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  1. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by 320kbps in New Song Title Registered: "Young and in Love"   
    can i just say i love u
  2. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in Lana & Politics   
    tbh i feel like she doesnt really know too much about that many political issues, but she also probably really thinks that the government should invest more into intergalactic possibilities lmfao 
  3. Lana Rey Del Mar liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in LanaBoards 2.0 Suggestions   
    so imma leave a few suggestions.. TBH i have no idea about how capable @@Elle is to be able to change the technical parts of lanaboards, or add new features, or even how customizable the template/site is... but maybe u could find someone to do stuff? here are some of the suggestions i think would help the site a lot.. whether or not they're doable is another thing i guess (im gonna put my suggestions in bold just so that they're easier to read apart from the explanations)
    first off... plz dont let the site look like its from 2005 anymore  also i think lanabaords should maybe have its own instagram account? that way all lana fans have a more reliable source for news, and snippets.. etc.. I think this would also help bring more people to lanaboards, since it would lead people from insta to lanabaords. (imma put the rest of my ideas in a spoiler thing so i dont take up too munch space)
  4. kerpiili liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in Lana & Politics   
    tbh i feel like she doesnt really know too much about that many political issues, but she also probably really thinks that the government should invest more into intergalactic possibilities lmfao 
  5. Masochism liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in Yes To Heaven   
    http://picosong.com/deKG audio without the instrumental bridge and without a sudden ending
  6. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in The Fall of Aleppo   
    its sad that people around the world can manage to rally together and do all kinds of wild stuff for news years and christmas, blow thousands of dollars and shit.. yet when it comes to this, and refugees, people cant seem to do much. The lack of media about this stuff really doesnt help either.. u know goddamn well that every trump tweet will get 5 times more coverage than any of this stuff. even when these things do get coverage its hardly factual or helpful to those in need. its embarrassing and heartbreaking
    ive only seen footage and im literally kept awake at night from what ive seen...i cant imagine what it must be like to actually live in those places..
  7. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    kinda agree.. they arent the same circumstance.. dunno why trump and kanye are even meeting tho .. or why its such a big deal lol
    i mean this is an interesting point.. donald is very ignorant so he doesnt even know how his policies may negatively impact or marginalize people 
    but to say that its gonna work out better for all of us is kinda idk half baked. i certainly hope it does.. but i really only see wars getting messier, rich getting richer, poor getting poorer, the environment getting dirtier, gov getting more full of corporate big wigs, zero help for syrian refugees, deportations, welfare cuts, end to DACA, more bloated military spending, tough on crime laws... etc... hoping trump will prove this wrong but honestly idk how much of this stuff wouldve been /that/ different under hillary lmfao
  8. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    good points, i hope obama gets the appreciation he deserves for doing all the work he has done.. wish u were more objective tho lol
  9. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    sorry gurl but thats really not accurate... he focussed for a very short amount of time on DWS, and he barely even funded her opponent .. he mentioned her opponent like once.. you really have a skewed view here.. Yes he did support someone else, but it was someone who he believed would be better because they had similar stances, not simply because DWS treated bernie unfairly.. trust me bernie and DWS disagree on quite a few things lol you have it in your head that he dislikes them for no reason.. but he dislikes them because in his opinion theyre up their donor's asses, and those donors do not want whats best for the american working class. so naturally he is gonna bring attention to a candidate who he feels would better support the working class. you have some kind of sensationalized view where bernie is literally the grimm reaper, what policies of his do you agree/disagree with?  what policies of hillary's do you agree/disagree with? 
    what you do think of the criticisms against hillary like her voting for bad trade agreements, supporting crime bills, voting for wars, playing hands in libya and honduras? the private email server, her being in the pocket of big banks, the collusion between the media and her campaign ?
    i agree with you that its gonna be ten times harder to make progress because of trump but it seems like you're neglecting the fact that trump got a lot of votes simply for not being clinton.. the media managed to successfully demonize clinton as a war hawk/criminal, as did the FBI director. Lots and lots of people voted for trump, not because they liked trump but because they liked hillary, and lots of people liked trump as well, he appealed as an outside of the establishment candidate and hillary came off as the epitome of the establishment. i think a lot of right wing people buy into a ton of propaganda about hillary instead of the truth tho.. which she is a successful corporate politician basically, who has a ton of experience!
    and hunty trumps positions suck but thats not bernie's fault... Yeah it sucks that clinton lost.. but thats not completely bernie's fault you make it sound like he completely intended to get trump elected.. obviously not the case lmfao
  10. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    its not about hillary or bernie its about being informed, making a change, being informed, voting for yours and the country's best interest in mind.
