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  1. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in The Orlando Terrorist Attack 6/12/2016   
    early Tuesday morning  reflection/update-
    What is 100% known- an asshole with guns and enough bullets for a war shoots up a club 49 people dead, many more injured, some severely in a Gay nightclub that was having
    Latin night.
    The US Media, in an election year, is quick to call it International Terrorism as a way to promote Donald Trump
    The NRA, the gun lobby, of course is in full protect the gun, and profits/shares rise in the gun making industry
    the gunman was born in America, in NYC, and moved when young to Florida. His father was from Afghanastan.
    The killer has been married twice.  The first wife, he beat up, abused, and she quickly divorced him, and has spoken to the police and said he, soon after they married, had a vicious temper and was abusive to her, and went on rants. (Is he a woman hater? He appears to have zero respect for women.)
    Being that is Florida, home to Zimmerman, and one of the most gun-friendly states, this person is allowed to have a gun, and not surprisingly, was a security guard (note, like Zimmerman, he was not qualified to be an actual police officer)
    Worked security in the court building (of all things). Worked other security jobs.
    He was investigated by the FBI 3 times.
    Supposedly FBI director James Comey (he, the Javert like obsessed with Hillary Clinton) let this case slip through the FBI hands and closed the case when he found out the perp hater killer got remarried and has a child.
    Seems the killer did not own the guns used prior to a few days earlier, and they were of all things, obtained legally.
    (Question- why in the world would someone need these type of weapons, and all those bullets?)
    Questions appear to be rising over whether he was or was not a connected terrorist, or just another asshole pretend cowboy hot head
    mass shooter more like the school and theatre shootings, and did he call 9-1-1 three different times just to somehow make it in his crazy
    head that he was doing this to give him more sicko fame???
    His three calls prior to the shooting were pledging allegiance to 3 different and some opposite terror groups (again, some that are against each other), making it dubious that he actually was a member of any of these groups at all
    His father said he was disgusted by two men kissing (but the press, especially the rightwing press is quick to say the father is a radical
    born in Afghanistan who did or didn't run for office, (again a rush to judgement, possibly.
    They say that in major events like this in the US, 9 out of 10 times, what is said to and in the media in the first hours/ day tends to be
    spin and rush to judgement, and not necessarily accurate.
    If this was not terrorism after all, then it was yet another senseless mass shooter, the optimum word again is shooter
    and like all shootings, guns and bullets are the objects used to cause mass destruction in a country where the NRA lobby group
    has the loudest (and mostly singular) voice.
    Where the NRA basically (is there a different word than )blackmails any candidate in any political office who dares speak out.
    They also seem to own most of the press, and have very well dressed and highly paid media people who spin everything to their side.
    the goal of the NRA is to have more people with more guns (yeah, so in a dark club or dark movie theatre, more people with guns shooting blindly causing more deaths) Arming America, and it has to be reiterated, they are a small % of people in America. Very small. But the loudest voice.
    In recent years finally other voices are starting to have some effect, but the NRA had decade long advantage.
    The entire country has been terrorized by this person, so in that sense, he is a terrorist, and the weapon he used is a WMD as it caused massive destruction
    and horror.
    And another thing assured is, it is a hate crime, he targeted a club specific to killing Gays. (that is a federal offense in America).
    And that he is dead, so he cannot be brought to trial, to receive criminal justice.
    It appears the FBI is interested in his 2nd wife and what she might have known, and what might have been planned.
    the President and others, while saying it appears to be an act of terror, is also saying there so far have been no connections to his being part of any terror group
    and that he is a lone wolf.
    So at the moment- questions are arising- did he just conveniently attempt to lay the blame on International terrorism in some sort of warped attempt to hide his
    hatred to Gays?  If so, then this comes under another heading, that being the same category as the killing of Matthew Shepard, the shooting in black churches, the shooting of the doctor in Kansas who was hiding in fear of his life in a church, the shootings in schools (many different ones in recent history), the Olympic bomber.
    the asshole in Oklahoma City who blew up the Federal building. Terrorist yes, home grown terrorists.
