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Everything posted by TRENCH

  1. Lana or the hacker? EDIT: Neil Krug follows them :0
  2. lmao the only thing is that I'm not sure i they aretalking about Katy or Lana
  3. Just in: apparently Taylor Swift and Kylie Jenner got hacked at the same time
  4. Today Lana's twitter got hacked by an unknown perpetrator Screenshot will be posted: By @ by: @@evilentity


    Has all the instrumentals leaked yet? I only have Needed Me
  6. This is not directly to you, but what is the point of Ben Mawson's existence, honestly?(what's the point of having him when Lana seems to be the actual/only decision maker?) What is Interscope letting her do and not do? Where exactly did she lose her drive?


    This is the most lowest and disrespectful thing I have read from you
  8. I do understand what he is trying to propose. what i think is better, is for posts to be post-worthy, as there are many posts that are either two words or irrelevant to the topic/thread, and i think that is something every individual can try to change
  9. For unreleased correct song names: is it ?? Trash Magic Trash (Magic) or Trash is it?? Puppy Love (Marilyn Monroe) Marilyn Monroe (Puppy Love) Puppy Love or Marilyn Monroe is it: Bollywood Hawaii or Maha Maha (Demo) is it: Wrong Is It Wrong or Is It Wrong? is it: Hit and Run Hit It and Run or Hit & Run and what is it with C-Note and Hundred Dollar Bill (and the demo) what are the correct names for those two?
  10. is this what you guys are talking about? http://picosong.com/BKge/
  11. nothing...yet, because the server is not letting him upgrade
  12. Either Kill Kill/Lizzy or Serial Killer/Rock Pop Lana vibes
  13. I swear Lana has dresses like this.. Almost exact blue dress and sweater
  14. doesn't she say I'm fluttering, fluttering in love ?
  15. The vocals are much clearer..hmm
  16. TRENCH

    Ariana Grande

    why does Japan always get Extra Deluxe editions?
  17. TRENCH


    I forgot her music
  18. It would make an excellent Skrillex/EDM co-production, I was just making up a remix on my head this morning
  19. Listen to Art Deco while driving at 1AM on empty streets at high volume
  20. Someone bought it. And he's Being a bitch to me
  21. So he's lying? Brb sending him this
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