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  1. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by letsescapelizzy in Tove Lo   
    Thank you kindly!  I just listened to all of them. They are all really good. I like her alot.. she is a cool chick too..
  2. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in James Franco to Release "Flip-Side: Real and Imaginary Conversations with Lana Del Rey"   
    It seems like James isn't the only one to live out a 'fandom' 

  3. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by slayLANAslay in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    i love this thread and i am fascinated that she listed Morphine as an influence. what a band and so tragically over (lead singer had heart attack on stage at a festival), 3 piece that was bass, sax and drums. assuming that she did't mean the drug, but with 'dope n diamonds' maybe it is...
    The Devil and Daniel Johnston? anyone seen this documentary yet? off to listen to his tunes
  4. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by evilentity in James Franco to Release "Flip-Side: Real and Imaginary Conversations with Lana Del Rey"   
    All my imaginary conversations with Lana involve me asking really invasive questions and her walking out.
    Also, I like how this project is named after a bonus track.
  5. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by graham4anything in James Franco to Release "Flip-Side: Real and Imaginary Conversations with Lana Del Rey"   
    Lana should do the Spoken audio book of this and that would be an easy way to get a Grammy award for BEST SPOKEN WORD as James Franco was nominated last year for
    his latest book Actors Anonymous
    (and award like that is somewhat like Matt Damon and Ben Affleck winning their's for something other than acting.
    A grammy is a grammy, an Oscar is an Oscar
  6. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by eternixy in James Franco to Release "Flip-Side: Real and Imaginary Conversations with Lana Del Rey"   
    Quick, release FLIPSIDE as a single for #promo ~
  7. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by strange weather in James Franco to Release "Flip-Side: Real and Imaginary Conversations with Lana Del Rey"   
    lbr, i'm gonna buy the fuck out of this. no doubt.
    but ugh, imaginary conversations?? you just gonna confuse us MORE, lana? oh well, hope it keeps lanalysis going 
  8. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by LittleFool in James Franco to Release "Flip-Side: Real and Imaginary Conversations with Lana Del Rey"   
    My biggest hope is that the "real" conversations are honest and clear up confusion. Yet I have a feeling this book will plunge us into further turmoil regarding the enigma that is Lana and her life can't wait though
  9. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by Intriguing Penguin in Lana in L.A (19th July 2015)   
    Like an American.
  10. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by PinkVelvet in Lana in L.A (19th July 2015)   
    you're fucked up. stop perpetuating this idea that unless she's borderline scrawny she's chubby. if you saw her walking down the street as an average person you would not think 'that is a chubby girl' and if you DID you're an even bigger asshole because her weight right now is totally fine. get a grip seriously. putting on 5-10 lbs does not make her go from skinny to "so chubby" you giant baby.
  11. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by letsescapelizzy in Lana in L.A (19th July 2015)   
    I think Lana looks great. (i know people say there is a image to maintain, and so on and so forth), but thats my view on it.
    She can look any which way, and its fine to me.
  12. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by strange weather in Lana in L.A (19th July 2015)   
    hate her bangs separated like that, but ugh @ the comments about her weight. so what? idgaf. 
    also, i wish there were threads for each of her pap sightings   they don't always get posted to the misc thread.
  13. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by Swan Song in Lana in L.A (19th July 2015)   
    Isn't her MacBook's screen cracked too? I remember that from the rolling stone article 
  14. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Lana in L.A (19th July 2015)   
    she isn't chubby. her legs look totally fine. she clearly needs another haircut. she could lose some pounds. it ain't that much. i am just confused why she is going for a look that does not suit her. 
    get rid of the bangs and make your hair lighter
  15. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by luckyonewithoutyou in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I just thought of this, what if the Weeknd guy is in one of Lana's music videos like A$ap Rocky
  16. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    So you know how Lana has said that in a lot of her songs (like West Coast and Video Games, for example) one portion of the song is based on reality and the other is focused around her inner fantasies… well, I think Honeymoon is another one of those songs...
    The verses seem to be about reality - her experiences with her lover have a slower instrumentation which could symbolise how reality isn't as grand or exciting as her fantasies. The instrumental intensifies into the chorus, where she sings about a 'honeymoon' with her lover, most likely what she envisions within her head, hence the more complex instrumentation. It's quite fitting the 'dark blue' lines are right before the second verse kicks in, as it shows Lana sliding back into the reality that is life with her neglectful lover.
