt thought about Henry being evil. i think the kid in jail is pretty freakin evil. everyone he's touched has died or done something eeeeviiillllll. im excited to see how this story wraps up.
  7. same. im sure that the next episode will be even crazier since its the half way point. im rlly enjoying the tone and the story a lot. i wonder if henry is going to be some sort of super hero? nervous about the devil guy being released from jail... do we know if this will just be one season or will there be more?
  8. keep the awful BPBP demo and leak the good life TF ugh #leakthegoodlife2k18
  9. i promise its from a very reliable source!!! it needs to leak!!! apparently its awesome. #leakthegoodlife2k18
  10. idk if anyone knows this but i heard a rumor(from a reliable source) that the good life is a frank sinatra cover HALP
  11. burnt norton should have been the whole poem
  12. honestly the reason i became interested in lana queen of being weird
  13. yer deaf AF lol u know lana loves blue and will say it whenever she fuckin can
  14. the opening chord to the westworld theme sounds exactly like Change (and it might be the same chord i havent checked)
  15. screaming someone tell lana to rerecord this song with david kahne thanks
  16. i know people say its the demo but i still need someone on this forum to #confirm it
  17. youll have to join lernerberds i heard it's leaked over there
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