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  1. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    how can people come here legally if its too difficult in the first place? 
    also he basically admits he doesnt want them here because theyre muslim.. and he doesnt want illegal immigrants here because theyre rapists, criminals, etc.. either that or he goes with the "theyre taking our jobs and getting benefits without paying taxes" narrative.. which in fact isn't true, considering that they get jobs because bosses decide they would rather pay an illegal shit than hire an american worker.. illegals pay sales tax .. in fact a case can be made that illegals pay more taxes than trump himself
    should anyone be able to come here with no documents or anything? no.. obviously there should be a comprehensive and functioning system in place that protects our country, as well as gives foreigners and those trying to escape from oppressive situations a way to get here, get involved in contributing to our economy, and society.
  2. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    truly we are all getting duped honey
    RIP u just snatched my weave
  3. Hundred Dollar Bill liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    messy...i mean trump honestly is a mess his campaign ran on ignorance, misinformation, violence, racism, bigotry.. at the end of the day.. if you agree with his policies more than hillary's thats fine but ... mike pence will be one of the most powerful VP's in history because trump is a numb nut who doesnt actually know that much about politics... he knows even less about social issues. Mike pence is anti-lgbtq, anti government assistance programs..like if it was left to mike pence i could be fired from my job bc of my sexual orientation.. i probably wouldn't be able to afford college at all rn, i wouldn't have health care, and i would be working some minimum wage job hoping they dont have a thing against gays. NTM how shittty trumps' policies against legalization of marijuana and crime are.. trump takes a tough on crime position. He supports stop and frisk, which is a policy that was ruled unconstitutional. When he was asked what he would say to african americans who are affected by and upset by racial tension/police violence... his answer was literally " police are in danger, i want police to have more funding" basically he wants to militarize police forces. he doesnt give a fuck or know about.. ntm He is about to be investigated for fraud, bc of the trump university thing, hasnt paid taxes, is disrespectful ...  not to mention he lies about everything too... he could be called out for something he said 3 seconds ago and he would deny it. He thinks climate change is a hoax... l
    like i get it .. hillary has done some horrible shit.. i dont at all think she is what america needs right now.. but trump is even less of what (imo) america needs. at least the rest of the country could make progress on minority rights, workers rights, stopping global warming and pollution, getting education to more people, getting money out of politics, etc... (that being said i voted for jill stein bc hillary is a mess)
    that being said, if you think his policies work, if you support them, and those of his VP then im glad you voted your conscience 
  4. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    i wouldn't call hillary worse than trump..but i think that america could use someone who is less tied to corporations, wallstreet, military industrial complex, and the washington establishment.. 
    honestly the whole email scandal was bullshit.. because they made a huge deal about the email scandal existing without even talking about the even shadier content of the emails. Like there was actually a lot of bullshit in those emails.. that being said, i dont think shes a particularly worse politician than others that are already holding offices...
  5. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    messy...i mean trump honestly is a mess his campaign ran on ignorance, misinformation, violence, racism, bigotry.. at the end of the day.. if you agree with his policies more than hillary's thats fine but ... mike pence will be one of the most powerful VP's in history because trump is a numb nut who doesnt actually know that much about politics... he knows even less about social issues. Mike pence is anti-lgbtq, anti government assistance programs..like if it was left to mike pence i could be fired from my job bc of my sexual orientation.. i probably wouldn't be able to afford college at all rn, i wouldn't have health care, and i would be working some minimum wage job hoping they dont have a thing against gays. NTM how shittty trumps' policies against legalization of marijuana and crime are.. trump takes a tough on crime position. He supports stop and frisk, which is a policy that was ruled unconstitutional. When he was asked what he would say to african americans who are affected by and upset by racial tension/police violence... his answer was literally " police are in danger, i want police to have more funding" basically he wants to militarize police forces. he doesnt give a fuck or know about.. ntm He is about to be investigated for fraud, bc of the trump university thing, hasnt paid taxes, is disrespectful ...  not to mention he lies about everything too... he could be called out for something he said 3 seconds ago and he would deny it. He thinks climate change is a hoax... l
    like i get it .. hillary has done some horrible shit.. i dont at all think she is what america needs right now.. but trump is even less of what (imo) america needs. at least the rest of the country could make progress on minority rights, workers rights, stopping global warming and pollution, getting education to more people, getting money out of politics, etc... (that being said i voted for jill stein bc hillary is a mess)
    that being said, if you think his policies work, if you support them, and those of his VP then im glad you voted your conscience 
  6. DominicMars liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Ntm most of the people who support him COMPLETELY buy into the fact that all Mexicans are horrible all muslims are terrorists and all ppl from the Middle East hate America.  Most trump supporters believe obama is probably a muslim. Like trump supporters' world view isn't based on a balanced picture of reality 
  7. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    how can people come here legally if its too difficult in the first place? 
    also he basically admits he doesnt want them here because theyre muslim.. and he doesnt want illegal immigrants here because theyre rapists, criminals, etc.. either that or he goes with the "theyre taking our jobs and getting benefits without paying taxes" narrative.. which in fact isn't true, considering that they get jobs because bosses decide they would rather pay an illegal shit than hire an american worker.. illegals pay sales tax .. in fact a case can be made that illegals pay more taxes than trump himself
    should anyone be able to come here with no documents or anything? no.. obviously there should be a comprehensive and functioning system in place that protects our country, as well as gives foreigners and those trying to escape from oppressive situations a way to get here, get involved in contributing to our economy, and society.