    The bridge is almost an amalgamation of reality and fantasy - describing realistic qualities of her lover through deep imagery. Lana then slips back into the chorus again for the last time, which has a very dreamy sound, then starts singing the 'dreaming away your life' lines, which to me, indicates that she is finally acknowledging that she is torn between reality and the world inside her head. The scatting towards the end is a symbol of Lana getting lost within her dreams. She attempts to soften the problems she encounters with her lover by escaping to a world of her own inside her mind, where they are both happy and untroubled, however, deep inside of herself she is aware that dreams do not last forever - she is 'dreaming AWAY' her life. Although she knows that her mindset is detrimental, she can't help but turn back to it every time she remembers that things are not as smooth with her boyfriend as she wishes and dreams about. Honeymoon isn't just a song about being hopelessly in love with a bad boy, it's much more than that - it's Lana explaining how she has created a world within her head she can escape to when no other coping mechanism is enabling her to get by.
    Anyway, that's just a quick explanation of the summary I've come to after having Honeymoon on repeat non-stop since it came out. Please expand on this if you have any of your own ideas
  17. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by rivieragirl in Novel ''Off To The Races'' Is based on?   
    I love hearing Howl read aloud   I completely agree that Lana's writing (particularly what we've heard of it in Tropico and Ride) is heavily influenced by Ginsberg and Nabokov, in that her words are both semantically and sonically expressive. I remember reading Lana say that she admired how Ginsberg used words to paint, or something of that nature.
    I want to see the movie Howl too 
  18. rivieragirl liked a post in a topic by slayLANAslay in Novel ''Off To The Races'' Is based on?   
    Hearing Howl, the way the words are emphasized...the sound and cadence and resonance of Phrases reminds me so much of how lana writeshttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MVGoY9gom50
    And whaddya know, James Franco in the movie Howl reads it too. Maybe I need to see this movie
  19. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Novel ''Off To The Races'' Is based on?   
    She also quotes from Allen Ginsberg's 'Howl', which is a poem worth reading (and may be the first mainstream use of the term 'hipster', although here it's about heroin addicts).
  20. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by rivieragirl in Novel ''Off To The Races'' Is based on?   
    Found this thread just because I was reading Lolita earlier and the line "...that mad year (August 1947 to August 1948)..." made me think of 1949 when Lana sings "we're in the Pontiac from July to July". Of course there are wider similarities between Lana's music and Lolita but actually I would say Off to the Races reminds me more of the film Scarface than Lolita (book or film). I always picture Tony Montana when listening to Off to the Races   
    I would add A Streetcar Named Desire to art similar to Lana's. Blanche's line "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers" is very similar to Lana's "I believe in the kindness of strangers" in the Ride video. I think there are other similarities between the character of Blanche DuBois and the character of Lana Del Rey (in her music, at least). Ride also reminds me a lot of Whitman's Song of the Open Road.
    I agree with others who have mentioned Breakfast at Tiffany's (Carmen is very similar thematically to Breakfast at Tiffany's), and on the topic of Capote I would recommend In Cold Blood for certain Lana-esque themes following the dark side of the American dream or the underbelly of society.
    It's so interesting to read about art that is reminiscent to others of Lana's music, would love to see more discussion about this
  21. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by RJT90 in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    Song has grown on me - makes a hell of a difference with headphones. Nevertheless, I hope the album isn't too monotonous. Hopefully some pacey, non-sleepy songs in there...
  22. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by SoftcoreBabyface in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    Oh! Hey there! I don't find it odd at all.. I lightweight stalk just about everyone who links their social on here. I am the Queen of Link Juice!! (that's a joke)   
  23. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by CatchTheBreeze in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    Here you go. (click on image to enlarge)

  24. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by cinnamon in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    I like it but its too slow for my liking.. hoping MTWBT is more upbeat
  25. slayLANAslay liked a post in a topic by SarcasticBeauty in SONG PREMIERE: "Honeymoon"   
    It was boring af. Tbh. Like Im so glad she said some songs would be "muddy trap" because I couldn't take a whole album of this. It was slow and sleepy. That's just my opinion. But this is Lana boards so I know someone's gonna try to come at me for how I feel.
    That breakdown/bridge was fire tho.
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