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About letsescapelizzy

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  1. Love Halsey more than ever. Her honesty is so awesome. Remember she is a person. Everyone makes mistakes and says things in intensity they shouldn't,, lmao.. even your favs..
  2. Thank you Body electric! or i should say electric body..! That was great! I continued watching a bunch of the other vids that came on after, and literally laughed out loud. Melanie is so cute, and those were some hilarious clips.. that speakers voice..lmfao..
  3. God I love Karma. Good things come to good people. Bad things come to bad people. Simple and effective. Love the universe.
  4. excuse my not knowing, but where can i hear these? I have not heard any unreleased from her.. Is what you mentioned similar to the sound style on crybaby somewhat or quite different? Thx..
  5. Have either reached the magic 266 electoral votes? or whatever it is to ensure a contender? from what i understand, if neither reaches that number, the senate becomes in charge for whom they want to place in power- us army general, etc.. maybe thats the best thing that could happen here, as both Trump and Clinton are well disliked by most people, and a third option would be the best. Perhaps US citizens should take the third option. No Vote.
  6. I love Melanie's videos, and the crybaby album, she's amazing. Those vids are wild af.. When is the next album coming? It will be awesome..
  7. THANK YOU So Much!!.. holy fuck that was amazing.. i'm blown away.. :D when did she do this??.. please tell me where I can hear all/any Halsey covers, etc, everything.. I love Halsey
  8. Halsey is slaying right now. Is Badlands double or triple platinum yet? Closer is smashing #1 for going to 7 weeks!! amazing, anyway, does anyone know if Halsey covered Mad world ever? the announcers on the iheart concert mentioned it, and i've never seen it.. couldnt find it..that would be amazing from her if she did..
  9. yes true, so true, imagine what its like to be that person under the microscope.. like g easy says- ..'feel like saying f you all to all ya faces.." lol.. guess its the 'entitlement' of some millenials.. lol..
  10. yikes! morgue pics creeped me out..
  11. YES! Massive Congratulations Halsey!! I'm so, so, so happy and proud of her, Greg, Nate, Vinnie, and her production team, I think it may go multi platinum album.. things are just going crazy right now.. also, Closer is #1 - for 3 weeks running.., biggest sales increases and all that stuff.. cant wait for Kingdom.. :D
  12. Exactly. Well said. Totally agree. 100%. Maybe with the new 'management' here on this site, things will finally get better.. Time will tell.
  13. nicely handled jumprope haters gonna hate lmfao.. and thats so not relevant to anything..lol..
  14. Congrats Halsey! #1 single with closer/chainsmokers.. wow..amazing.. and 2 million views a day on YT? Can't wait for the next amazing album. Kingdom? sweeeeeeeeeet..
  15. actually these criminals whom stole her cars (twice), grabbed the nice newer Jag's.. the real nice expensive ones.
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