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About DrippingPeaches

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    rose of versailles

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    lost in the purple rain

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  1. y'all twinks need to STFU about pregnancy, I feel like there's no universe in which she would want people to speculate about that
  2. no man deserves the line "honey dripping from your thighs" in fact no man deserves this poem at all
  3. honeymounz probably tweeted that just to shove his phone up his ass because his vibrator broke. y'all are GULLIBLE
  4. the people on that subreddit are more obsessed with her than her actual fans
  5. exhaust the topic... i love that song so much
  6. i love to put this song on to just fill the silence and vibe
  7. i'm prepared for stagecoach to be her regular setlist (no changes AT ALL in performance) with a cute lil cuntry outfit kinda like coachella night 2
  8. yesss she's kinda giving bjork and caroline polachek
  9. I don't think she's gonna announce or say or do anything until after tr*mp's inauguration to avoid controversy my best guess is one song before stagecoach, may or may not be henry w her lying ass, and it'll be released in march
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