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  1. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by MaxxDelRey in Song vs. Song   
    Blizzard vs. Valley of the dolls
  2. Embach liked a post in a topic by MaxxDelRey in Song vs. Song   
    Blizzard vs. Valley of the dolls
  3. Ice Cream Ice Queen liked a post in a topic by MaxxDelRey in LDR Songs That Would Benefit From A Complete Rework   
    some of yall just dont understand or get certain songs, they are great songs yall just have something wrong in the brain that denies yall the ability to understand them 
  4. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by MaxxDelRey in LDR Songs That Would Benefit From A Complete Rework   
    COACHELLA???? youre sick..... FAKE FAN LOCAL 
    (joking ovi)
  5. bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by MaxxDelRey in Donald Trump Injured After Assassination Attempt at Rally   
    idk about yall but reading this whole topic made me crave a chicken salad, but also who cares if he got hurt or maybe would have passed, america is doomed regardless n things r gonna get so much worse
    ( not wishing that he had passed, nor that he got hurt, that's horrible, and even tho its deserved towards him... violence should never be how things r solved, but unfortunately it is) 

    Edit: i want a chicken salad sooooo bad
  6. X8deletedUserX liked a post in a topic by MaxxDelRey in Donald Trump Injured After Assassination Attempt at Rally   
    idk about yall but reading this whole topic made me crave a chicken salad, but also who cares if he got hurt or maybe would have passed, america is doomed regardless n things r gonna get so much worse
    ( not wishing that he had passed, nor that he got hurt, that's horrible, and even tho its deserved towards him... violence should never be how things r solved, but unfortunately it is) 

    Edit: i want a chicken salad sooooo bad
  7. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by MaxxDelRey in Donald Trump Injured After Assassination Attempt at Rally   
    idk about yall but reading this whole topic made me crave a chicken salad, but also who cares if he got hurt or maybe would have passed, america is doomed regardless n things r gonna get so much worse
    ( not wishing that he had passed, nor that he got hurt, that's horrible, and even tho its deserved towards him... violence should never be how things r solved, but unfortunately it is) 

    Edit: i want a chicken salad sooooo bad
  8. Enco liked a post in a topic by MaxxDelRey in Donald Trump Injured After Assassination Attempt at Rally   
  9. Prettiest Boy In Country Music liked a post in a topic by MaxxDelRey in Name the User above you as a Lana Track   
    that gives me noir vibes
  10. Embach liked a post in a topic by MaxxDelRey in Song vs. Song   
    Beautiful People Beautiful Problems Vs. 24 
  11. Disney Slut liked a post in a topic by MaxxDelRey in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Can someone change the name of this thread its not a war its a genocide, two diff things smh 
  12. Ultra Violet liked a post in a topic by MaxxDelRey in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Thank you, its  much appreciated. 
  13. Bonita liked a post in a topic by MaxxDelRey in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Thank you, its  much appreciated. 
  14. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by MaxxDelRey in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Thank you, its  much appreciated. 
  15. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by MaxxDelRey in Name the User above you as a Lana Track   
    that gives me noir vibes
  16. Embach liked a post in a topic by MaxxDelRey in Name the User above you as a Lana Track   
    that gives me noir vibes
  17. Embach liked a post in a topic by MaxxDelRey in Name the User above you as a Lana Track   
    ovi the correct choices 4 u would be Shades of Cool but i'm thinking Get Free
  18. shadesofblue liked a post in a topic by MaxxDelRey in Name the User above you as a Lana Track   
    ovi the correct choices 4 u would be Shades of Cool but i'm thinking Get Free
  19. venice biotch liked a post in a topic by MaxxDelRey in Name the User above you as a Lana Track   
    that gives me noir vibes
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