    This being close to the political conventions, where you have Donald Trump madly screaming that the borders should be closed, walls should be built, no one who is Muslim should be allowed in, (which is ridiculous as this person is a born in America citizen and he did not come here) inciting the public, scaring the public
    What we also have is Donald Trump and the Republican party have had a vendetta against Gays, against any not-White Christians, more recently against Transgender Rights and President Obama, (Trump today actually said the President is part of the terrorists, that the President sides with them, and the out front and center anti-Woman rhetoric of Donald Trump. And the media keeps quiet.
    (and it appears some of the initial reports suggesting another gunman were totally wrong, it was cops shooting at him)
    What a horror. I feel so bad for the victims, for the families, and friends.
    My niece works at WDW and she posted  "Safe"  on facebook. She said yesterday afternoon she has been in that club many times for parties.
    fucking guns guns guns guns (again, seems so easy the entire  problem of all shootings could be solved so easily with a few tweaks of the law)
    and it would be something if religion ends up having nothing to do with this, just a truly hateful person who hates Gays, women, everyone and
    he wanted to die in a blaze of glory.
  2. renaissance liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in The Orlando Terrorist Attack 6/12/2016   
    Condolences again to the friends and familes of both Christina Grimmie and the 50 people who died and the others injured, and all the other people personally affected by it and those who are now going to react a little different going to show and out for the night.
    I don't believe in coincidences.
    The clubs were minutes apart.
    Did the killer last night (even if he had been planning it in his mind), somehow get the idea at this time, seeing how easy it was to get a gun in a club
    a few blocks away?
    For those not from the US and not familiar with Florida, it is a really big state and the USA a really big place.
    Yet two shootings in 3 days at clubs that are for entertainment and having a good time?
    As there is nothing to suggest, and police say that the horrible death of Christina is not connected officially, it boggles the mind to think that coincidentally in the same moments in time, someone happens to pick a club so close. And use guns.
    Also, for all we know, at Christina's show, many more could have been hurt, if not for her brother tackling him and then somehow he shot himself.
    What are the connections-
    sorry folks, but the connection is the guns and the bullets and the easy access to them, and the easy way they can be bought in one state, put in a car
    and bought into any state at all, even the ones like NY or California that have great gun control laws, (as one cannot stop a vehicle and search without some sort of reason, so if a "bad person" drives without being nervous, and has nothing wrong with the car, they freely can move from point A to b to c to d, etc.
    YES, it is the guns.
    They can be taken off the streets (if not fully rid of), but it needs more security machines to know someone has one, and the more important point is-
    because of guns being so legal, and in states like Florida almost anyone can have a concealed weapon (but not California or NY), how then does one
    tell the good guys from the bad guys?
    I would personally rather be safe than sorry. I don't see in the modern age any reason for anyone to have guns and bullets.
    and more people want something done, but the NRA is the #1 loudest corporate lobby group and until recently, no one fought or mentioned their name
    so they had the forum all to themselves. But it is changing.
    But I do think this guy, be it he hated Gays and it was a hate crime, or it is fundamentalist , either way hate is hate and it took guns to kill.
    Easy access to guns.
    (yes the NRA folks will shout out, it could be knives, cars, etc, but nothing so surely kills like guns, and from remembering what they said about
    John Lennon, the bullets are made to kill. Not injure but to kill.
    Makes me sick.
    and also that more than 1/2 the country wants something done, and a smaller amount won't budge, and that group has the power at this very moment.
    (the house of representatives, Senate and the 4 conservative Supreme Court Judges
  3. Deleted User liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in The Orlando Terrorist Attack 6/12/2016   
    Condolences again to the friends and familes of both Christina Grimmie and the 50 people who died and the others injured, and all the other people personally affected by it and those who are now going to react a little different going to show and out for the night.
    I don't believe in coincidences.
    The clubs were minutes apart.
    Did the killer last night (even if he had been planning it in his mind), somehow get the idea at this time, seeing how easy it was to get a gun in a club
    a few blocks away?
    For those not from the US and not familiar with Florida, it is a really big state and the USA a really big place.
    Yet two shootings in 3 days at clubs that are for entertainment and having a good time?
