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  1. taylana liked a post in a topic by how the light shines in in Charleston, WV @ Charleston Coliseum - 5th October 2023   
    she's adlibbing the end of chemtrails with new lyrics and I can't tell what she's saying but she sounds ethereal 
  2. taylana liked a post in a topic by ultrablvd in Charleston, WV @ Charleston Coliseum - 5th October 2023   
    looks like this which is zimmerman which would make sense
    not sure if it is the dress but if it is they may have removed those horrendous shoulder bits

    she really watched the zimmerman ss/fw23 shows and said okayyyyyyy
  3. taylana liked a post in a topic by DNC in Mexico City, MX @ Foro Sol - August 15th, 2023   
  4. taylana liked a post in a topic by Enco in Mexico City, MX @ Foro Sol - August 15th, 2023   
    The crowd oh my god
  5. taylana liked a post in a topic by Let the Light In in San Francisco, CA @ Outside Lands - August 12th, 2023   
    It’s because she couldn’t catch the flight and the big surprise is that Nikki Lane will sing her set 
  6. taylana liked a post in a topic by Elle in Rogers, AR @ Walmart Amp - August 8th, 2023   
    kyndalpitzer ended her live since her phone battery is below half, but will be on live again once the intro begins. That being said, her battery probably won’t last through the entire show so hopefully some other streamers come through! x
  7. taylana liked a post in a topic by colaandvideogames in Rogers, AR @ Walmart Amp - August 8th, 2023   
    Did people actually hear meet me in the pale moonlight and kill kill playing earlier today at the venue or are you all fucking with me???? Unreleased album announcement incoming… 
  8. taylana liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Chicago, IL @ Lollapalooza - August 6th, 2023   
    Ultraviolence YUP WE LOVE U LANA
  9. taylana liked a post in a topic by Lanaspoisonivy in Chicago, IL @ Lollapalooza - August 6th, 2023   
    the running is meme worthy help 
  10. taylana liked a post in a topic by jaesana in Chicago, IL @ Lollapalooza - August 6th, 2023   
  11. taylana liked a post in a topic by Enco in Chicago, IL @ Lollapalooza - August 6th, 2023   
    https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8LQwxgF/ New tik tok live
  12. taylana liked a post in a topic by DNC in Chicago, IL @ Lollapalooza - August 6th, 2023   
    she's singing young and beautiful - tiktok live worked for 5 seconds
  13. taylana liked a post in a topic by honeymooooon in Chicago, IL @ Lollapalooza - August 6th, 2023   
    the person posted on tiktok they would livestream so ig we are safe 
  14. Zavies liked a post in a topic by taylana in Chicago, IL @ Lollapalooza - August 6th, 2023   
    any livestreams on tik tok or Instagram?
  15. taylana liked a post in a topic by honeymooooon in Chicago, IL @ Lollapalooza - August 6th, 2023   
    theres a person on twitter saying this account is gonna livestream on tiktok
  16. taylana liked a post in a topic by neon palms sway in Chicago, IL @ Lollapalooza - August 6th, 2023   
    Sorry y’all I had to remove the photo at my friend’s request❣️
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