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ifalltopieces liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in Rank Lana's Opening Tracks
I think Cruel World in a sense that it's so cohesive in terms of the rest of Ultraviolence, but lyrically and sonically I prefer Kill Kill, despite it being less cohesive with LDRAKALG
Elina liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
my god i can't wait to get this on vinyl and just listen to the whole thing over and over as i paint and draw and sob and just sway to the music in my room, I'm in love with this album
Elina liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
whenever someone mentions Salvatore i immediately sing in my head "salvatore you can deff be my baby blue" smh...
i'm about to have a listen to the album in the highest qual we have (if someone PMs me LOL), sooooo pumped, already in love with it. gonna listen to the whole thing start to finish
finalgirl liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in Lana's political views
I think she cares more about our intergalactic possibilities, like SpaceX and Tesla, you know?
SalvaWHORE liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in Lana's political views
I think she cares more about our intergalactic possibilities, like SpaceX and Tesla, you know?
Zavies liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in Morrison, CO @ Red Rocks Amphitheatre - May 12th, 2015
im so emo she didnt perform honeymoon
Off To The Races 2010 demo pls liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in SINGLE: "High By The Beach"
"Posts: 1
Time online: 1m 27s"
oh my god
BBM Baby liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in Misheard Lana Lyrics
This is sort of misheard lyrics so.... tbh for MONTHS after shades of cool came out I didn't hear the "hot, hot neglectful lover" part covered by the loud instrumental, I always just thought it was her making random noises "aaAAaaaa~" oh god rip
labionda liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in Lana's political views
I think she cares more about our intergalactic possibilities, like SpaceX and Tesla, you know?
radiant liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in FAKE & FUNKY TRACK LISTS FOR UPCOMING HONEYMOON ALBUM
I might have a try lol
1. Life Is Beautiful
2. White Light
3. Honeymoon
4. This is It
5. Music To Watch Boys To
6. Garage Parties
7. Skater Boy
8. Watercolours
9. Deadly Nightshade
10. Love Affair
11. Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
12. Hydrangeas
13. Golden Girls
14. Sunset Boulevard
15. Serenity
radiant liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in FAKE & FUNKY TRACK LISTS FOR UPCOMING HONEYMOON ALBUM
this simply slays me
sadgirl69 liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
whenever someone mentions Salvatore i immediately sing in my head "salvatore you can deff be my baby blue" smh...
i'm about to have a listen to the album in the highest qual we have (if someone PMs me LOL), sooooo pumped, already in love with it. gonna listen to the whole thing start to finish
gloomyharlow liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir
i actually hurt reading this recent stuff about lana, it seems like theres been so much negative media about her lately.. from her dress, to kathy griffin, big eyes snubs, this, etc etc theres just a lot going on lately and i feel like if i was in lana's position i would be falling apart honestly i care about her being happy so much fuck them hoes lana
camilladiamond liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in Honeymoon vs Ultraviolence
Ultraviolence is so much better for so many reasons. I really have to end it there otherwise I'm gonna go on for hours...
delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in Lana Del Rey Covers NME Magazine
Someone send me one of their copies if they get a spare pls fam <3 I mean, they're free and all lmao
guardian liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in Lana Del Rey Covers NME Magazine
Someone send me one of their copies if they get a spare pls fam <3 I mean, they're free and all lmao
altpapa liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in Will there be a 2016 tour?
Girlssss there better be a 2016 tour I need ha to come to Australia
technicolor liked a post in a topic by InTheSummer in A fan found in Lana's Malibu home
omg this is making me physically sick
InTheSummer liked a post in a topic by WhiteHydrangea in Grammy Submissions for "Honeymoon" 2016.
If Lana starts doing catchy songs a la Bulshit Swift then what's the difference between her and the mainstream artist we constanlty drag in the forum? wouldn't that make her the same as Trashy Trainor and Araña Grande?
She should keep on doing the music she's doing now, who cares about the Grammys? even the Simpsons dislike it
If the Grammys praised more real music isntead of the trashy mainstream that just exist to please the radio stations and get cash, (yes, I'm talking about songs like "Cheerleader", "Where Are U Now" and "Uptown Funk") I would be pressed about Lana not having so many nominations for the Grammys but that's not the case. It's like getting all worked up about Lana not having nominatios for the Teen Awards.
Right now the Grammys are a mainstream show award with a little touch of real music every year, taking Beck's example, maybe we can expect Lana to win album of the year in two, four or ten years. Beck, who's been doing music since 1993 didn't get one till this year,and that's cause he doesn't please the GP. Like Beck, Lana must wait her time for the Grammys to award the "not so pop artists" again, they can't give the award to another irrelevant musician this year! I mean, check who had won the Best Album Of The Year the last few decades https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grammy_Award_for_Album_of_the_Year#Recipients A real musician wins the award but then mainstream artists win for like 3-4 years in a row... The Grammys are bullshit.
And Lana does get reconigtion from the real music industry, lots of producers want to work with her, lots of underground and real-die-hard-pop/mainstream-artists name her and say how great is her music, I mean, Honeymoon was well recived by the critics. It shows she's really out there
Sorry for the long post
InTheSummer liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Grammy Submissions for "Honeymoon" 2016.
Lana can at this point totally forget about recognition in the music industry, something she has always aspired, cause the music buisness gives a flying fuck about her.
She should just release catchy songs a la BTD and stop caring if it will be rewarded or not and just promote the hell out of it.
InTheSummer liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Which Lizzy Grant Tune Describes Your Life?
I got Mermaid Motel
'God bless you, lavender/sunshine! You are a true star, even if no one knows it yet. No matter if you're singing on a huge stage or in a motel on Neptune Avenue, you put your heart into everything you do'
The star part couldn't be farther from the truth x)
InTheSummer liked a post in a topic by lernerderrey in Honeymoon Released on Cassette
i want all the itunes previews as hit clips
but also i love cassettes cuz the music always sounds more nervous and i like that DOT COM so i def bought this
InTheSummer liked a post in a topic by HeadBitch in Charli XCX
I have to say, Same Old Love is the pop record of the year. I can't @ Charli giving out pop perfections just like that. Can't wait to see what she gave to Demi and Gwen Stefani
InTheSummer liked a post in a topic by HeadBitch in Grimes
The album is sooooo gay, but I can't imagine life without Venus Fly and Kill V Maim anymore.