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Everything posted by Sitar

  1. Sitar

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Enjoy spending double the amount bossy boots *Diamond white for ha diamonds
  2. Sitar

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Um it'll absolutely be available in America at some point
  3. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    Can't wait for Resuckerfied
  4. Sitar

    Marika Hackman

    I like this so much
  5. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    The one and only way 19 track albums are not where it's at And ATL is the only relevant unreleased
  6. St Vincent won?! Nice! @@YUNGATA
  7. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    thass a lot of womanly body cc: @@782anonymous
  8. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    pfffffffffffft oh no
  9. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    The production of Red Balloon is sorta cute and video gamey but it has no business ever getting released still... So Over You is also bad but less? Flows well in its placement on the tracklist, kinda just what that end of the album needed
  10. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    @@RetroSound come through please
  11. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    I'm glad this is actually happening and soon, whether or not it will be any good remains to be seen Collabs happening, take notes Lana
  12. No evil you're just determined to never allow anyone else to take offense to anything you say or have an alternate view I said I didn't disagree with you I'm just pointing out how your post was problematic. Stop being so defensive.
  13. Sitar

    Say Lou Lou

    I use the NBAH cover for a B-sides album It's like having two albums so I'm pleazed
  14. Sitar

    Charli XCX

    UM did Madrigal just "no homo" Marina's music? FROOT is much more mature. Cannot really defend Charli at this point lmao. But yeah miss ur online presence
  15. Where's the twerking song? Absolute Zero - 10 First Impressions - 10 Sonder - 10 Slander Me - 10 Random Acts of Violence - 9 Nightmare Saviours - 10 Can Love Last in America - 10 Technicolor Tetrachloride - 10 Runner - 10 Poppin' Pills - 11 Don't Let Me Go - 10 Set Me on Fire - 10 Stay Dead - 10
  16. Your argument appeared to only be allowing for the possibility that people are blindly supporting her where they should be disagreeing "I'm really mystified why so many people, especially gay men, are giving her a pass on that." As opposed to, ya know, not having to give a pass bc they agree. It's very easy to say "I didn't mean to imply such and such" but that is in fact the interpretation your post offered most clearly so I'm just saying bro. "Especially gay men"--unnecessary
  17. Not that I necessarily disagree with the sentiment here but I don't think there's any real obligation to feel super passionately about her statements when they're most often not very serious at all and I don't like the implication (IMPLICATION!) that there's something problematic going on with gay men supporting her. Nor does it boil down to "giving a pass" based on music, at least for me. Nor should you eliminate the possibility that people actually agree with her outside of appreciating her as an artist. (Though you won't find me mixed up there--she says lots of smart stuff and lots of incredibly stupid shit and the latter doesn't really move me because I have a lot of faith in her developing politics anyway.)
  18. Sitar


  19. Unstanning if she goes a Muse route Don't bookmark me tho cause I obv won't
  20. @@Hundred Dollar Bill luvs Blood on the Dance Floor xD
  21. So much of my vocab is based on "bitch" though so okay Azealia I'll trade you, you can call me a fag evilentity teas (evilentiteas)
  22. Just Like Jesse James - Cher !!!
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