    you're the one who is still hung up on the fact that shittlery clinton got beat by donny tinyhands. GURL GET OVER IT .. ur still pining over the fact that bernie existed and got a more dedicated following than ur queen HRC lmaooo. 
    so far you've only regurgitated silly conspiracy theories too things like bernie bros even existing.. gurl except in places where the area isn't diverse, bernie had the most diverse crowd out of all the candidates. I went to one of his rallies, talked to a lot of people they were all informed, nice people.. 
    im not an unfactual or unrealistic person. i definitely think that hillary wouldve made a better pres than trump. obviouslyyyy but cut the shit about blaming bernie and making him and his campaign out to be something they arent.. you dont want hillary to get unfairly judged, why unfairly judge bernie? 
    did he criticize her ? YEAH HE DID and fairly i may add.. but after his campaign, he supported her. Anyone who u suggest may have been senselessly enamored with bernie probably voted for her, cuz thats what bernie wanted lol.  I really dont think his criticism told anyone things they didnt already know though. 
    im someone who likes facts.. from what ive seen, even taking into account the gun control criticism, i like bernie's proposed policies, and his way of running a campaign, and his voting record better than hillary's.. does that make hillary worse then trump ... no? it just makes her another typical politician. 
    IDK If you expect me to be kissing obama and hillary's ass then ur barking up the wrong tree.. while i will gladly appreciate the amazing work they have done for what it is but, i refuse to turn a blind eye to the many things that still need to be done. or things that imo have been done wrong. 
  11. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    ur so immature     

    fun drinking game! drink every time @graham4anything makes a false comparison 
  12. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    i dont support trump .. but also there are man other things than just scandals as a reason to dislike hillary.. the email scandal was kind of a scandal.. but also what was in the emails was actually pretty messy. even tho some people(graham4believinganythingprohillary) seems to think that the emails are just russian manipulations LOL. even with out it tho shes done some shady stuff, same with obama.. .that being said stuff that i dislike that hillary and obama have done.. donald probably wouldve done the same if not worse 
    gurl earn some objectivity omg ur so far up the democratic establishments ass its actually funny 
  13. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Can you stop bashing bernie? he lost, bye!!! Im not into the guy nor care for him but lord jesus focus on politicians who are raping children or stealing our hard worked tax money, actual villains 
  14. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in The Fall of Aleppo   
    its sad that people around the world can manage to rally together and do all kinds of wild stuff for news years and christmas, blow thousands of dollars and shit.. yet when it comes to this, and refugees, people cant seem to do much. The lack of media about this stuff really doesnt help either.. u know goddamn well that every trump tweet will get 5 times more coverage than any of this stuff. even when these things do get coverage its hardly factual or helpful to those in need. its embarrassing and heartbreaking
    ive only seen footage and im literally kept awake at night from what ive seen...i cant imagine what it must be like to actually live in those places..
  15. knoxavel liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    u right about the dancers but her vocals lately have been really good so
  16. kitschesque liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in 2017 Performance Dates   
    im glad shes doing more shows cuz i love live footage but i hope she doesnt do any festivals near me cuz then i will be salty.. since i dont have the time energy or money to go to a festival 
  17. True Romance liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in 2017 Performance Dates   
    for once i totally agree bc that means lots of shows all up the west coast
  18. Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in 2017 Performance Dates   
    im glad shes doing more shows cuz i love live footage but i hope she doesnt do any festivals near me cuz then i will be salty.. since i dont have the time energy or money to go to a festival 
  19. knoxavel liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in 2017 Performance Dates   
    for once i totally agree bc that means lots of shows all up the west coast
  20. charrlieechrist liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in 2017 Performance Dates   
    im glad shes doing more shows cuz i love live footage but i hope she doesnt do any festivals near me cuz then i will be salty.. since i dont have the time energy or money to go to a festival 
  21. True Romance liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in 2017 Performance Dates   
    im glad shes doing more shows cuz i love live footage but i hope she doesnt do any festivals near me cuz then i will be salty.. since i dont have the time energy or money to go to a festival 
  22. morrison liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    i said the 5th.....of never lmao
    not even her favorite psychic and personal friend fluer can see that far into the future
  23. stillwatchingTV liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in Jessica Walter=Lana Del Rey?   
    if sarah paulson and lana had a baby 
  24. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    i said the 5th.....of never lmao
    not even her favorite psychic and personal friend fluer can see that far into the future
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