    As there is nothing to suggest, and police say that the horrible death of Christina is not connected officially, it boggles the mind to think that coincidentally in the same moments in time, someone happens to pick a club so close. And use guns.
    Also, for all we know, at Christina's show, many more could have been hurt, if not for her brother tackling him and then somehow he shot himself.
    What are the connections-
    sorry folks, but the connection is the guns and the bullets and the easy access to them, and the easy way they can be bought in one state, put in a car
    and bought into any state at all, even the ones like NY or California that have great gun control laws, (as one cannot stop a vehicle and search without some sort of reason, so if a "bad person" drives without being nervous, and has nothing wrong with the car, they freely can move from point A to b to c to d, etc.
    YES, it is the guns.
    They can be taken off the streets (if not fully rid of), but it needs more security machines to know someone has one, and the more important point is-
    because of guns being so legal, and in states like Florida almost anyone can have a concealed weapon (but not California or NY), how then does one
    tell the good guys from the bad guys?
    I would personally rather be safe than sorry. I don't see in the modern age any reason for anyone to have guns and bullets.
    and more people want something done, but the NRA is the #1 loudest corporate lobby group and until recently, no one fought or mentioned their name
    so they had the forum all to themselves. But it is changing.
    But I do think this guy, be it he hated Gays and it was a hate crime, or it is fundamentalist , either way hate is hate and it took guns to kill.
    Easy access to guns.
    (yes the NRA folks will shout out, it could be knives, cars, etc, but nothing so surely kills like guns, and from remembering what they said about
    John Lennon, the bullets are made to kill. Not injure but to kill.
    Makes me sick.
    and also that more than 1/2 the country wants something done, and a smaller amount won't budge, and that group has the power at this very moment.
    (the house of representatives, Senate and the 4 conservative Supreme Court Judges
  4. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in The Orlando Terrorist Attack 6/12/2016   
    Condolences again to the friends and familes of both Christina Grimmie and the 50 people who died and the others injured, and all the other people personally affected by it and those who are now going to react a little different going to show and out for the night.
    I don't believe in coincidences.
    The clubs were minutes apart.
    Did the killer last night (even if he had been planning it in his mind), somehow get the idea at this time, seeing how easy it was to get a gun in a club
    a few blocks away?
    For those not from the US and not familiar with Florida, it is a really big state and the USA a really big place.
    Yet two shootings in 3 days at clubs that are for entertainment and having a good time?
    As there is nothing to suggest, and police say that the horrible death of Christina is not connected officially, it boggles the mind to think that coincidentally in the same moments in time, someone happens to pick a club so close. And use guns.
    Also, for all we know, at Christina's show, many more could have been hurt, if not for her brother tackling him and then somehow he shot himself.
    What are the connections-
    sorry folks, but the connection is the guns and the bullets and the easy access to them, and the easy way they can be bought in one state, put in a car
    and bought into any state at all, even the ones like NY or California that have great gun control laws, (as one cannot stop a vehicle and search without some sort of reason, so if a "bad person" drives without being nervous, and has nothing wrong with the car, they freely can move from point A to b to c to d, etc.
    YES, it is the guns.
    They can be taken off the streets (if not fully rid of), but it needs more security machines to know someone has one, and the more important point is-
    because of guns being so legal, and in states like Florida almost anyone can have a concealed weapon (but not California or NY), how then does one
    tell the good guys from the bad guys?
    I would personally rather be safe than sorry. I don't see in the modern age any reason for anyone to have guns and bullets.
    and more people want something done, but the NRA is the #1 loudest corporate lobby group and until recently, no one fought or mentioned their name
    so they had the forum all to themselves. But it is changing.
    But I do think this guy, be it he hated Gays and it was a hate crime, or it is fundamentalist , either way hate is hate and it took guns to kill.
    Easy access to guns.
    (yes the NRA folks will shout out, it could be knives, cars, etc, but nothing so surely kills like guns, and from remembering what they said about
    John Lennon, the bullets are made to kill. Not injure but to kill.
    Makes me sick.
    and also that more than 1/2 the country wants something done, and a smaller amount won't budge, and that group has the power at this very moment.