  8. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    truly we are all getting duped honey
    RIP u just snatched my weave
  9. BeautifulAnywhere liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    messy...i mean trump honestly is a mess his campaign ran on ignorance, misinformation, violence, racism, bigotry.. at the end of the day.. if you agree with his policies more than hillary's thats fine but ... mike pence will be one of the most powerful VP's in history because trump is a numb nut who doesnt actually know that much about politics... he knows even less about social issues. Mike pence is anti-lgbtq, anti government assistance programs..like if it was left to mike pence i could be fired from my job bc of my sexual orientation.. i probably wouldn't be able to afford college at all rn, i wouldn't have health care, and i would be working some minimum wage job hoping they dont have a thing against gays. NTM how shittty trumps' policies against legalization of marijuana and crime are.. trump takes a tough on crime position. He supports stop and frisk, which is a policy that was ruled unconstitutional. When he was asked what he would say to african americans who are affected by and upset by racial tension/police violence... his answer was literally " police are in danger, i want police to have more funding" basically he wants to militarize police forces. he doesnt give a fuck or know about.. ntm He is about to be investigated for fraud, bc of the trump university thing, hasnt paid taxes, is disrespectful ...  not to mention he lies about everything too... he could be called out for something he said 3 seconds ago and he would deny it. He thinks climate change is a hoax... l
    like i get it .. hillary has done some horrible shit.. i dont at all think she is what america needs right now.. but trump is even less of what (imo) america needs. at least the rest of the country could make progress on minority rights, workers rights, stopping global warming and pollution, getting education to more people, getting money out of politics, etc... (that being said i voted for jill stein bc hillary is a mess)
    that being said, if you think his policies work, if you support them, and those of his VP then im glad you voted your conscience 
  10. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by TRENCH in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    altough it is understandable where this statement is coming from, obamacare has been a disaster, he should have vetoed that trash when Congress rewrote his original intent.  People's lives are now MORE in danger because of it, they get penalty fees or can land in jail for not paying the ridiculous costs, and next year many people will pay over $1,000 a month when it was suppossed to be cheap healthare like??? AND some POOR people (who is the supposed demographic of this legislation) i personally know  never qualified in the first place!
    Thank you for pointing this out, the only way we can revolutionize this country is by re electing politicians from the local lever up...the younger people we have the BETTER this country will progress. I am LIVID of having dinosaur fossils STILL siting in Congress...like BYEE
  11. CrazySister liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Ntm most of the people who support him COMPLETELY buy into the fact that all Mexicans are horrible all muslims are terrorists and all ppl from the Middle East hate America.  Most trump supporters believe obama is probably a muslim. Like trump supporters' world view isn't based on a balanced picture of reality 
  12. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Ntm most of the people who support him COMPLETELY buy into the fact that all Mexicans are horrible all muslims are terrorists and all ppl from the Middle East hate America.  Most trump supporters believe obama is probably a muslim. Like trump supporters' world view isn't based on a balanced picture of reality 
  13. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    Ntm most of the people who support him COMPLETELY buy into the fact that all Mexicans are horrible all muslims are terrorists and all ppl from the Middle East hate America.  Most trump supporters believe obama is probably a muslim. Like trump supporters' world view isn't based on a balanced picture of reality 
  14. wraith liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    how can people come here legally if its too difficult in the first place? 
    also he basically admits he doesnt want them here because theyre muslim.. and he doesnt want illegal immigrants here because theyre rapists, criminals, etc.. either that or he goes with the "theyre taking our jobs and getting benefits without paying taxes" narrative.. which in fact isn't true, considering that they get jobs because bosses decide they would rather pay an illegal shit than hire an american worker.. illegals pay sales tax .. in fact a case can be made that illegals pay more taxes than trump himself
    should anyone be able to come here with no documents or anything? no.. obviously there should be a comprehensive and functioning system in place that protects our country, as well as gives foreigners and those trying to escape from oppressive situations a way to get here, get involved in contributing to our economy, and society.
