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Everything posted by Bluelake

  1. I think American is one of her best
  2. Normal People broke me. The show and the book it’s based on.
  3. Love it (but personally don’t wear it) Hot showers
  4. Never Forgive, Never Forget, Angels Forever, Forever Angels
  5. Did she just ask for song requests from the crowd? Or did something completely different just happen lol.
  6. Seems she’s really having fun singing tonight and it’s beautiful what she is doing to mix the songs up a bit
  7. The original Lust for Life album cover photoshoot
  8. If LDR10 is country, someone get this man and Lana in the studio!!
  9. The way the crowd was chanting “one more song” while the lights went off and the livestream ended
  10. Yeah I think so too. she looks great!! (Not that she didn’t before)
  11. I want a live album so bad!! These arrangements sound incredible
  12. Love!! Also can hear her better here than most of the tour recordings.
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