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  1. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by Zavies in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    pov:she may write something about her husband to put into this new album
  2. Zavies liked a post in a topic by PipeDelRey in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    Thank you for supporting my work! I’m uploading another one that will be like the official photoshoot for the album! 


    i love make edit about Lana! Follow me on IG ACC
  3. Zavies liked a post in a topic by Embach in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I really love this, beautifully done! I also love how realistic Lana looks on the cover, was the photo of her made with AI or is it a body/face manip?
  4. Zavies liked a post in a topic by Embach in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    Yes it's real 
    Also the fact that her Facebook pfp used to be Charlie's face never fails to send me  Like only quarter of Lana's face is seen, it's from that photo
  5. Zavies liked a post in a topic by lanaismamom in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    not clear topic but my thoughts on the topic
  6. Zavies liked a post in a topic by Waimea Bay in Lana Del Rey Soundboard Mega Folder *in progress* *Link posted*   
    Should I include video footage if its a available for archival purposes or...no
  7. Zavies liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in Lana Del Rey's Tour Diary filmed by Chuck for Vogue   
    a loss for the culture
  8. Zavies liked a post in a topic by BethDufreneOnTheBayouByYou in Lana Del Rey's Tour Diary filmed by Chuck for Vogue   
    Ok the Vogue lady is starting to ask her questions cmon Lanita drop some tea 
  9. Zavies liked a post in a topic by BethDufreneOnTheBayouByYou in Lana Del Rey's Tour Diary filmed by Chuck for Vogue   
    Lana join Real Housewives of Beverly Hills circa 2045 PLEASE she's made for reality tv 
  10. Embach liked a post in a topic by Zavies in Lana Del Rey's Tour Diary filmed by Chuck for Vogue   
    OK,where to watch it
  11. Zavies liked a post in a topic by Embach in Lana Del Rey's Tour Diary filmed by Chuck for Vogue   
    It would be so cool to have an official tour film on DVD. 
  12. Zavies liked a post in a topic by Embach in Lana Del Rey's Tour Diary filmed by Chuck for Vogue   
    An actual tour movie, hell yes finally!
  13. Zavies liked a post in a topic by motel six in Lana Del Rey's Tour Diary filmed by Chuck for Vogue   
    i’m so excited i’m at uni rn wearing my lana merch from leeds, a tour mini film would bring me to tears i think that’s so cute
  14. Zavies liked a post in a topic by shadesofblue in Lana Del Rey's Tour Diary filmed by Chuck for Vogue   
    Didn’t chuck post those pawn shop blues clip stills she made a few months ago on insta? Could this be connected to a few unreleased songs being released? Like if tropico was a documentary/chucks footage with unreleased songs. Pawn shop blues was also included in that discord poll. 
  15. Zavies liked a post in a topic by Demonmic03 in Lana Del Rey's Tour Diary filmed by Chuck for Vogue   
    when it's a mv for without you and Ocean Blvd
  16. Zavies liked a post in a topic by shadesofblue in Lana Del Rey's Tour Diary filmed by Chuck for Vogue   
    tomorrow??????  lana finally feeding the starved lipsters this past week
  17. Zavies liked a post in a topic by Dreamboy in Lana Del Rey's Tour Diary filmed by Chuck for Vogue   
    Gurl I still have nightmares over the fact that this gem of concert hasn't been released nor leaked in it's entirety.
    She was looking gorgeous, voice was on point, venue couldn't been better plus it was SOC live debut.
  18. Zavies liked a post in a topic by Lindsay Lohan in Lana Del Rey's Tour Diary filmed by Chuck for Vogue   
    This would be everything but I feel like that is something they would heavily promote + Chuck's retrospective got stolen in 2019 so I think that dream is gone unfortunately  
    My prediction is that this will be a mini BTS concert documentary 
  19. Zavies liked a post in a topic by Sunbather Moonchaser in Lana Del Rey's Tour Diary filmed by Chuck for Vogue   
    I live literally on the other side of the World to Lana and Chuck, so in how many hours should we start expecting something? 
  20. Zavies liked a post in a topic by BethDufreneOnTheBayouByYou in Lana Del Rey's Tour Diary filmed by Chuck for Vogue   
    Chuck confirmed we're getting something today so we have that at least. Let's hope she doesn't lie like her sister
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