    (the house of representatives, Senate and the 4 conservative Supreme Court Judges
  5. letsescapelizzy liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Christina Grimmie   
    Just read, without many details- there was another shooting in Florida last night at a Gay nightclub,The Pulse at least 20 club goers were shot, and the gunman is dead and he also had a bomb with him that police detonated.
    Don't want to rush to judgement, but Republican presumed nominee Donald Trump has been on an anti-Gay anti-everything but angry white male rampage
    and the rhetoric this spring/summer is boiling over.
    Yes, the NRA is all-powerful, but, there is hope
    and the NRA demographic is older angry paranoid white male (the type who believe the world is coming to an end, and they want their hundreds of guns/1000s and 1000s of bullets
    to overthrow the government. (and really, in 99% of the country, people do not need to hunt to eat, and any gun on the street is not the original thought that guns are suppose to be
    protecting the house only.
    If the younger generation would be against guns, eventually it will change, sooner perhaps.
    Seems to me, kids are not part of the NRA, and as they see and hear one person after another they know (friend, family, celebrity) being killed/hurt that eventually things will change.
    Like, who died and made the NRA king? They are like the Wizard in Oz, and Toto has pulled back the curtain and realized that they are not as powerful as they think, as long as
    people fight back against them. All they are is a lobby group. I do think they should re-classify the NRA in the fight on the war on terror or something, as guns kill en masse,
    making them a weapon of mass destruction. And guns/bullets are terrifying.
    Trouble is, gun control per se don't work, because many states have none, and the good states, there is nothing in place that one can't drive a trunkload into NYC or California, as long as they
    are not nervous, no one checks their trunk going through.
    Thoughts again are with Chrstina's friends and family, and now the victims of the club in Florida.
    and once again,  in the Orlando area in Florida. (Orlando the city itself is about 20 minutes north of Disney World.)
  6. Kommander liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in The Orlando Terrorist Attack 6/12/2016   
    Condolences again to the friends and familes of both Christina Grimmie and the 50 people who died and the others injured, and all the other people personally affected by it and those who are now going to react a little different going to show and out for the night.
    I don't believe in coincidences.
    The clubs were minutes apart.
    Did the killer last night (even if he had been planning it in his mind), somehow get the idea at this time, seeing how easy it was to get a gun in a club
    a few blocks away?
    For those not from the US and not familiar with Florida, it is a really big state and the USA a really big place.
    Yet two shootings in 3 days at clubs that are for entertainment and having a good time?
    As there is nothing to suggest, and police say that the horrible death of Christina is not connected officially, it boggles the mind to think that coincidentally in the same moments in time, someone happens to pick a club so close. And use guns.
    Also, for all we know, at Christina's show, many more could have been hurt, if not for her brother tackling him and then somehow he shot himself.
    What are the connections-
    sorry folks, but the connection is the guns and the bullets and the easy access to them, and the easy way they can be bought in one state, put in a car
    and bought into any state at all, even the ones like NY or California that have great gun control laws, (as one cannot stop a vehicle and search without some sort of reason, so if a "bad person" drives without being nervous, and has nothing wrong with the car, they freely can move from point A to b to c to d, etc.
    YES, it is the guns.
    They can be taken off the streets (if not fully rid of), but it needs more security machines to know someone has one, and the more important point is-
    because of guns being so legal, and in states like Florida almost anyone can have a concealed weapon (but not California or NY), how then does one
    tell the good guys from the bad guys?
    I would personally rather be safe than sorry. I don't see in the modern age any reason for anyone to have guns and bullets.
    and more people want something done, but the NRA is the #1 loudest corporate lobby group and until recently, no one fought or mentioned their name
    so they had the forum all to themselves. But it is changing.
    But I do think this guy, be it he hated Gays and it was a hate crime, or it is fundamentalist , either way hate is hate and it took guns to kill.
    Easy access to guns.
    (yes the NRA folks will shout out, it could be knives, cars, etc, but nothing so surely kills like guns, and from remembering what they said about
    John Lennon, the bullets are made to kill. Not injure but to kill.
    Makes me sick.
    and also that more than 1/2 the country wants something done, and a smaller amount won't budge, and that group has the power at this very moment.
