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jealous girl

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Everything posted by jealous girl

  1. She sounds amazing and looks so happy with good energy in all the videos I’ve seen of this, I know the pre-show experience was horrible but show-wise this might* actually be her best performance post-Covid. *In my opinion (before someone comes for me)
  2. Are there any HQ photos from this performance?
  3. https://www.tiktok.com/@helenyw/video/7382819822016449834 Proof there’s no real secret/conspiracy to Ricardo always getting barricade, he’s just the fastest runner Joking aside Yikes this looks like a super dangerous situation on the venue security’s behalf, letting everyone in at once 🥴
  4. I’m honestly a bit shocked that she skipped Bartender
  5. No he posted on TikTok that the rumour was fake and that the rumour had reached his parents who were super worried 🥴
  6. theycallmetripod on TikTok is still live as of now
  7. Why am I still up as if all I need to see won’t be posted on lanaboards.ig when I wake up
  8. I could swear I heard someone say Quavo’s name backstage on Rob’s live
  9. I was just thinking how this is becoming memorabilia of broken dreams for a lot of people
  10. I’m annoyingly late at getting these newsletter emails… In the future they really need to send them out earlier than the actual launch of whatever merch/tickets/etc so that everyone has a fair chance.
  11. WTF can they just do that? Like yeah sorry I was busy with life But also don't you have the invoices in your email somewhere or are they deleted?
  12. Since EA has a summer sale going on, which Sims 4 packs are worth it to buy?
  13. I’ve just been using Firefox as a browser on both desktop and mobile since like September last year because of this issue, however there’s no telling how long until Firefox also updates their security policies and blocks misconfigured https
  14. Oh my God this is so amazing!! Lana is quite literally the “one person dead or alive you’d have dinner with” for me and I guess to a lot of ya’ll too And yeah don’t stress about asking her the right questions, it will be much more special if you just chat about normal life things x
  15. I think it’s a bit weird they didn’t wait until now with the Urban Outfitters UV repress and/or the SYTH/Black Beauty 7”
  16. I’m not joking I think about this interview all the time… She reminds me of a former classmate who I really thought was always making stuff up but then she would actually go and do the crazy things she was talking about Anyways I get the same vibes from Lizzy there as from that girl, I feel like she’s making stuff up just because her stories are so unusual but I really have no clue what’s real and what’s not
  17. So what I’m choosing to hear is that she’ll come to my small ass random city one day
  18. Rob has the first half of the show (until Ride) on his nstagram, can’t really hear that well tho because he’s behind the speakers Looks like she kept the stage design from Coachella
  19. Super random but I saw this painting/print at a restaurant in Greece:
  20. I feel kinda sorry for her security guard because she’ll just randomly announce her whereabouts 😭 poor guy looks stressed
  21. Kim was asked what she loves about Lana and she said “Everything”, then they asked Lana what she loves about Kim and she said “Her waistline” 💀
  22. I’m sure they called either one of her surprise shows last summer or the Rock en Seine one ‘very special’ as well. I don’t think it has to mean anything other than that getting to see Lana in concert makes for a very special night 🌹
  23. Is it just me or does Lana look more like Chuck here than usual
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