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Everything posted by luckyonewithoutyou

  1. She only really does promotion after an album drop. For example with HM, UO album signings, Maida Vale, a couple interviews, etc.
  2. That would be a terrible promo technique...we would be the only ones getting any information. You don't see any Lana news twitter accounts or actually any music news accounts posting about anything that eclipse has said soo...
  3. Holy wow, I need that song
  4. Solve Et Coagula seems like a counterpart to the art of Kintsugi. Maybe there will be some similar themes between LDR5 and the latest Death Cab album?
  5. @me next time Noah fence but Lana can wait-there's other things to listen to
  6. I don't think I want to listen to the singles for LDR5, I think it'd be better to listen to the album all the way through without much context. I think I might still read your reactions
  7. y'all are unbelievable, unbelievably full of hatred
  8. Delete the album artist on all of them (not the artist). If that doesn't fix it, then change the album artist to Lana Del Rey for all of them
  9. I don't have any of these, sorry :/ someone PM'd this list to me and just told me to go find it all myself... Do you remember where you found them?
  10. Does anyone have/know of an unreleased masterpost for TOP? Here's the unreleased songs that exist
  11. One of the few celebrity deaths that really impacted me. She was my fucking childhood man, and she taught me that you could achieve/overcome anything if you place your trust in hope. Rest In Peace Carrie
  12. luckyonewithoutyou


    It's interesting to see the change in song lengths, most have been cut down
  13. luckyonewithoutyou


    Art Angels outtakes need to leak
  14. Did anyone get follow the noise in full before it was deleted?
  15. Lana needs to continue this style of lyricism. It's much more open to discussion and interpretation than "stranger than a stranger", per say.
  16. We X's have been so blessed this holiday season
  17. luckyonewithoutyou


    Let the stolen dance cover be a Christmas present from poppy leakers
  18. luckyonewithoutyou


    has the full cover of stolen dance leaked yet?
  19. Her miscarriage seems very karmaic. It's undoubtedly an awful experience for any woman to go through and I wish that it never happened, but it almost seems as if this is the universe's payback for the long line of awful things that have been said the past few years I'm rooting for her so hard, and I just want to see her be happy and successful
  20. If anyone needs it still, feel free to PM me
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