    (the house of representatives, Senate and the 4 conservative Supreme Court Judges
  7. Lithium liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Ultraviolence - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    If one looks at Nina's youtubes and read the comments, one would see Lana covering Nina has increased Nina's totals in an amazing number.
    One would think most of Lana's younger fans never heard of Nina and never would have found her videos until Lana did her songs
    Which leads Nina to have new younger fans, who will go and purchase Nina's music and keep Nina immortal to a whole new generation (Lana brought me here you see all over the comments)
    What could be bigger than getting Nina Simone a new generation of fans, and perhaps, entry into the Rock and Roll Hall of fame.
    Same as how many kids looked into who in the world Lou Reed or Leonard Cohen or Walt Whitman or T.S. Eliot are.
    as for politics, Lana being so into science is very political.
    (being that in the US, most of the Republican party insists that there is no science at all, and all is a lie).   etc.
  8. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Christina Grimmie   
    Just read, without many details- there was another shooting in Florida last night at a Gay nightclub,The Pulse at least 20 club goers were shot, and the gunman is dead and he also had a bomb with him that police detonated.
    Don't want to rush to judgement, but Republican presumed nominee Donald Trump has been on an anti-Gay anti-everything but angry white male rampage
    and the rhetoric this spring/summer is boiling over.
    Yes, the NRA is all-powerful, but, there is hope
    and the NRA demographic is older angry paranoid white male (the type who believe the world is coming to an end, and they want their hundreds of guns/1000s and 1000s of bullets
    to overthrow the government. (and really, in 99% of the country, people do not need to hunt to eat, and any gun on the street is not the original thought that guns are suppose to be
    protecting the house only.
    If the younger generation would be against guns, eventually it will change, sooner perhaps.
    Seems to me, kids are not part of the NRA, and as they see and hear one person after another they know (friend, family, celebrity) being killed/hurt that eventually things will change.
    Like, who died and made the NRA king? They are like the Wizard in Oz, and Toto has pulled back the curtain and realized that they are not as powerful as they think, as long as
    people fight back against them. All they are is a lobby group. I do think they should re-classify the NRA in the fight on the war on terror or something, as guns kill en masse,
    making them a weapon of mass destruction. And guns/bullets are terrifying.
    Trouble is, gun control per se don't work, because many states have none, and the good states, there is nothing in place that one can't drive a trunkload into NYC or California, as long as they
    are not nervous, no one checks their trunk going through.
    Thoughts again are with Chrstina's friends and family, and now the victims of the club in Florida.
    and once again,  in the Orlando area in Florida. (Orlando the city itself is about 20 minutes north of Disney World.)
  9. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by HawaiianTropic in Lana's Personality Type   
    Hi everyone! For those of you who have studied/know about the work of Carl Jung/Myers-Briggs, I'd love to hear what you think Lana's personality type is, using the Myers-Briggs type indicator.
    I know we've had a thread dedicated to the types of users on this forum, but we never discussed what we think Lana's type is. I've read on external websites but a lot of the posts were made during the BTD/Paradise era, and I don't think at that time we had the best view of Lana's personality, as a lot of people were still making comments about how she's "fake" and "inauthentic" and so on, which I think made a lot of the guesses inaccurate and biased. 
    Personally, I think she's either an INFJ or INFP, but I'm not sure which fits her the best. I am an INFJ myself, so I'm not sure if that's subconsciously influencing my typing of her, and possibly making it a biased analysis. I do see a lot of INFJ tendencies in her, but also in some ways, I think she could be an INFP as well. I'll try to explain my typing.
    To begin with, she's easily an introvert - I really don't see the point in debating it. She clearly draws her energy from her internal world and this is clear in her art and through the way she acts in her interviews. Plus, she's even stated it herself:
    I definitely think she's an iNtuitive and Feeling type. The quote above could also be used to highlight her iNtuitive trait.
    She seems to fit this description quite well about the NF (Idealist) temperament:
    She always states she's a songwriter first, then a singer. I think this is interesting considering the above description.