  15. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    messy...i mean trump honestly is a mess his campaign ran on ignorance, misinformation, violence, racism, bigotry.. at the end of the day.. if you agree with his policies more than hillary's thats fine but ... mike pence will be one of the most powerful VP's in history because trump is a numb nut who doesnt actually know that much about politics... he knows even less about social issues. Mike pence is anti-lgbtq, anti government assistance programs..like if it was left to mike pence i could be fired from my job bc of my sexual orientation.. i probably wouldn't be able to afford college at all rn, i wouldn't have health care, and i would be working some minimum wage job hoping they dont have a thing against gays. NTM how shittty trumps' policies against legalization of marijuana and crime are.. trump takes a tough on crime position. He supports stop and frisk, which is a policy that was ruled unconstitutional. When he was asked what he would say to african americans who are affected by and upset by racial tension/police violence... his answer was literally " police are in danger, i want police to have more funding" basically he wants to militarize police forces. he doesnt give a fuck or know about.. ntm He is about to be investigated for fraud, bc of the trump university thing, hasnt paid taxes, is disrespectful ...  not to mention he lies about everything too... he could be called out for something he said 3 seconds ago and he would deny it. He thinks climate change is a hoax... l
    like i get it .. hillary has done some horrible shit.. i dont at all think she is what america needs right now.. but trump is even less of what (imo) america needs. at least the rest of the country could make progress on minority rights, workers rights, stopping global warming and pollution, getting education to more people, getting money out of politics, etc... (that being said i voted for jill stein bc hillary is a mess)
    that being said, if you think his policies work, if you support them, and those of his VP then im glad you voted your conscience 
  16. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by HoneymoonSwan in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    I wonder if the "lesser of two evils" Trump voters will feel regretful after everything starts going to shit. 

    The holocaust is already happening right under our noses and we aren't taking action!! @ the Natives being held in dog cages and getting numbers wrote on their arms by the police.
    and the fact that you would vote for the man that wants to give police more power!
  17. apricockjuice liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    messy...i mean trump honestly is a mess his campaign ran on ignorance, misinformation, violence, racism, bigotry.. at the end of the day.. if you agree with his policies more than hillary's thats fine but ... mike pence will be one of the most powerful VP's in history because trump is a numb nut who doesnt actually know that much about politics... he knows even less about social issues. Mike pence is anti-lgbtq, anti government assistance programs..like if it was left to mike pence i could be fired from my job bc of my sexual orientation.. i probably wouldn't be able to afford college at all rn, i wouldn't have health care, and i would be working some minimum wage job hoping they dont have a thing against gays. NTM how shittty trumps' policies against legalization of marijuana and crime are.. trump takes a tough on crime position. He supports stop and frisk, which is a policy that was ruled unconstitutional. When he was asked what he would say to african americans who are affected by and upset by racial tension/police violence... his answer was literally " police are in danger, i want police to have more funding" basically he wants to militarize police forces. he doesnt give a fuck or know about.. ntm He is about to be investigated for fraud, bc of the trump university thing, hasnt paid taxes, is disrespectful ...  not to mention he lies about everything too... he could be called out for something he said 3 seconds ago and he would deny it. He thinks climate change is a hoax... l
    like i get it .. hillary has done some horrible shit.. i dont at all think she is what america needs right now.. but trump is even less of what (imo) america needs. at least the rest of the country could make progress on minority rights, workers rights, stopping global warming and pollution, getting education to more people, getting money out of politics, etc... (that being said i voted for jill stein bc hillary is a mess)
    that being said, if you think his policies work, if you support them, and those of his VP then im glad you voted your conscience 
  18. writtenxrabbits liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    truly we are all getting duped honey
    RIP u just snatched my weave
  19. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by Unknown in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    This whole farce of an election has seriously damaged americas image internationally - y'all look dumb as fuck now
  20. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by Just Cherry in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    honestly we should just be ashamed in ourselves as a country for letting it come down to these two as our presidential candidates.
    wouldn't vote trump to save my own life though
  21. Escapism liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    messy...i mean trump honestly is a mess his campaign ran on ignorance, misinformation, violence, racism, bigotry.. at the end of the day.. if you agree with his policies more than hillary's thats fine but ... mike pence will be one of the most powerful VP's in history because trump is a numb nut who doesnt actually know that much about politics... he knows even less about social issues. Mike pence is anti-lgbtq, anti government assistance programs..like if it was left to mike pence i could be fired from my job bc of my sexual orientation.. i probably wouldn't be able to afford college at all rn, i wouldn't have health care, and i would be working some minimum wage job hoping they dont have a thing against gays. NTM how shittty trumps' policies against legalization of marijuana and crime are.. trump takes a tough on crime position. He supports stop and frisk, which is a policy that was ruled unconstitutional. When he was asked what he would say to african americans who are affected by and upset by racial tension/police violence... his answer was literally " police are in danger, i want police to have more funding" basically he wants to militarize police forces. he doesnt give a fuck or know about.. ntm He is about to be investigated for fraud, bc of the trump university thing, hasnt paid taxes, is disrespectful ...  not to mention he lies about everything too... he could be called out for something he said 3 seconds ago and he would deny it. He thinks climate change is a hoax... l
    like i get it .. hillary has done some horrible shit.. i dont at all think she is what america needs right now.. but trump is even less of what (imo) america needs. at least the rest of the country could make progress on minority rights, workers rights, stopping global warming and pollution, getting education to more people, getting money out of politics, etc... (that being said i voted for jill stein bc hillary is a mess)
    that being said, if you think his policies work, if you support them, and those of his VP then im glad you voted your conscience 
  22. analwinterofmylife liked a post in a topic by Joker in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    I voted today in FL and I voted yes to Amendment 2 which is the legalization of medical marijuana for specific disorders in FL. I hope we get it.
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