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  1. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by strange weather in Interview: The Weeknd on working relationship with Lana Del Rey & Stargirl   
    ooh, i want to know more about what the interviewer was going to say about lana's music!
    i bet lana enjoys the weeknd's appreciation of her   and vice versa. i happen to think they do sound exquisite together. shame this time it was only an interlude. 
  2. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by reputation in Lana to be featured on The Weeknd's track "Stargirl"   
    Lana better do another photoshoot at her house. It had the potential
  3. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana to be featured on The Weeknd's track "Stargirl"   
    & the house from Shades of Cool because of the stone walls.
  4. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by knoxavel in Interview: The Weeknd on working relationship with Lana Del Rey & Stargirl   
    aw. I love when artists respect eachother and really have a great appreciation for the art.
  5. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by Joker in Interview: The Weeknd on working relationship with Lana Del Rey & Stargirl   
    That's another reason why I love The Weeknd. Him and Lana are close friends and it really does sound like they're talking in a way lol
  6. Kommander liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in Lana Del Rey @ Corona Capital Festival   
    not that im unhappy.. cuz she looked gorgeous and sounded great and seemed so happy and perky! im slaiinnn but
    how the tf am i supposed to get through whats slowly turning into the chittiest year of my life since 2013 with not even a sliver of acknowledgement of a new album from the queen, 
    how am i supposed to keep going on when this iconic godly beautiful talented angel cant even come through with any of her best songs live ? (soc, tbd, freak, WEST COAST) 
    i never thought i'd say this but im starting to think god really does hate the gays™ 
  7. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    @@graham4anything youre so far out of depth lmfao. e :)how are u calling Bernie an idiot yet saying his ideas are great ?  bernie's ideas are part of a solid policitcal philosophy that has been around . He's not an idiot he's one of the best rated politicians  in the country lmfao. You're sitting here blaming him for Hillary's loss but he brought in a lot of people who typically don't get involved in politics into the political process. He helped tons of people get elected and involved into local politics as well and I swear Hillary would've lost 1/3 if not more of her support if Bernie hadn't have run, or campaigned for her. Take a look at the cheers he got at the DNC the crowd there cheered for like two minutes straight before letting him speak. I think Bernie would've gotten more votes than Hillary because he was closer to what America wanted. A non establishment candidate on the side of the working class, and who didn't have A LOT of bull:) in his past. Tho the right wing media still could've demonized him like they did Clinton bc socialism is a dirty word I guessB. And let's be real. Bernies policies would've been only half as good as he campaigned on. But I think he would've inspired the kind of grass roots as well as local involvement we need to get things on a better track on state levels . Also whats so bad about america adopting policies that are like ones in other countries ? Just because another country does it doesn't make it bad. Ofc such policies would be implemented in a more American capitalistic way I'm sure lmfao also many policies such as free education and healthcare pay for themselves in a way because it saves a lot of money in other areas and also creates citizens more capable of creating capital imo

    Anyway u should use less paragraphs and what's with all the messy innacurate name calling ? If u really think Bernie and Nader are comparable ur silly. Also it sounds like u read propaganda about bernies gun policy stance instead of actual facts lol.  Don't compare bernies people to the right wing extremists please I'm highly offended. U read too much propaganda about bernies bros which really isn't factual at all wyd. Bernie bros are a myth. I kept up with Hillary, trump, and bernies campaign and let me tell u Bernie by far had the most diverse support out of Hillary and trump combined. 
  8. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by lanadelrego in Lana Del Rey @ Corona Capital Festival   
    I guess she will record a little video in her garden and release in youtube.. 

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