    She's certainly an intuitive person, and you can see that through a lot of her work. She's certainly a feeling type as well, in my opinion. Remember that video of her comforting a crying fan (I believe this took place in France)? Well, she seemed genuinely concerned for her and stayed with her for a while. I think she takes on the emotional state of others. For example, I feel like Ultraviolence is such a dark album because she absorbed a lot of the emotional darkness from Barrie. He was suffering from depression, insomnia and a number of other things that obviously had a negative impact on his mental health, and I think Lana soaked a lot of that energy from him and took it upon herself.
    The J and the P is where I struggle to define her. A part of me thinks she's clearly a P. She seems to take things as they come rather than plan miles in advance. The "Ride" video in particular makes me think she's a P. But at the same time, I do believe that she often exaggerates her life, experiences and ideas for the sake of enhancing her music and her art, so it's hard to tell if the "Ride" video is "100% autobiographical" as she always states her music is, or whether there are a number of embellishments and a heap of hyperboles just to make the music more interesting and "cinematic", as she puts it.
    The reason I doubt she could be an INFP is because their dominant function is Introverted Feeling, and I feel like Lana has a lot more Extroverted Feeling, especially since she tends to absorb the emotions of those around her, as I stated above. I feel like her intuition is more Introverted than Extroverted as well. Sensing and Thinking I'm not too sure about.
    Personally I can only see her as being an INF- type, just unsure about the P/J. I've seen some people type her as an S over N, but I don't see it as much as her intuitive side.
    What do y'all think? 
  10. HawaiianTropic liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Christina Grimmie   
    replies to a few above post- including @@Amadeus
    at the moment, the Republicans control the Senate, and the senate is the one not giving President Obama (Democratic president) choice Merrick Garland a vote to put him on the court. Scalia died and the court is 4 to 4.
    With that 5th justice, one can reinterpret the 2nd amendment which is highly debated.
    Vast majority of people want less guns but the conservatives until Nov control the Senate (It is expected the Dem. Party will flip it)
    once the court is flipped, then the court, with the right case, can do something without congress (same as the old court allowed the stuff that is going on now
    which is why when some in media say both sides are the same, it is a big lie. They are not.
    Florida and Texas, South Carolina, Georgia re 4 of the worst states
    NY, California, Conn. Mass. are 4of the best states
    there are ways to take guns off the street
    People are getting fed up here...these things happen nationwide 100s of times a week
  11. letsescapelizzy liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Christina Grimmie   
    replies to a few above post- including @@Amadeus
    at the moment, the Republicans control the Senate, and the senate is the one not giving President Obama (Democratic president) choice Merrick Garland a vote to put him on the court. Scalia died and the court is 4 to 4.
    With that 5th justice, one can reinterpret the 2nd amendment which is highly debated.
    Vast majority of people want less guns but the conservatives until Nov control the Senate (It is expected the Dem. Party will flip it)
    once the court is flipped, then the court, with the right case, can do something without congress (same as the old court allowed the stuff that is going on now
    which is why when some in media say both sides are the same, it is a big lie. They are not.
    Florida and Texas, South Carolina, Georgia re 4 of the worst states
    NY, California, Conn. Mass. are 4of the best states
    there are ways to take guns off the street
    People are getting fed up here...these things happen nationwide 100s of times a week
  12. letsescapelizzy liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Christina Grimmie   
    Horrible and yes, guns b gone in America as soon as possible
    A ruling in California the other day by the courts is the first step
    but the US Supreme Court has to change by having Hillary/Elizabeth Warren win as President/Vice President, and with then the court changing, it can move forward
    only reason it has gotten this way in the first place was acorrupt Supreme Court member(Scalia who died recently) re-interpreted the 2nd amendment into something it wasn't,
    and the #1 loud mouth lobby group the NRA which needs to be shown for what they are- terrorists with weapons of mass destruction
    and it figures it is Florida, home of the asshole who assassinated Mr. Trayvon Martin.
