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About Coriander

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  1. From my impression of the matter it's like a "he said, she said" sort of situation. There doesn't seem any bottom to this until each side reveals their cards. Until then, it's a swirling storm of confusion and deflections.
  2. Was reminded of the Henry snippet when I saw this thread.
  3. I notice no one has mentioned any song from Honeymoon so far. Interesting.
  4. Today's the anniversary of the cover's release. How are we feeling about this in light of 2024?
  5. A random twitter account called it such. They didn't explain who their source was.
  6. https://lanaboards.com/topic/19516-new-song/?do=findComment&comment=1885386 Some random twitter thread named it such. See also the video posted a few comments back.
  7. Japan releases music on Wednesday. And they are fond of physical media. Astrologically, releasing music on Wednesday would be to spark discussion (Mercury). Hence the bait date. Note also that the announcement came just before the retrograde began.
  8. At what time did she post the announcement? Exact times, if posisble please.
  9. Mildly amused that those who said Lana wouldn't do any more concerts in UK after being cut off by curfew in Reading (IIRC) were disproven only a few months later.
  10. Will we see her bring back one btd-era song for the duration of the tour? (2023 in southern US had diet mountain dew, 2024 coachella and on had without you)
  11. 52k for Aviva, 61k for Anfield according to Wikipedia.
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