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Everything posted by letsescapelizzy

  1. letsescapelizzy


    wow, you guys, i haven't heard anything other than Hello.. can't wait to hear the new stuff.. where are you guy listening to the new songs?
  2. yes i understand and feel somewhat the same.. for me, UV was a blue flame, and HM a very light orange flame. Hard to explain, they are very different records for me. very different. Almost like UV is the 'edgier' one, and HM the sedated one.. sorta.. but the songs alot on HM start great for me, then fade out for some reason.. i end up fast forwarding or skipping alot..
  3. I still love listening to Freak, and Swan Song in full. I seem to only listen to to TBD about half way thru, then get annoyed with the drawn out choruses and skip the rest. Same for Religion- about half the song, same for Art Deco.. They are great to me, but i find them drawn out. Its almost like the songs all have parts only that i love, then fail soon after that .. its weird.. i'd re-arrange the songs (redo them differently). hard to explain.. and only listening to the songs i like now and then..
  4. yeah Spike lol.. and i liked Giles' library.. cool place to hang out.. and hmm, what was her name? Anyanka or something?.. some of the demons were really cool fading in and out like reapers and stuff.. scary..
  5. great series for the most part.. loved the floppy eared 'demon' that hung out with them sometimes, cause he was so good natured..lol.. i only saw the entire series a couple years ago..
  6. I wonder if she'll slay us all again, with another album or an ep just prior the MSG show.. i can't wait tbh, it should be soooo amazing..
  7. Congrats Halsey! Madison sqaure gardens the iconic venue is sold out! F***. guess i could only get resales now.. I hope she makes a video of this magnifique concert. How great is this? incredible.. in fuckin credible..
  8. i have not heard it yet.. not into JB at all.. , but, i should check Halsey on it for sure since i love her songs and her voice never been much a 'collab' person.. expecially with artists so different from one another. wonder whos idea it was to do it?.. i was quite surprised to hear that.. edit- just read an article and heard the song. hmmmm, not sure i like this song..its ok, but not Halsey.. a little too poppy.. no edge..jb is sure trying to stay popular with the style he is now taking ..lol.. skrillex were the ones whom showed and suggested it to her.. it sounds like she liked the song and wanted to do it.. so, i respect her decision, but dont really like the sound yet..
  9. yes nice picture indeed. but so old and far away now it seems.. lol..
  10. a person i knew once had- l.o.v.e. tat on each knuckle of one hand and h.a.t.e. tat on each knuckle of the other hand. do ya'll think anyone else on earth could have carried out such a heinous deed in tattoo land? is this original?
  11. well there we have it. the word paradise popped into another human being on earths mind.. wow the concept.. good work detective brooklynbaby91..
  12. yeah its didnt do much for me either.. its ok, but kinda meh.. too long and lost me half way thru.. i posted on the thread about it.. oh well its a soundtrack only.. but maybe its got a time and place too..
  13. Its ok, but not knocking my socks off like she has in the past.. just sorta meh.. i dont know... nothing special.. its probably an old song she did with barrie.. stil nice tho maybe, but too long and no simmering feeling fire in the tone.. or maybe the simmering fire she had, should have been kept shorter, as the flame burnt out fast as it dragged on..
  14. letsescapelizzy


    now watch the deranged come in here and report Laurie Adkins ripped off Lana del rey..lmfao.. all i can say, is excellent fuckin job Adele. her success right now is absloutely astonishing to say the least. I'm sure even her and her team are shocked shitless atm..
  15. make the next album whatever you want it to be.. doesn't have to be like honeymoon or ultraviolence or born to die or aka.. those are all now in the past. the future brings great things to those whom can dream..
  16. seems like the entire fanbase is dying off. even on other sites and social media. Lana is seeming to vanish from peoples minds.
  17. and the stupid stay stupid too i guess. lmfao.. i heard Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe should sue Lana del rey too.. and the Cowboy Junkies are a total Lana rip off. (she ripped them off- and they should sue her..) same for Chris Isaak songs and styles Lana copied, i guess he could sue her too? lmfao.. at the deranged thinkers .. NO BODY COPIES ANYONE.. please stop the mindless bullshit. that my friends is the truth, whether you want to believe or not. There are only a few melodies and chords i hope you know? there are many people with the same sounding voice ya know? Its common sense. well maybe not for all of us.. bye.
  18. yes true, articles written by any stans for any artists (lana inclusive) are all to be taken with a grain of salt. i always say, believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see. sure is nice to have our own brains and minds to formulate our own opinions of everything in life hey? Have a good weekend everyone ..
  19. good one leaked.. lmao.. i actually had to think about before i got it..lol.. wait its still 2013 right? no? ..
  20. Congrats Lana I guess something is better than nothing..lol.. wonder if she'll even be there.. i have a feeling seeing that Gaga gets the big award, she may say fuck going..lol..
  21. Drive is one of my favs from the album, and i have had it on repeat since before the album release even.. as for the mood of the song, well, like mentioned above, it can make you feel different things.. its very intense and ethereal for me.. like floating on a sonic wave hiway.. when the second verse kicks in.. ' he laughed..'.. well, blissful really. so i guess it makes me super happy..
  22. yeah, i know what you both mean.. its hard.. i wanted to have HM be an album I would love on repeat for months. After the first thorough listen, i actually put it aside. Then I came back and played many times, but I cannot play it repeat. It still has a great effect on me, with Swan song, Blackest Day, Freak being my most favorite. BUT, i do only listen to it now and then.. BTD had a few songs that drove me insane. (I totally loved them.).. that was my first Lana songs, then UV came along, and was so different, but loved at least half the songs as much as btd ones.. then just a few from her unreleased that are great for me. its going to be really really interesting to see what the next Lana album sounds like. (if she does one). But I don't think the same feelings I had for the btd and uv era's will ever be regained. I was on a state of high i'm never coming down from with those eras..
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