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  1. californianfreak liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Charli XCX   
    new photos for CRASH!

  2. itscharlibabyy liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Charli XCX   
    new photos for CRASH!

  3. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Charli XCX   
    new photos for CRASH!

  4. Salem Prose liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Charli XCX   
    i love this photo so much!!! does anyone have just this photo in good quality without text?

  5. charli bby liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Charli XCX   
    i love this photo so much!!! does anyone have just this photo in good quality without text?

  6. Inferno Euphoria liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Charli XCX   
    i love this photo so much!!! does anyone have just this photo in good quality without text?

  7. monsterxcx liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Charli XCX   
    Ok you SPILLED i’m so glad somebody said what i’ve been thinking for years… Lana will always have a special place in my heart, but for real. Charli stole my number 1 (angel) spot in like 2016 and i don’t think i’ll ever love another artist as much as i love charli now. 
  8. monsterxcx liked a post in a topic by track10swig in Charli XCX   
    Here's the font hehe I was like I couldn't remember if i paid for it or found it online. I don't know if it's the actual font they used but it looks super close to it
  9. Cherry Blossom liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    Thank you!!! I will share stories from my country! 
    Thank you everyone for interest!
    Героям Слава!🇺🇦
    Glory to heroes!🇺🇦
  10. The Siren liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    Thank you!!! I will share stories from my country! 
    Thank you everyone for interest!
    Героям Слава!🇺🇦
    Glory to heroes!🇺🇦
  11. monsterxcx liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    I'm so sorry you're going through this; I cannot imagine how awful it is to actually be living it. As you can see from the thread we all love and support you and your country (well, most of us ...)
    Please continue to check in with us when and if you are able ❤
    First and foremost please take care of yourself and I wish you, your loved ones and your country all the best. 
    Слава Україні 
  12. urqueerbae liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Charli XCX   
    CRASH (Dolby Atmos)
  13. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    thank you so much! i believe and pray that this will all end soon, i really miss my home!
  14. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    thank you everyone here for your support! i love you all!!!
  15. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    hi everyone!
    i think it's time to talk about situation in my country.
    from the first day of the invasion of my country, I followed this topic, I was right in Ukraine. all I can say is that it is very scary and gloomy there, on the first day 3-4 bombs fell on my city, they all hit military targets, but only one hit the airport (the bomb fell on the airport again yesterday).
    near my city there are Donetsk and Kharkov, two red dots where the fiercest battles take place. Kharkiv is my favorite city in Ukraine, I went there very often, but unfortunately, Kharkiv was bombed very badly, my friends were forced to leave there, because bombs were flying near their houses, even one of my friend’s houses was hit, people Survived and they are safe Thank God. I went to help volunteer centers, I helped the wounded and helped the military, who are now at the front.
    I could only last one week. mentally, physically, emotionally it killed me. I'm safe now, I'm in another country. but I am very worried about my city and country, rockets are falling on my city again.
    I am grateful to everyone in this thread who discusses this and helps! thanks to you, then I was able to calm myself and I understood that the whole world was interested in this!
  16. The Siren liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    thank you everyone here for your support! i love you all!!!
  17. californianfreak liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Charli XCX   
    do you see that? it's short videos for crash, special for spotify!
    she is so pretty there, watch it!
    i'm recording it now

  18. urqueerbae liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Charli XCX   
    there is broken picture
  19. Rorman Nockwell liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    thank you everyone here for your support! i love you all!!!
  20. COCC liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    thank you everyone here for your support! i love you all!!!
  21. Pop The Balloons liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Charli XCX   
    why is used to know me was called lavender? im trying to understand...
  22. Rorman Nockwell liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    thank you so much! i believe and pray that this will all end soon, i really miss my home!
  23. camera ready liked a post in a topic by monsterxcx in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    hi everyone!
    i think it's time to talk about situation in my country.
    from the first day of the invasion of my country, I followed this topic, I was right in Ukraine. all I can say is that it is very scary and gloomy there, on the first day 3-4 bombs fell on my city, they all hit military targets, but only one hit the airport (the bomb fell on the airport again yesterday).
    near my city there are Donetsk and Kharkov, two red dots where the fiercest battles take place. Kharkiv is my favorite city in Ukraine, I went there very often, but unfortunately, Kharkiv was bombed very badly, my friends were forced to leave there, because bombs were flying near their houses, even one of my friend’s houses was hit, people Survived and they are safe Thank God. I went to help volunteer centers, I helped the wounded and helped the military, who are now at the front.
    I could only last one week. mentally, physically, emotionally it killed me. I'm safe now, I'm in another country. but I am very worried about my city and country, rockets are falling on my city again.
    I am grateful to everyone in this thread who discusses this and helps! thanks to you, then I was able to calm myself and I understood that the whole world was interested in this!
  24. monsterxcx liked a post in a topic by COCC in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    I‘m so sorry you had to go through all of this. I can't imagine how this must feel to you or what you had to endure. I hope that this senseless madness will stop soon. We are there for you if you need distraction or a serious conversation. 
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