  13. Sam Fucking Rockwell liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    ​as the BGs sang ©
    ​You think that I don't even mean
    ​A single word I say
    It's only words and words are all I have
    ​to take your breath away
    ​© Robin, Maurice, Barry Gibb (aka the BeeGees)
    Paul Simon is one of the best examples of someone who knows what his song lyrics mean, but as he wrote so cryptically :Some hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest"
    ain't that the truth
    But as an example- I believe since months after Born to die was released, she has played with the press in statements and interviews, to her amusement,
    toying with them because of the irritant the media is. (and then played that point to the hilt in High By the Beach.
    and too many still treat her a dumb girl who couldn't possibly have any brains in her too pretty little head, because after all, she is just a girl, and girls can't possibly
    think (and addressed in Brooklyn Baby).
    and then has to be readdressed again and again because there is still confusion as to what it is she is saying.
    with the lyrics being far deeper than she is given credit for
  14. ruined peaches liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    u sell cars to rich Germans
    you never know
    that is how his current wife snagged Brian Wilson
    interesting in that Lana is the 21st Century Brian Wilson
    btw, did you know Elton John has played (in just the concerts tracked by setlist Your Song 1654 times
    and that God Forbid, he didn't sing that, the crowds would probably ask for their money back
  15. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by cashcomesquick in Ultraviolence - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Her biggest influence might be her metaphysics studies. I appreciate that she refers to poets even though it's only visible to people that have knowledge
  16. Escapism liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    here is an unpopular opinion (to the haters this will be unpopular (LOL)
    Sunday the Governor's ball cancelled the entire day due to extreme Thunderstorms and lightnight being predicted (with the possibility it would even be worse)
    remember last year when the haters hated on Lana because the same situation rose in Texas?
    Do we hear a peep of hatred against Kanye and the 25 other acts that were cancelled on?
    Of course not.
    (now perhaps the hatred should be to those Republicans in America  and anti-vaxxers across the world who do not believe in climate change and
    eradicating childhood illness and other diseases)
    (and btw, I have been in Nashville a few times when a tornado warning occurred, and had a major concert cancelled and people told to go to
    a safe place, a few hours before the storm started, so people had a chance to travel safely back home.
  17. Cashew liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    interesting thing is, if one goes back and reads all the posts when Ultraviolence was released,
    so many of the hater Honeymoon crowd, hated Ultraviolence
    so in a few weeks/months, when the next album is released, expect in about a year or two, all the Honeymoon haters will be saying how great Honeymoon is
    and wish the new album were 1/2 as exciting.
    Me, I like it from day one.
    And of all her videos, High By the Beach is her best yet.
  18. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by dressedinblack in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Honeymoon is her technically best album, and my new favourite I think.
  19. WhiteHydrangea liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Lana @ Orange Warsaw Festival 2016 June 3rd   
    no  HELL NO, she should not do medleys. It ruins the song to cut them into a medley
    Concerts are greatest hits events.
    What part of each song should she leave out? (Specific, if she did a medley of Terence?)
    What part of Burnt Norton?
    Should she leave the bridges out, or just do the bridges?
  20. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by letsescapelizzy in Lana meeting fans in Warsaw - 2 June 2016   
    I wouldn't really care if she was bald and weighed 200 pounds, except not good for health, but I thought she is primarily a singer?
    .. but yes fillers suck ass.. don't need that shit
    ..don't know why people worry so much about her looks tho.. nasty comments on daily mail article yesterday as well..
    she is a singer, not a model or actress or pop star, like it or not.
  21. graham4anything liked a post in a topic by WhiteHydrangea in Set List   
    I searched the threads a little bit and it turns out it's a cover  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAbY2cmEsS0 jaja
  22. AKASAKA SAWAYAMA liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    With Julee Cruise singing backup
  23. letsescapelizzy liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    tragic news about Gord, but it is nice to see he is going out on a final tour
    and that he still has "Miles to go before he sleeps"
    Not quite sure what type he has, but the damn thing is, one day there will be cures for all these things, but people still have to die until that time happens.
  24. yourboy liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    Cello and strings and more strings
    Harry Chapin almost always had a cello in his live band
    and perhaps other Beach Boy Beatle instrumentation
  25. Kommander liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in What musical direction should Lana go in for LDR5?   
    Cello and strings and more strings
    Harry Chapin almost always had a cello in his live band
    and perhaps other Beach Boy Beatle instrumentation
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